Revision RNY to DS

on 2/23/09 1:56 pm, edited 2/23/09 1:57 pm - GA
When I consulted with Dr Schlesinger last year, I specifically asked for the DS but was talked in to the ERNY,  heck I was all confused as he kept telling me how much riskier the surgery  was and all I really needed was the intestinal portion done which was like the DS without all the extra risk.

Later when I called back for more clarifcation as I still wanted the DS I was then lead to believe that I was infact going to get the DS. But Dr Schlesinger does not do revisions from RNY to DS which is what I am.

 It's a good thing that I ran into the DS folks or else I would have been baited and no switch and been one pissed *****!!

First goal met: I'm back in my Skinny Jeans!!!!

I maybe down, but I am not out............I AM GETTING MY DS, BY ANY  MEANS NECESSARY!!!

Approved on 04/10/09
Scheduled for my Revision to DS 05/18/09 


on 2/23/09 2:22 pm
 Thank you, 2Xacharm,  for validating what I have been saying.   This doctor appears to be a MASTER at confusing and manipulating unsuspecting patients!   It is SHAMEFUL!

And, Joyce, just so you know. It was all of your posts about this doctor that got my attention in the first place.   I was looking for a revision doctor to recommend to a friend who doesn't own a computer and wanted me to check out OH.   Then I started reading all of your posts on the revisions board (there were such raves about one doctor that I  bookmarked you) and followed you over to  the AZ board to read more about this great doctor.  

It ALL started with YOUR POSTS around the summer of 2007!   It quickly became BLATANTLY obvious that, not only were you and Dr. Schlesinger employed by the same place (Dr. Gitt), but that it must have been part of your job description to promote BOTH of them.  And, now you have help from some others and EVERYONE knows who THEY are.   I'm not saying any money is trading hands (as some have suggested), but to an outside observer (and that's all I am - all I've ever done is READ), it's mighty odd.  

And, the same people are promoting him on the Revisions as well as the AZ board.  NO one else pushes their doctor like your group does.   It's so obvious, that a woman in Canada has even commented about it on the Revisions board so I am not alone.   

IMHO, it has worked in the opposite way.   I would NEVER recommend for my friend to go to a doctor who has so little business that his patients feel the need to procure business for him just to keep him in their state.   From OH postings it's also clear that he has held three different positions in less than 3 years and was supposed to leave the state at the end of 2006.   I'm not saying he's not a good surgeon.   He may be terrific!  I don't know one way or the other.   What I do know, is that people always seem to  come out of his office with the ERNY (if it's a revision) or an OPEN procedure, even if it's a virgin one (unless it's a lapband).   I've only read of 2 people on OH who have gotten the DS from him and, for all I know, they may really have an ERNY and be confused like so many others have been.  

I could care less what surgeries this doctor does.   I could care less what surgeries you've all gotten.   WHAT I DO CARE ABOUT IS SEEING PATIENTS USE THIS WEBSITE AS A FREE ADVERTISING OUTLET AND BUSINESS GENERATOR FOR ONE PARTICULAR DOCTOR!!   If he needs to advertise, let him take out a PAID AD like the other doctors do.     He used to have one, let him put it back up!
on 2/23/09 2:06 pm - Layton, UT
On February 23, 2009 at 6:27 PM Pacific Time, DianaCox wrote:
That's nice -- that wasn't what the OP asked, and Joyce implied that Schlesinger could revise an RNY to a DS and he doesn't -- he essentially always tries talking the patient into an ERNY.  I have heard of several people who (1) were given an ERNY when they thought they were getting a DS; or (2) walked away from Schlesinger when they realized what he was trying to do.
"I have heard of several people who (1)  were given an ERNY when they thought they were getting a DS"

Really?  Name them. 

That's rather a vague accusation to discredit a surgeon, don't you think?
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


on 2/23/09 2:39 pm, edited 2/23/09 3:52 pm
On February 23, 2009 at 10:06 PM Pacific Time, JRinAZ wrote: On February 23, 2009 at 6:27 PM Pacific Time, DianaCox wrote: That's nice -- that wasn't what the OP asked, and Joyce implied that Schlesinger could revise an RNY to a DS and he doesn't -- he essentially always tries talking the patient into an ERNY.  I have heard of several people who (1) were given an ERNY when they thought they were getting a DS; or (2) walked away from Schlesinger when they realized what he was trying to do. "I have heard of several people who (1)  were given an ERNY when they thought they were getting a DS"

Really?  Name them. 

That's rather a vague accusation to discredit a surgeon, don't you think?

What Diana says is TRUE!!!   There were two patients who posted on either the Revisions or the DS board who were patients of Schlesinger's and thought they had the DS.   It was sometime between August and December of 2008.   One had even flown in from out of state for surgery.   They were both answering someone else's questions about the DS revision and  talking about their DS's.   Upon closer questioning, it came out that they both really had ERNY's, but were sadly CONFUSED!   

I'll let YOU go though all the old posts to find what they wrote.   Do you own research for a change!

And, while you're at it, why don't YOU post all the names of those fortunate patients whom Dr. Schlesinger has ACTUALLY  given the RNY to DS revision??  Hmmm?   How about  those he has given a virgin DS?   I can only count TWO here on OH.   (And, I'm still not sure they aren't "confused") Maybe he has 100 or so who don't post here?   What, cat got your tongue??

Hard to believe he could have done THAT many DS surgeries during the 1-1/2 years he worked for Gitt.  Especially given the difficulty and lengthy appeal process in  getting insurance companies to pay for it.   And, his previous employer, Barix Clinic, was an RNY factory that STILL doesn't do the DS, so exactly where would have have done all these DS surgeries you and yourg group of cheerleaders keep saying he's done?

Like I've said before, if someone is looking for a referral to a surgeon who does the ERNY or who wants a VIRGIN RNY done OPEN - then, your doctor is the "go to" guy in the entire state for it, just please stop pushing him as something he is not!   AND STOP USING OH AS A FREE VENUE TO DO IT!  Let him take out a paid ad!
(deactivated member)
on 2/23/09 10:57 pm - San Jose, CA
SheriAZ and My_Time for two: ision-from-RNY-to-DS/.  Sheri admits she was mistaken -- My_Time STILL is posting about her "revision from RNY to DS" but talks about her pouch.  She STILL doesn't know what surgery she had.  And she traveled all the way from Maine to get less than she was promised.

Dr. Schlesinger is a "bait-and-don't-switch" surgeon.  And you and several others are violating the TOS by constantly promoting him in your posts.
on 2/24/09 2:16 am - Layton, UT
On February 24, 2009 at 6:57 AM Pacific Time, DianaCox wrote:
SheriAZ and My_Time for two: ision-from-RNY-to-DS/.  Sheri admits she was mistaken -- My_Time STILL is posting about her "revision from RNY to DS" but talks about her pouch.  She STILL doesn't know what surgery she had.  And she traveled all the way from Maine to get less than she was promised.

Dr. Schlesinger is a "bait-and-don't-switch" surgeon.  And you and several others are violating the TOS by constantly promoting him in your posts.
2 confused patient's certainly adds up to "several"!  LOL!   At some point, patient's may want to ask a few questions and KNOW what type of surgery they are having.  It's called being "responsible" for one's choices!

I find it humorous that YOU are preaching the Terms of Service to others!  But then YOU have NEVER pushed any particular surgeon, right? Or surgery types?  Or lists?  Or opinions?

My OPINION is that Dr. Schlesinger is an excellent surgeon with outstanding repoire towards all he associates with; especially his patients. 

If other surgeon's in AZ were the topic, I also have opinions (from personal experience) to share regarding them.  But, people tend to ask me about my revision so Dr. Schlesinger's name is the one that surfaces for that conversation.   I'm sorry if my chatter rocks your agenda.
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


on 2/24/09 8:08 am

You asked for names,  SHE GAVE YOU NAMES.   I noticed how you COULD NOT provide any names to support your contention of all those RNY to DS revisions he has done!   Oh, and where are the names of all the virgin DS's he has done?  

And, once again, Miss Joyce, when YOU are PROVEN WRONG, you dance around the issue and accuse others of  malfeasance.

No one is saying that Dr. Schlesinger is not an "excellent surgeon".   What IS being said is that (a) he confuses his patients into having the ERNY by manipulation and misstatement of facts and (b) that YOU and your "posse" utilize ObesityHelp to PROMOTE, ADVERTISE and otherwise PROCURE patients for  him.

on 2/24/09 8:24 am - Layton, UT
On February 24, 2009 at 4:08 PM Pacific Time, StacysMom wrote:

You asked for names,  SHE GAVE YOU NAMES.   I noticed how you COULD NOT provide any names to support your contention of all those RNY to DS revisions he has done!   Oh, and where are the names of all the virgin DS's he has done?  

And, once again, Miss Joyce, when YOU are PROVEN WRONG, you dance around the issue and accuse others of  malfeasance.

No one is saying that Dr. Schlesinger is not an "excellent surgeon".   What IS being said is that (a) he confuses his patients into having the ERNY by manipulation and misstatement of facts and (b) that YOU and your "posse" utilize ObesityHelp to PROMOTE, ADVERTISE and otherwise PROCURE patients for  him.

LOL!  I will admit to being a "selective reader" !  I always skim over junk email!  So, pardon my ignorance if I missed the part where you demanded I name patient's who have had a DS.  Well, since I don't work for Dr. S, that would be somewhat impossible now wouldn't it?  And, since I just rubb shoulders with them as buddy's at support groups then I definitely wouldn't go selling them out just to make the likes of you have something else to target.

If guiding people to DS revisions is your ultimate goal in life then just spend your idle time hopping from forum to forum with "the list" and leave us alone!  Gheesh!  It's sooooo old by now!  I have other things to do.......(as she heads off to a support group!)

Go fish!
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


on 2/24/09 9:17 am
 So, then it is FAIR for YOU to DEMAND names, (which were provided to you) but not for anyone else?   

And, if what we're saying is "junk", you and your little group are  sure feeling a need to provide a bunch of weak and inconsequential answers.   

My goal is NOT to guide people to DS revisions.   If someone wants an ERNY, they should have it.  I am just trying to make sure that potential patients are given CORRECT information and not MANIPULATED (by some doctor's agenda) into getting a surgery that they didn't want in the first place.  Even you have said on here that, if you had it to do over again, you would have gotten the DS the first time around!   Why didn't you?  Probably because you didn't even know about it.    Your doctor didn't present it as an option.

I hate seeing people unhappy two years after some doctor talked them into a surgery to suit the doctor's own agenda, be it where that doctor has expertise, or because insurance pays quicker - and I've seen it happen over and over again.

Look, what happens between a doctor and a patients within the confines of the doctor's office is no one's business but theirs.   It's one thing for a patient to walk into a doctor's office and be misled by the office girl or the doctor himself.   It's quite another to have 5-8 people purposely posting misinformation on a public website that thousands of people read and tend to believe as fact because they are hearing the information directly from their peers who are not thought to have any vested interests at all.

(deactivated member)
on 2/26/09 6:09 pm, edited 2/26/09 6:47 pm - AZ
"It's quite another to have 5-8 people purposely posting misinformation on a public website that thousands of people read and tend to believe as fact because they are hearing the information directly from their peers who are not thought to have any vested interests at all." 

That is from your quote and that is what I have been saying about some DS people. I am so glad you pointed it out to everyone !!!Most DS people I talk to are not like you or your group. I think your foolish and your group to think I have several ID's on OH but I can't be bothered with it. How come you hide behind your dog picture like coconut girl. Is it because we will recognize you. Your other ID's have no picture of your self. What are you afraid of ? We all post are names and pictures. At least Diana show her picture. What about other people that post about there good doctors and want to share it with others?  There is nothing wrong with that at all. I interviewed 3 other doctors before I picked my final one because no one does revisions from RNY to ERNY is AZ. The 3 other doctors wanted to put a lap band on me when I don't even qualify for one. I have good restriction but need the malabsorbption part. I wish I had the luxury to go see DR Rabkin but he does not take my insurance out of state and can't afford to pay cash. I am so lucky to have what I have got with Dr Schlesinger. I know plenty of his DS patients from meeting them in group. They don't post on OH because of their own reason's.  No one know his true stats. Seems like OH does not up date them for a long time. I don't work for DR S and I know you don't either so we don't know what they are at this time.  OH or some one pulled his advertisement down because DR Gitt was paying for it. Dr S is trying to get his office up and running with Dr Simon. I guess when they have a chance they will have the corrected stats on OH and have their own website. I don't think our "Posse" is misleading to no one. I go to a Hematologist and think she and her office are great. I will promote her and pass business cards out. There is no law against doing that. I also have a doctor that I am not nuts about and I won't recommend them or pass nothing out. I only have to Endocrinologist that I can pick from. There is no law against that either. So your making something out of nothing to stir the pot. Are you going to attack the women that is promoting DR Hustad today ? I thought it was great that she posted about this doctor in Kentucky.
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