So many problems

on 9/23/08 7:56 am - phoenix, AZ

I feel like I am whining but I am having such a hard time lately I don't know what to do.  I feel like giving up and I so wish I had never done this.

I can't get any of the protien shakes down all of them make me gag now, I had no problem pre op, but now that I need them I can't get more then half of one a day down.  I have a sample pack and am trying different kinds but so far no good.

I tried taking my multi vitiman today got half of it down and then started gagging and almost threw up.    And I had just eaten so I did take advice about taking it with food.

I feel very very weak, so I am not getting up and walking like I should.  I feel weak, sometimes dizzy and sometimes fuzzy, my husband thinks its from lack of protien.

Right now I am just really scared.

Not to mention I am not eating much maybe 3 times  a day 1-2 tablespoons at a time. If that.  I am also getting in less liquids, i am trying to sip sip sip but it just doesn't seem to be working.

I talked to Dr S this weekend, and I am peeing and having BM's so he said everything is open and moving so I am not afraid of a stricture or obstruction. 

I just am at a loss and need some support.  I am scared.


Lori G.
on 9/23/08 9:32 am - Phoenix, AZ


You really need to make sure you get your 64oz of hydrating fluids a day.  That consists of water, crystal light, etc.  Nothing with caffeine. You need to sip, sip, sip and set small successful goals.  If you do not get your fluids in, nothing else will matter, because you not be feeling well.  The fluid you mix with your protein can be counted towards your 64oz of HYDRATING fluids per day.  You also need to work on your protein intake, but at this point fluids are the most important thing you can do to feel better.  You do not want them hot or cold, just tepid.   Do not worry about the food intake as much as the fluid intake.  That is the most important aspect towards feeling better. 

Robyn, you have lots of support and have been down a tough road.  Keep your eye on the goals you set from the beginning prior to having your surgery.  If you need to talk, give me a call at the hospital 602-923-5612.  You have lots of people to support you, but first you have to suport yourself!



Lori G., BS, RN-C, CBN
Certified Bariatric Nurse & Service Line Coordinator
Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Bariatric Clinical Educator for Paradise Valley Hospital 
602-923-5612  [email protected]                                       
RNYGB 8/2003 (maintained 170# weight loss)

Gena L.
on 9/23/08 1:23 pm, edited 9/23/08 1:27 pm - Sun City, AZ
Robin, I can empathize....I went through all this and more. Lori is right, fluids are most important now or you will be headed for the ER to get IV fluids...I went through that 3 times and finally learned to drink enough to keep me at home. One tip I learned. Tepid water...even your old tummy prefers room temp water, tho most people ignore that. I learned to use a 32 oz container I bought at Fry's. It looks like a small version of the big 3 and 5 gal bottled water containers. I knew I only had to drink 2 of those a day to have my minimum amount of water and I kept my fingers on the bottle while reading or watching tv and picked it up for a sip every few minutes. Before you realize it is nearly becomes a habit. Before long you will find that you can take more than tiny sips and that helps a lot. One thing I was told is that the liquid in the protein drinks do not count toward water/fluid intake. The difference in programs I suppose. Dehydration causes the symptoms you mention and more, black spots in front of your eyes, lack of urine out put and especially weakness and dizzyness with blurry vision. . You can not mess around with dehydration especially living here in a hot and dry climate. I never went out without my fluid of some kind. One thing I would suggest, in my 3rd week post op I really was struggling just like you. I went to Target and bought myself a Slushie Express ($19.99). There are probably many versions of it in many stores. I then bought some of their sugar free syrups...but did not care for them and went to Smart & Final and stocked up on a few  flavors I knew I would like in the Sugar Free Torani Syrups. They have numerous flavors but be sure they are sugar free. I am 6 months out on the 3rd and I still drink at least 2 slushies daily...I bought 2 of the glasses Target had with the dome top and the straw. I LOVE my slushies and went through several weeks of crushing the ice and drinking it with plain water. Your body will guide you in what you need  if you will listen to it. When I was especially nauseated during the time my ulcer acted up the slushies were a God send. I still make them anytime I get nauseated....that happens less and less now tho just so you know ;-)

I too have problems with protein. In the beginning I tried to drink them too fast. I learned to drink it over the period of an hour to an hour and a half and I did not get so sick from it. If it is a matter of the protein...try going by GNC. They will usually make up a sample for you to try right there. Ask for your favorite flavor in the Max Pro brand. It has the least protein taste and smell of ANY I have tried. I don't care much for the vanilla but the chocolate and strawberry taste better to me. But explain your problem and let them make suggestions. I have found the 91st Ave and Union Hills store and the 91st Ave and Olive stores to be especially helpful.  My nutrionist told me to mix protein powder in any food I was capable of eating. I did not get enough the first 3 months or so  and my nails and hair are now in terrible shape...heaven only knows about my muscles...etc. That is the reason I switched to the bullets tho I know most people do not like them....I buy the 42 gm ones and drink about 2-3 drinks of it and it is then 1/2 gone. I can manage that 3-4 times daily. 

You need support groups and maybe more than you are getting?  My support group has been so much help to me. I do not know how anyone gets by with out them. You are not alone in this...we have all been through it and some have an easier time than others. I regretted my surgery also but I feel so much better now than I did at 3 months. I am now looking forward to one year as I am told there is a BIG difference at that point. Stop beating yourself up and do the best you can. No one can ask more.



on 9/23/08 2:05 pm - mesa, AZ

Your trying too hard , Focus as best as you can on the water!  Velcro a bottle to your hand ! 

   some things that worked for me  include cottage cheese,  refried beans,  steamed shrimp.  1-2  taqblespoons is great !!!  I loved the Ham Salad Basha's sells  ( most people think it's gross )  make scrambled eggs with a 1 t of mayo added in when you beat it - keeps em light fluffy and goes down well ..   

if you get sick and bring it up  - just drink warn tea to soothe your tummy!  helps ge****er in too!

if you have a walker ?? get up and walk on commercials,  or  maybe a stroll around wal-mart ?? just leave wallet at home ,,,  Give me a buzz at  480 491-1615   I will set you up with some  trials of Nectar ... I think I have some unjury  chicken soup ???

GinaU aka Jeanna 
 RNY revised  to Extended RNY 5/2008
Total loss 181 and counting 

on 9/23/08 3:02 pm - phoenix, AZ
Thank you all for your responses.  I really apprecite them.  I am getting more water/crystal light in today and that is getting better.  I will take the suggestions on the protien shakes .  I have  bunch of samples of nectar and champion that I got from enjoy health.  I will just try to keep plugging along.  Thanks again.
on 9/23/08 10:52 pm - mesa, AZ

 Set tiny goals ,,,  8 oz of water by 10:00,  another  8 by 2:00  etc....  You can do it !  your still early out and if you can get 1/2  of it in you will be doing great ,  then just keep pushing  to hit your daily goal,

Protein  is the same way -  get 1 T down  and  then go for second ,,,  I will get my ass chewed  for saying this  BUT .... Hold off on vitamins  for another week or two till you have  some eating pattern down.   your trying too  hard .

GinaU aka Jeanna 
 RNY revised  to Extended RNY 5/2008
Total loss 181 and counting 

on 9/24/08 3:13 am - Peoria, AZ
Just take tiny steps. Even with all the medical problems I went though I never once regreted having the surgery. I had the gastric bypass and was on mainly liquids and soft foods such as sugar free pudding, sf jello and I even bought the potato soup in the cans for some different taste but I had to make sure I chewed the chunks of potato. I had to do this for 8 weeks (only cause I missed my first post-op visit). I am a multi problem (medical wise) child. I have pulmonary hypertension, diabeties, asthma, high blood pressure, heart disease (3month post op open heart surgery) and I can only have half of the recomended liquid intake or I go into congested heart failure. I also had/have a problem with protein.
One gal that I met at the OH confrence gave me the name of a protien drink thats high in protien and low carbs the name of it is achiev one. I am so happy I was lucky enough to get the surgery. If I didnt get it I was going to die thats how bad I was. I am 1 yr 6 months out have lost 100 lbs and am 89 lbs to goal. I am just now allowed to do any kind of exercise by my drs. Just hang in there. It will all be worth it.
on 9/24/08 12:05 pm - AZ
Keep trying and things will get better.
on 9/24/08 5:33 pm
You sound just as I did one month out.  This WILL work out.  You are at the very hardest stage with this surgery.  You like most, aren't up to par with things and THATS OKAY.  It takes 2-3 months to get to a point where you can get the protein, water and vitimins all in.  Sure some can do it right off the bat but many can't. 

Here are some suggestions:

For the multi vitimin try Centrum chewable.  They are smaller and very tasty orange flavor.  They are also very inexpensive.  This is a nice option this early in the game.

Bariatric Advantage sells some other vitimins that are great for us as well.

As far as protein...try something like Punch Isopure or Cytosport drinks.  They are 40g protein per drink.  If you can't do the taste then mix half crystal ligh****er with it. 

Water was very hard for me for 2 months.  Try really soft crushed ice from a gas station like QT or get a cheap snow cone machine.  Sonic also sells a 44 oz soft ice cup for 25 cents typically. 

Good luck.  I promise..after 2 months you will feel so much better about everything and after 3 you will be so glad you did this.  It DOES go by very fast.  Hang tight.
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