A fiber question???

(deactivated member)
on 3/27/09 11:23 am - Phx, AZ
Help!  Help!  Help!

OK... I am now 4 months/1 week out from my revision.  I have done very well.  Yes, the issues of poops and all are SLOWLY dissipating.  Yeah.  I am down to my goal of 145.  BUT.....I saw a nutritionist a week ago.  She said I need to add more complex carbs to my diet.  So, I have been... beans, more veggies... AND in the process I stopped taking the Benefiber, of which I had been taking 4-6 daily.  Along with the nice weight loss, I have a "flatter" tummy, which is nice...the bloating had virtually dimished from post-op days.  I also have cut out so much of the GasX and the Kaopectate, which I "thrived" on for 4 months.

NOW...my problem.  For this past week, since no Benefiber, I have EXTREME upper abdominal bloating, resulting in TIGHTER pants, pain, and more importantly, difficulty breating.  I do not know if this is a result of the stopping of the Benefiber or what.  I am not able to eat what I should, because I feel STUFFED all the time, altho I am not. 

IN ADDITION... over the past 5 weeks or so, I have had 2 "bouts" or "attacks" of pain in the upper abdomen, lasting for 3-4 days, fatigue, shortness of breath, etc, etc, etc.

HAS anyone had anything like this???  I should not be having this terrible bloat and discomfort.  Am getting nervous and frustrated here.
Deanne K.
on 3/29/09 7:57 am - Tucson, AZ
I think you will want to talk with the Dr.  More than likely, he will tell you to add the fiber back.  You shouldn't be having the abdominal pain, so give the Dr. a call.

(deactivated member)
on 3/29/09 12:26 pm - Phx, AZ
Hi Deanne:

2 days ago I added the fiber back...just wondering if it would make a diff.  Nope.  Actually, about 6 weeks ago, I had an "ache" in the upper middle of my abdomen, under the ribs, which hurt when I bent over...lasting for 3 days or so.  I didn't think anything of it.  Then about 3 weeks ago, I got it again, only it was BAD... I thought I had perhaps overeaten both times, but esp this time, since it was bad...it hurt to move, to tie my shoes, to sit, stand, bend, lay.....it lasting 4 days this time.  Since then I am increasingly bloated, in the upper (liver area) of my abdomen, and esp more towards the R.  As each day progresses, I feel a pressure (altho not having pain at present since 3 wks ago), which is radiating to my upper back.  Hence, I have seen a PCP, who is looking into something, and has ordered tests, inc a further blood workup besides the vitamins.  Tomorrow I am going for an abdominal  ultrasound as well.  Personally, I don't think that this is just a period of "bloat"... it is unusual, esp now 4.5 months post-op... as I am EXTREMELY more [noticeably] tired, both my mom and a few others say I look 'yellow', I have more chills (even w/the warming temps), I have shortness of breath, and more noticeably--I have NO appetite.  I eat just a sm amt, and I feel like I cannot eat any more...that is UNlike me... because up until this point, I have been hungry ALL THE TIME and I eat every hour, happily. 

Anyhow.... this is frustrating to me, and I have been down.  Hopefully they will find something...it will be much appreciated to find out that something IS wrong. 

Thanks for your feedback and letting me 'spout' a bit...I have been feeling alone. 
Deanne K.
on 3/29/09 12:40 pm - Tucson, AZ
I hope you are also getting enough water.  With the increase in fiber you really need to double the water.  Hopefully they will figure it out soon and you will get relief.  I would also let the surgeon know what is going on, he will help you.  He would probably send you for a CAT scan and not just an ultrasound.   I know how frustrating it is for you to know there is something wrong and no one really believing you.  Be your best advocate and let all the Dr.'s know what is going on.
on 3/30/09 8:59 am - Layton, UT
Hey there hot lil Lizzie G!!!
Don't be feeling all alone about things!  Just give us a shout out and we'll have lots of opinions and hugs and maybe even some info!!!

I just got back from a long visit with Dr. Simpson and Darcie about my similar issues.  I am now and forever on a glutten free diet!  I have yet to dig into the deep research and the science of it but I stopped by Whole Foods on the way home and just did a little tour of the possibilities.  Holy Cow!  I will be having foods that I have been avoiding for a long time cuz I thought they were no no's!  Apparently oodles of his post-op DS'ers and Distals have had great success with the grain free lifestyle.  They have me on very basics for 2 weeks and then I can slowly add foods to my list so I can figure out which things cause the pain "bloat". 

I'm actuallyl VERY excited that theres hope for a fix without climbing back onto the surgery table!!!

I'll keep you posted!

You feeling any better?

Revision 12/26/07
At Goal
(deactivated member)
on 3/30/09 9:08 am - Phx, AZ
Hi Joyce:

I am home today feeling YUCKY...migraine...mostly...  but I did go in for my upper abd ultrasound.  I am hoping something comes of it...really.  I have NO appetite.  I can't figure it out...because I am getting in very little food due to not WANTING to eat, and then because when I do eat anything, I get immediately bloated and my R side aches.  So, I dunno.  I just dunno.

Have you not been gluten free anyhow???  Or how does it work?  I have added some carbs... meaning good ones... altho I am at a loss at present which new ones to add due to how I am faring.  Let me know what you are adding...I'm interested in knowing.

Also, the Bio-Identicals are in place... probably why the migraine today...  Why do women have to have all the hormone issues?  Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to BE a man.....  no PMS, PMDD, someone to cook for me, clean for me, launder my soiled panties.....  Ug.

Lizzie G
on 3/31/09 3:04 am - Layton, UT
On March 30, 2009 at 4:08 PM Pacific Time, Lizzie wrote:
Hi Joyce:

I am home today feeling YUCKY...migraine...mostly...  but I did go in for my upper abd ultrasound.  I am hoping something comes of it...really.  I have NO appetite.  I can't figure it out...because I am getting in very little food due to not WANTING to eat, and then because when I do eat anything, I get immediately bloated and my R side aches.  So, I dunno.  I just dunno.

Have you not been gluten free anyhow???  Or how does it work?  I have added some carbs... meaning good ones... altho I am at a loss at present which new ones to add due to how I am faring.  Let me know what you are adding...I'm interested in knowing.

Also, the Bio-Identicals are in place... probably why the migraine today...  Why do women have to have all the hormone issues?  Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to BE a man.....  no PMS, PMDD, someone to cook for me, clean for me, launder my soiled panties.....  Ug.

Lizzie G
Hey Miss Lizzie G!
I'm hoping those bio-meds will work some magic for you.  Migraines, bloating, pain......NOT a good formula for a HAPPY lifestyle!  I"m sooooo sorry!

Nope, I haven't been "gluten free".  I've been LOW CARB and have stopped including any of the whites in my diet, i.e. rice, pasta, potato, sugar, flour, etc. BUT I have done some 'whole wheat' AND I have had products that are heavy duty laced with gluten.  I didn't realize that my body now has a reaction to gluten  like a severe allergy.

I was on Google for hours last night and am stiunned at all the gluten that is iin everything!!!!  Fast food is almost out of the question since there's gluten in salad dressings, seasonings, etc.  Cross contamination in cooking eliinates the things that may be safe.  There are very few restaurants that offer a "gluten free" menu.  Holy Cow!  I may have to start preserving/canning my own recipes so I can have some blended flavors again like ketchup!  Canned "anything" is suspect as is packaged "aniything". 

I've got a pot of dried pinto beans soaking and some fish and chicken thawing.  I have fresh spinach ready to go and need to hit Sprouts for a list of gluten free supplies to have on hand.  I basically need to clean out EVERYTHING in miy cupboards and refrigerator.  Taco seasoning, gravy mixes, condiments, etc. 

I am NOT happy  today at all!!!  Since there aren't any WLS support groups going on tonight....I'm going to see if there are any celiac support groups around.

If I find out Crystal Light singles has gluten then I'm going to slit my wrists!!!!  I may even poor myself a tall .................Diet Coke and be rebellious!!!!

  PIty party going on!  ......

I hope your news involves remedies and answers and relief soon!

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