Endoscopy THIS Monday!

Gwynn M.
on 9/13/08 1:14 pm - Tucson, AZ
Post Date: 9/13/08 8:11 pm
Hi ya'all......have a question about my endoscopy this Monday morning....

I know I'm NOT supposed to eat anything after midnight.......what abou****ER? This is my first one so I'm not sure.  Have to be in Phx. by 7:30am!

Can I drink water up until I get to Phx. for the endoscopy???  I'm coming from Tucson, long way to not be able to drink water....but won't if thats the requirement!!

I know, shoulda asked before the weekend got here!!  My bad.

Gena L.
on 9/13/08 2:14 pm - Sun City, AZ
Gwynn....I used to work Endoscopy and our patients were told to be NPO, nothing by mouth. You don't say so I assume you are having an EGD?  They don't wan****er sloshing around in there. One thing we did tell patients was that they could swish their mouth out with water...but please do not swallow it. Good luck to you!


Gwynn M.
on 9/14/08 3:10 am - Tucson, AZ

Thanks so much Gena.  I'm a bit nervous, never had one.  Is the EGD the same thing as endoscopy?? 

Jen said they would be knocking me out!  Mannnn, I HOPE so, not good at all with things being put down my throat into my stomach, however, how would I  KNOW...LOL!

I'm thinkin' I will give your advise a go. Sounds smart to me, especially since you've worked with it before!  Probably no guy either I imagine?

Jeanna told me to give Jen or Joyce a call to see also. I will probably give that a go too, providing I can find their numbers!

Thanks again!


Gena L.
on 9/14/08 5:16 am - Sun City, AZ
Endoscopy covers the gamut  of procedures done in the endoscopy dept.
I am quite certain they are doing an EGD...short for checking with a scope...the esophagus and pouch/stomach.  I had one in May as I developed an ulcer post op. Trust me...even having worked in Endo I was nervous...anyone would be unless they had been through it.  Dr Fang brought an anesthesiologist with him and I got great meds. I saw Dr Fang pick up the scope and out I went. But before I could say...WAIT I AM awake guys....out I went and I felt nothing until I woke in recovery and could not believe it was over. Not even a sore throat!  Normally for meds they use Demerol and Versed. Versed provides an amnesia like effect so that you remember nothing about the procedure. Even if I tell you not to fret...you will, it is human nature. But try not to...it will be over this time tomorrow and all will be well. I will be thinking of you ;-)


Gwynn M.
on 9/14/08 7:03 am - Tucson, AZ

Thank you, thank you Gena!  You have really eased my mind!!  I know I must seem like a big baby...(probably am...LOL!) (ok, I am!).  But I feel much, much better now after your message!

I sure hope I get the SAME meds as you did and that it goes just as smoothly!!

Thanks again!

on 9/14/08 1:17 pm - Layton, UT
Hiya there Miss Gwynn!  .....  Just thinkin about you and your pre-endo stuff you're going through!  Wishing you a safe drive bright and early tomorrow and an easy scope (piece of cake!)......I don't think I'll get to see you this time around (no longer with NVPS) so just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you and will have you in my prayers!  .....AND ....I'll see you for sure on Friday and Saturday!!! 

You'll be fine tomorrow!  Totally NO worries!!!  I"m a bigger pansy than ANYONE and it was not a big deal.......that is, after they cranked up the "stuff"!  LOL!

Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010   
     www.dsfacts.com , www.dssurgery.com , & www.duodenalswitch.com


Rebecca (Becky) A.
on 9/14/08 11:07 pm - Tucson, AZ
WHAT!!!!!  No longer with NVPS.  When did that happen???? 
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~~Beckyg~~LBL and Brachioplasty 16 Jul 08

(deactivated member)
on 9/14/08 3:47 pm, edited 9/14/08 3:47 pm - AZ

I thought I posted a comment to you yesterday and it is gone. I always sneak a bit of water before a procedure. Your bad and I am bad. I had a ton of EGD's done in the past. I had my last one in June. I usually have a sore throat and that is it. Make sure they knock you out good. I was kinda awake for this last one and I was really mad about it. I remember everything about it. I felt the tube going down me but I could not complain to the doctor. But I sure let him have it and never saw him again. You should be just fine. Keep me posted.. I read all your posts and they are funny. I just am not in to posting and would rather talk on the phone...Talk to you later.
Gwynn M.
on 9/16/08 10:44 am - Tucson, AZ

Hi again Ya'all!  I just wanted to THANK EVERYBODY so much for making me feel less nervous about my endoscopy yesterday!  You guys were RIGHT!  LOL!   Just a little freaked out cuz I've never had one and didn't know what to expect!!

May I just say that my endoscopy experience was DELIGHTFUL.  LOL.....

My doctor, Dr. Schlesinger is not only an INCREDIBLE SURGEON, but an INCREDIBLE PERSON!!  He made me feel very comfortable before the procedure when he just chatted with me. 

Here's the deal, for me, I thought to myself, this sugeon KNOWS what he's doing, he does this stuff EVERYDAY........just like I used to be good at wiring critical engine systems at Honeywell, so I should just RELAX and let him do what he does BEST!!  And I did, and he DID! LOL

My anestheologist (Scott) was awesome too!  Knows his stuff also!  My nurse (Danielle) was very sweet. All in all, I was made very comfortable for the whole deal.   When I woke up,  I was SHOCKED that it was over!!  I could NOT believe I didn't remember a THING...LOL, just like the docs promised!!  I was laughing and joking and SO RELIEVED!  Not even a sore throat!  Last thing I remember was seein' Dr. Schlesinger pick up the big longggg, black tubey camera thing  ......LOL......................................

So for anyone goin' in for the first time..........not to worry!!  LOL


Rebecca (Becky) A.
on 9/16/08 1:38 pm - Tucson, AZ
It is good to hear that you made it through the procedure.  You are so right about Danielle and Scott.  They were both there for me when I had my plastic surgery two months ago.
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~~Beckyg~~LBL and Brachioplasty 16 Jul 08

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