Proving MWG is a Liar

on 9/5/08 11:51 pm - Phoenix, AZ
MWG I want to PROVE you have been lying.
The OH event is coming up in a few weeks and I will be attending.
I want you to meet me in person at the event, you name the time and place
I will show you all of my indentification and you can see who I am in person.
I will even bring my work ID so you can see who I actually work for.
Hell I will even bring you a pay stub if it will get to you quit telling outrageous lies about me.
I want this **** to stop and this is the best way I can think of.
If you are not attending the OH event name another time and place to meet and as long as it is a public place I will meet you there.
I live and work in Central Phoenix but will drive any reasonable distance to put this bullcrap to and end.
I know I cannot stop you from saying whatever you will about MD's you have issues with, I can just ignore or block that stuff but I want the lies about me to STOP.
Given how passionate you have been about "outing" me for who you think I am I would think you would jump at this opportunity.
Please answer on the board about where and when you want us to meet.
Weekends or evenings are the best time due to my work schedule but I would even take time off from work to get this nonsense about me to stop.
on 9/6/08 12:57 am - Layton, UT

Sooooo.........y'all meetin at the O.K. Corral for this public flogging?        Sorry!  I couldn't resist!  .....  I"m sure that some feelings have been hurt and some feathers ruffled somewhere sometime be postin such strong stuff!

Turn the other cheek???  No No!  Not that one!  Gheesh!  .......  Take a deep breath and just hang with those of us who dish out positives!  See you at the O.H. party!  I'll be the one who had WLS and has lost a few pounds!   Oh wait!  That describes MOST all of us..........sooooo mu*****ommon!   Soooooooo much fun!  Such a GREAT support bunch!

Big Big Hugggzzz to you friend!

Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


Rebecca (Becky) A.
on 9/6/08 1:07 am - Tucson, AZ
Whoa!!!!!  What did I miss???  I have never seen such anger on this board.  I do not deal with conflict very well and I don't think this is the place for it.  In the future I would suggest if you have a problem with someone you message them privately and not include the rest of the board.
Example 1   

~~Beckyg~~LBL and Brachioplasty 16 Jul 08

on 9/6/08 3:08 am - mesa, AZ

 OK   I am with miss Becky on this one.   I am totaly lost  on who you are calling out ??    I will say I have never seen anything written in a bad manner about you .

I am wondering if this is a D.S. board issue ??

Turn the other cheek on this person - I would not waste any of my new energy on this type of person.  I am so happy you are on the loosing path and I am sure you have better things to do  with your time.

You know the old saying >>>> " FOOL'S  WRITING AND FOOLS FACES ARE OFTEN SEEN IN PUBLIC PLACES"     But a coward  runs and hides !!!

GinaU aka Jeanna 
 RNY revised  to Extended RNY 5/2008
Total loss 181 and counting 

on 9/6/08 4:56 am - Phoenix, AZ
My Bad I should have posted some background.
For several months now Midwesterngirl has posted repeatedly that I am not really who I say I am. Now those of you who have seen me in person can vouch for me but I just got over the top angry about Midwesterngirls continual lies.
She has insisted on the boards that I am actually Patty Lissberger who apparently works for Dr Rodriguez in MX and that I work on the boards trying to get folks to go to him. The irony is that I did not even use Rodriguez to do my surgery.  I was going to but due to a bank screw up ending up having to change.
I did use Dr Contreras so now Midwesterngirl thinks I am working for Contreras and Rodriguez trying to get folks to go to them.
I have posted about how much I liked my surgeon and how well I have done. I have not ever badmouthed another surgeon or the choice someone has made.
Midwesterngirl has repeatedly posted lies about me and my surgeon and has been rude and disrespectful.
She has repeatedly refused to say where she got her "facts" and becomes abusive when pushed about it.
I am trying to put a stop to the abuse and lies and am at wits end to know what else to do. I have given her the opportunity to "put up or shut up". I have offered to meet her and show proof of my identity and do it an a public arena so she has no reason to feel unsafe. I have explained that my Internet provider says it is impossible for me to have a CA IP address and I have asked where she got that information and how she was able to access my IP address in the first place.
I have tried ignoring her and have repeatedly complained to OH about her lies and abuse. That has not been successful.
I am about as liberal as they come and for me to ask the moderators to intervene is a huge deal as I believe everyone should be able to state their opinion freely. I draw the line however at libel and malicious disingenuous distorted truths being posted about me.
I do apologize for taking this any more public than it has already been howeve when I have tried to resolve this with her privately she has escalated, become more abusive and demanded that issues be addressed on the boards.
Gena L.
on 9/6/08 5:29 am, edited 9/6/08 5:30 am - Sun City, AZ
I can understand your being upset however I read this forum and the main forum daily and have seen nothing on either  in this vein.  If this is from another forum then it is best kept there I believe. We are a peaceful group on the AZ forum and hope to keep it that way.


on 9/6/08 7:27 am - Phoenix, AZ
My apologies for bringing stress and strife to this normally tranquil board. I did it primarily as a pre-emptive strike because I feared with the OH event coming up that Midwesterngirl might try to further malign me.
I should have kept it where it belonged. I let my anger get the best of me.
I am pretty certain she is not going to respond to me but at least I gave her the opportunity. I look forward to meeting folks I have not yet met.
Gena L.
on 9/6/08 7:36 am - Sun City, AZ
Well I have to give you credit for being a brave soul...let's hope she does not decide to meet you at the Hilton corral and shoot ot out.  Personally I think the worst thing you could do to her would be to ignore her.


on 9/6/08 7:41 am - Phoenix, AZ
Midwesterngirl has not responded and I am sure either she has seen it or one of her devotees has sent it to her.
I did not expect her to respond but felt that I need to put my offer out there in a very public way. I just needed to feel like I had done everything I knew how to clear my name. Those of you that have met me know I exist.  Hopefully I will meet many of you at the OH event in a few weeks.
on 9/6/08 9:11 am - mesa, AZ
Congratulations !!!!!!!!!!!

You have fallen into the D.S. board Trap !!  Seems they have a few who love to stir up some crap and then disapear...  they love to create drama, pit people against each other cause they know everything about everyone in every section of the world - They are the Experts !!!

Do yourself a favor and Ignore them - when they can no longer get you to respond they will go on to another person. and you will be at peace again. the more you fight the more they fight --- as long as you are happy with your surgery and Dr - That is all that should matter...

GinaU aka Jeanna 
 RNY revised  to Extended RNY 5/2008
Total loss 181 and counting 

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