Less than happy in Lakeside

on 8/28/08 9:48 am - Lakeside, AZ
I am soooo at a loss for words!!!  I had to have an ultrasound of my heart today!  Who the hell knows what for!!!  Colleen says that a cardiologist has to write on my EKG that I'm good to go for surgery....!  My PCP wasn't a cardiologist!  Then I went to the hospital, to get a chest x-ray for the CARDIOLOGIST, and they asked me when my surgery is!  I guess everone that gets surgery gets a chest x-ray, EKG and blood work done up on them.  I said "yes" to the EKG when she asked.  You'd think that an EKG from a hospital would be enough.....but N O !!!!  So I went to a REAL CARDIOLOGIST!  For no reason at all.....he sent me to get an ultrasound of my heart!  O M G !!!  I know that I am going crazy!!  This is pure bull s**t in it's rarest form!!  NOW! it's gonna take until after the fricken holiday for the cardiologist to hear back from the ultasound tech and then give Colleen a call who will then call Cindy, the happiest person that I know-NOT!, to make an appointment for me!!!

Is this the stupidest thing that you've ever heard???  Insurance is one thing......but a EKG-give me a break!!!  I just want an appointment!!


Kellyn  :)

P.S.-  My computer is fried......so I have to use my sons,  You may not hear from me for awhile.
Gena L.
on 8/28/08 3:08 pm - Sun City, AZ
I am sorry you are so upset but to my knowledge we have all been through this. My PCP started me out with an EKG in his office and then an echocardiogram. I then saw a cardiologist who did a thallium treadmill test (a nuclear study).  It takes 2-3 weeks for the PCP and surgeon to receive their copies and the result. The original EKG and echo are to show your PCP that you are healthy enough cardiac wise to go forward with the rest of the tests in prep for surgery. This is a major, major surgery and after having my RNY I can understand why they are so cautious.

Then during my hospital pre-ops I had another EKG, blood work, chest x-rays and other abdominal x-rays and a barium swallow under fluorscopy. These tests have to be completed within 1 month of surgery and this policy is followed  in any hospital I have ever worked in.

All of this is for your own safety and being so upset about it is only going to cause you grief. Dr Juarez office is difficult to deal with it is true, but we have all been there and survived.  It is a good thing to have all tests done and will ensure that you have positive results from your surgery.


Lori G.
on 8/29/08 1:32 am - Phoenix, AZ
I sent you a note awhile back on  your last post regarding this with information and a contact from WMRMC in Springerville.  Did you get a chance to speak with Patty and see if she could help you? let me know

Lori G., BS, RN-C, CBN
Certified Bariatric Nurse & Service Line Coordinator
Certified Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Bariatric Clinical Educator for Paradise Valley Hospital 
602-923-5612  [email protected]                                       
RNYGB 8/2003 (maintained 170# weight loss)

on 8/29/08 6:19 am - mesa, AZ

Hey Woman

 Hang in there ... We all had to jump through huge Hoops  for surgery !  Your not alone  we are all praying  for you and a quick and uneventful surgery.  And they do need to make sure your in top condition  for that  life changing event.

be thankful you  dont have to wait 60 days for an appt ..

Soon  you will be on the Loosers bence with the rest of us ...   I have a seat open next to me

GinaU aka Jeanna 
 RNY revised  to Extended RNY 5/2008
Total loss 181 and counting 

on 8/29/08 1:56 pm - AZ
I had gyn surgery five years ago. The EKG was scheduled for just like 3 days before the surgery date and it was decided it didn't look good. Some people have told that often women's EKGs don't look good for whatever reason. So, it was off to a cardiologist for the stress test and radioactive gunk. It was the first time I was ever on a treadmill and the idiots just blasted it right up. I wanted to bite them. I was supposed to do 6 minutes but only managed 2 or 3. Then it was on for the heart cath which told anyone interested my heart was good. That took about 3 months all in all. It could be during that time that my pre-cancerous condition turned cancerous but it wasn't enough time for it to spread. At any rate, it was good to learn my heart was in good shape despite my weight and overall poor condition. The next year, I got on a serious weight reduction and exercise plan where I lost a little weight but got me feeling better and determined never to go back there again. I got close but lost it again. So, it turned out to be a good scare.
Less is More

on 8/29/08 2:31 pm - Lakeside, AZ

Thank you, everyone.....for your encouraging words.  It's just hard to believe that during these past three weeks of running around, conducting tests that I knew I didn't need-due to the fact that I just had a major surgery one year ago-only to push the surgery further and further away from any sort of reality.  My Mom and sister keep asking me when I'm going to be scheduled.  They live in New Mexico.  Hell, I figured that my problem would be with the insurance.......not a stupid EKG!!!  I'll be lucky if I can get scheduled in September....but I'm not counting on it.  I figure somewhere in mid October.....just you watch and see.  JeannaU........I might just change my mind (and doctor) and wait for Dr. S. to get Medicare approved!  This whole mess has been BS.

Thanks to everyone for the extra umph!  It's well appreciated!

Kellyn  :)

on 8/29/08 11:10 pm - mesa, AZ

  The hardest part  for me is always the wait !! 

                    But it pays off in the end .. It will for you too ! 

Hang in there, your in for the ride of a lifetime !

GinaU aka Jeanna 
 RNY revised  to Extended RNY 5/2008
Total loss 181 and counting 

on 8/30/08 2:27 am - Lakeside, AZ
Thanks Jeanna.............I can always count on you to provide me with that one glimmer of hope.....I, also, suck at waiting.....patience is NOT in my vocab!!  But you know.... I figure there's got to be a reason that the good Lord is making me wait.    And, 'No'.....I am not a bible thumper.  Just a very determined...ME!

Thanks again, Jeanna!    You are loved!

on 8/30/08 3:44 am - mesa, AZ
Hey when you finally get you date - Let me know so I can come and  walk ya around the track at the hosp.  Your only about 3 miles from me when I am at work !!  I am right by the airport !!

GinaU aka Jeanna 
 RNY revised  to Extended RNY 5/2008
Total loss 181 and counting 

Deanne K.
on 8/30/08 9:51 am - Tucson, AZ
You know I had to go through all those tests too.  EKG, ECHO and 2 day Stress Test, X-rays, Pulmonologist, etc.  It is all worth the wait.  They are only doing this to make sure that you are healthy enough to undergo anesthesia.  Your health can change in a year and it's in your best interest to do these tests.  I had to do these with both of my surgeries and I waited 6 months to get a date for the first one after hiring a lawyer to fight the insurance company.  Even my cardiologist told me that if I didn't have surgery within 6 months that she would want to re-evaluate me again for clearance.  So keep your chin up and do what you know you have to do to get approved.   Jump through the hoops that they want you too.
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