Head Hunger ....Help!

Gena L.
on 1/11/09 6:08 pm - Sun City, AZ
Head hunger was not a problem for me until the last three weeks or so.  Some of you know what is going on at my house.  I am NOT hungry but suddenly I want something...not much...just a taste or so, here, or there. I know I can not eat a large amount of anything....it makes me sick but I find myself wanting something......pure old stress eating. My weight is at it's lowest point right now and this is the last thing I want to deal with at the moment.  I try to take a walk when the feeling beginss but that does not always work. I have stepped up my protein drinks hoping the feeling of fullness will help....so far no luck. Please....any idea?...everything feels so out of control right now...including me.



on 1/11/09 10:55 pm - Layton, UT
On January 12, 2009 at 2:08 AM Pacific Time, Gena L. wrote:
Head hunger was not a problem for me until the last three weeks or so.  Some of you know what is going on at my house.  I am NOT hungry but suddenly I want something...not much...just a taste or so, here, or there. I know I can not eat a large amount of anything....it makes me sick but I find myself wanting something......pure old stress eating. My weight is at it's lowest point right now and this is the last thing I want to deal with at the moment.  I try to take a walk when the feeling beginss but that does not always work. I have stepped up my protein drinks hoping the feeling of fullness will help....so far no luck. Please....any idea?...everything feels so out of control right now...including me.

Hey there sweetie pie!
You've got heavy stuff going on.....soooooo......prepare your battle stations!  Make haste to the nearest grocery store and stock your cupboards with "alternatives".

Nibbling can be soooo evil!  "We can eat an entire elephant one bite at a time"!  So, don't let our teeny tiny tools fool us into thinking they guard our systems from calorie and carb overload...NOT!!

Newbie's often have the misguided thought that I have lost ________pounds and they are "gone forever"!  Nope.....just hanging out til the munchies and nibbles are back!

You KNOW what's up and you are a brilliant woman so kudos to you for seeing the deamon before he takes control of you!  Get ahead.....  During this learning curve (stressful time) bring out some of the old basics and add a few new tricks as well.

Back to basics with:  counting (weigh and measure at least every other day for a while.....some people who are maintaining their goal weight, weigh everything the first week of every month)
count protein.  Is it over 100 grams daily?
coun****er:  up near triple digits with ounces?  do you sip during your meals?  BAD!  do you drink after eating?  BAD!  Watering down our meals is the sloppy choice of the regainers.  It is usually the first and foremost reason people pack weight back on and get their little pouch all stretched out of shape.  Don't do it!
Use the basic rule:  3 bites LEAN healthy protein to every 1 bite of low glycemic healthy carb= fruit and/or veggie.
Stay away from the whites:  rice, paswta, breads, potatoes, processed stuff...they increase cravings and are emptty calories that can spike blood sugars....which follows by the crash which makes us shakey and feel like we're starving!
Always pair a healthy carb with a healthy protein.  Our bodies receive carbs like table sugar....add a lean protein with it and it slows the process and avoid spikes.  Example:
apple slice with cheese stick
almonds with berries
yogurt with  kashi lean

Fail to plan?  Plan to fail!
Plan your healthy choices ahead of time.  Shop, stock and make ready!
Boil a bag of eggs on Sunday and divide them in snack baggies for the week.
bake or roast a chicken and divide the  meat up in 2 ounce portions in snack baggies.
divide a shrimp ring up into sandwich baggies

You know what your lean faves are so just stock them up........portion control!
And.....go "la la" shopping at sprouts or Trader Joe's or Whole Foods. Buy some new finds that can sub for your cravings and stay on the healthy and low calorie side of tings.

Identify your craving!  Is it for sweet?  Maybe go on a 3 day protein fast to purge the sweet tooth.....then answer it gently with sugar free treats that are low carb.  Do you have the Muffin in a minute recipe?  Is your craving for salty?  5 salted nuts goes a long ways.....need more salty crunch?  How about a few sunflower seeds in their shells?  Pork rinds are great for salty and for crunch and are on the low carb lists.  You can even grind those up and use as a breading for fish or whatever......

Make yourself up some 9-1-1 cards that you know will take your mind off of a craving:  your walk is great but if it's raining then have 20 more ideas that will work.  i.e. call your  sister, call a support group friend,  rent a DVD, have a roll in the hay (& I'm not talking with the puppies), .....in otherwords, prepare ahead of time for the possibility of addiction transference as you figure this stage out.  Have your substitutes be healthy and don't use shopping, gambling, drinking, smoking, medicating, etc. as an option....

Lastly.....consider professional help!  I totally believe that the majority of us are or have been in mental emergency at some stage of our weight journey and that many of us live on the edge of diving back into old nightmares.  Support groups can be lifesavers.  Therapists can literally throw us a lifeline.  and....let's not forget spiritual.  Find your support wherever you can and get it all lined up and ready to call to action.

Want to take a road trip on Thursday up to Prescott  Support group?  We'll nibble along the way.....I'll have veggies, protein, etc.

Big Huggggzzzz to you for tackling things!!! 
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010   
     www.dsfacts.com , www.dssurgery.com , & www.duodenalswitch.com


Gena L.
on 1/12/09 4:32 am - Sun City, AZ
Goodness..... The right person answered!  Thursday sounds good, but we are going to be in the doctor's office getting answers...good or bad, to all this testing.  If the news is not good then all your suggestions will be even more important.  All are great ideas Joyce and most I rememered once you reminded me.  ;-)  I have never eatten pork rinds and I seem to be drawn now to salty/spicy.  I have to stick to mostly protein as my blood sugar has taken a giant leap too.  The protein fast sounds like a very good idea right now so will begin that. I will print out your message and take it with me to the grocery store. Thank you so much Joyce!


Nita S.
on 1/12/09 6:06 am - Avondale, AZ
Hi Regina, I will be thinking of you on Thursday.  When you can keep us informed, and all the best sweetie, we are here for you.

Revision 11/06/2008


on 1/12/09 8:57 am - Layton, UT
Will be thinking of you on Thursday! 

Let us know how we can support!  
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010   
     www.dsfacts.com , www.dssurgery.com , & www.duodenalswitch.com


Ann M.
on 1/12/09 9:15 am - Peoria, AZ
Gena, Joyce really knew the right answer.  I am using it as a reminder to me also because of the changes in lifestyle now that I'm working. Thanks Joyce.

Gena, I'll be thinking about you on Thursday and I've got my fingers crossed for you and Jim. 
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