Day 2 on Pre-Op....yikes!!

on 10/2/08 11:34 pm - Chandler, AZ
Can I say this is going to be a VERY LONG two weeks?  I am on day one and girding myself up for this hard part.  I really wi**** was one week verses two!  Did anyone wonder during this stage if they are going to be able to handle the diet after surgery.......I've only been on shakes one day and a morning and am thinking I am not looking forward to having tons of shakes and even less excited about eating plain chicken, etc.   I am trying to remind myself that my menu should open up a lot at the four month mark, right?  Could use just a little encouragement, I know going through this pre-diet stage is going to be my hardest part - I was always good at following Weigh****cher's and things like that, but I could never do good at sticking to a diet like this....

Any idea - can I do opti-fast or medi-fast?  I know they are more expensive, but I think I liked the taste of opti-fast and am willing to try whatever really taste good for the time being! 

Oh, can I drink coffee?  That seemed to be missing from my list of drink options.....don't see what would hurt to drink decaf??  Did any of you all drink coffee or diet sodas on the pre-diet??  I need to call and ask the office, but I just didn't get a chance while at work yesterday and they aren't open yet this AM.  :)


on 10/3/08 12:36 am - Layton, UT

Good mornin Miss Jackie!
Take yourself a big deep breath and make your plan for the day.  2 weeks or pre-op diet?  I thought you were doing one?  Sooooooo.....are you on straight protein then?  Drinks only?

I know that when I was working over in the Dr. S zone, he was allowing some patient's to have lean grilled protein along with their liquid protein drinks.  Is that the case for you?  Maybe one of his recent post-ops can chip in here.  I didn't have to do a pre-op diet with him but then I was a Revision so a bit different.... (just the 24 hour cleanse).

Shoot them an email if they don't get back to you with a phone call.  But, a typical plan for "some" patient's might be something like this:

Protein drink
(it doesn't really matter what brand or where you buy it....but you don't want to "drink" your calories while trying to up your protein grams...sooooo...try and find a ratio of about 25 grams of protein to around 100 calories per serving.  Nectar protein is about the lowest calorie ratio per protein)
2 hours later maybe 4 oz of grilled chicken breast
2 hours later a protein drink
2 hours later maybe 4 oz of grilled fish or 6 shrimp or more grilled white chicken....etc.

You see kind of a patter here.....Of course if Dr. S has you on a calorie counting program as well then the above certainly wouldn't work.  This routine works really well for any of us wanting to purge carbs, kick up protein and stay satisfied through the day.

Coffee?  Well the standard from most programs is to stay away from your brown liquids (caffeinated and carbonated)  I would "think" that decaf would be fine?  How about stirring in 1 scoop of Any Whey flavorless protein into your decaf or your warm tea or your warm broth?  In fact, the Protein drink round can be a tastey soup broth with flavorless protein, right?

This time seems huge and noone likes the first day of anything outside our comfort box.  Use your timer to remind you to eat or drink and it will seem like you're nibbling all day long.  Maybe plan to do some intensely fun projects that don't trigger foods.  Like for me ...going to a movie triggrs the need for popcorn and chocolate so I wouldn't want to select that option!  LOL!

Embrace this challenge Jackie!  This is a giant step towards your dream of healthy & skinny!

Hang on the O.H. site all day long reading people's profiles and checking out before & afters.....chant some positive affirmations to yourself.....try to change the old tapes in your brain.....makes lists of all the things you want to do when you lose weight......start checking out gyms and exercise options.....go outside and plant your winter lawn......check out fashions on-line......clean out your closet and sort your clothes in sizes so you're ready to ditch the biggies quickly  and have some smaller ones ready to go....

clean out the triggers in your house.  If you have hubby or children with "needs" then rearrange things so that he hostess cupcakes are not in their usual place... I used large bins that I picked up at Costco to put chips, granola bars, etc for kid's to pack in their lunches.  I kept them in our spare bedroom.....the one way at the end of the hall where I never roamed!  LOL!

Chatter on line.......You CAN do this sweetie pie!

Tell us about some of your goals or things you'd like to do or accomplish with weight loss?


Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


on 10/3/08 2:39 am, edited 10/3/08 2:39 am - Chandler, AZ
Thank you!  I can have some chicken and tuna.  I am just not real fond of plain meat.  The e-mail I got with what I can/can not have said no sauces.  I assume this means I can't have reduced fat mayo.  Funny how condiments could make the difference.

The good news is, even though this is hard I know I have to be strict as this is to help me with having a good surgery and a good recovery - that is keeping me faithful.

I plan on writing out the why's of why I am doing this later today and then I'll post them.

Last night was rough too because I found out that my hubby isn't overly excited about me doing this - from a selfish stand point he doesn't want the responsibility of taking care of the kids and things for my recovery time, even though he will have help from my mom and his mom.  This has me upset and re-evaluating if I am being selfish in doing this now.....I figured it would be easier to do now verses when my littlest ones starts moving around a lot (she is 4 months).
Rebecca (Becky) A.
on 10/3/08 2:52 am - Tucson, AZ
The first week or two after surgery will be the worst.  Before you know it you will have so much energy and be eating normal foods again.  Your dh is making a mountain out of a molehill and I woudn't let it stop me from having the surgery and being "healthy" again.  You have three beautiful children that you will be able to play and have fun with as they grow up.
Example 1   

~~Beckyg~~LBL and Brachioplasty 16 Jul 08

Nita S.
on 10/4/08 9:00 am - Avondale, AZ
You definately are not being selfish.  If you do not take care of you, who will be there to take care of you family if you can not?  This is not easy, doing this for you is going to make you feel better about yourself, and give you the life that you deserve it will all be worth it.  Yes you will need help in the beginning, but once you get yrou strenth back, and the doc gives you the OK, you will run circles around most people in what you can do with your kids and your husband (wink wink).  Remeber that you are worth it. 

Revision 11/06/2008


Ann M.
on 10/3/08 2:56 am - Peoria, AZ
Jackie, use this 2 weeks to change your way of eating and thinking.  No more full fat anything, fat free might taste yucky to start but it doesn't take long to get used to it.  Mustard does wonders for some tuna and chicken salad and there's all different flavors of mustard out there now.  This surgery is a tool to help you make the right choices and to start you on the road to weight loss and hopefully keep the weight off later on.  You have a nice window to change your way of living and eating and I urge you to take advantage of it.  Start gathering recipes from the various boards.  Fat free/low fat and low carb doesn't have to taste bad.  I have used regular recipes and modified them for my family.  My husband used to turn his nose up at a lot of foods but now he loves them and they're just as good for him and his heart as they are for me and my weight maintenance.

Get some soups (cream for after surgery), get some samples of protein (don't buy too much because your tastes will change) and get thee to a support meeting at least once a month to keep you where you need to be.  Everything working together - low fat/carb eating, brain/lifestyle change and support groups will round out your weight loss experience.  Good luck with your surgery and I'll see you on the loser's bench.  Ann
Certified OH Support Group Leader

Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach
Lori G.
on 10/3/08 5:51 am - Phoenix, AZ

Every surgeon is different on the expectations for pre/post op.  When I teach pre-op education class, we instruct patients to be on a liquid protein diet for 7 days prior to surgery.  They are only on clear liquids and protein.  The reason for this is to help clean your system for the surgery, physically, emotionally and mentally.  Since most patients who suffer from the disease of obesity also have fatty liver, it assists in the cleansing of fat deposits off of the liver.  This gives your body the "jump start" need to be successful from the beginning.  We also educate on not consuming carbonated beverages or coffee.  Hot tea (decaf), broth, SF jello and popsicles, Crystal Light, and protein drinks.  If you stick with this, your body will be oh so happy!  You will allow yourself a faster recovery time. 
If I can assist you with anything else, please let me know!

Lori G., BS, RN-C, CBN
Certified Bariatric Nurse & Service Line Coordinator
Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Bariatric Clinical Educator for Paradise Valley Hospital 
602-923-5612  [email protected]                                       
RNYGB 8/2003 (maintained 170# weight loss)

(deactivated member)
on 10/3/08 8:28 am - AZ

The first 3 days of the liquid protein was tuff for me. But after the 4 day it was very easy. I hardly had the chicken or turkey. I guess I was just lazy to eat it because it was my 2nd time around for surgery. I did save money buy just having the protein liquid and lost about 15 or 20 lbs preop. I really can't remember how much I lost preop. Are you going to see the Nutritionist before surgery ? I saw her before surgery.  Try to get off the coffee. No pop either. Maybe you should call Dr S's office and meet with her. I did just the one time. I will call you this weekend and you can pick my brain. Dawn
on 10/3/08 8:53 am - Chandler, AZ
Thank you everyone!  I am doing good - haven't had any soda or coffee (other than some decaf in a protein shake recipe).  It helps to know some of the reasoning for going through the two weeks.  Sounds like there are multiple "good" reasons to be doing this prior to surgery.  I was thinking it should help my system to not freak out when it isn't getting soda/coffee and sugar.  I also realize I'll be dealing with some head hunger after surgery so this is good to start tackling it now.

I do have my official Prue-op appt on Tuesday so that should help with gathering more info and I assume I'll meet with the nutritionist at that time too.

I look forward to being on the losers bench very soon........I am sure when I look back these next 12 days will zoom right on by........look at that..........I am almost through my second day!!
(deactivated member)
on 10/3/08 9:07 am - AZ
I would call Dr Schlesinger's office and ask if the Nutritionist will be there. I had a separate appt for the Nutritionist. I hope your next 2 weeks go very smooth for you....
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