I'm a bit down! Tummy trouble and plato

on 8/5/08 7:31 pm - AZ

Hi Everyone,


I'm feeling a bit down right now... Two things. One I have a tummy bug....but not having the tummy and it going right into my bowl is something I'm not crazy about. Very Very painful. I went into the ER and they did a scan on me, nothings wrong. Thank goodness. I was worried. I'm 11 months out on the 25th of this month. I called Dr. J and he told me he thought it was a GI illness of some kind. I went to the ER anyway. They stated that it was a bug but because I only have a pouch that my bowls are dealing with it. That it's always going to feel this way with a bug the flu and such.... What to do for it? Pain killers.. RIGHT I have a soon to be 2 year old and I home school my 7 year old. Anyone have any idea's? PLEASE! I also found out I have a bladder infection which doesn't help right now. I have had two since my WLS? Is this common?


The next thing.... I have done it. I have hit a Plato.( am I spelling that right?)  I'm a little over 100 pounds out and I need to get to 184 for my 1st goal! 2nd is 150. Im about 200 now.  I'm taking my vitamins, protein. I eat small amounts. I need to drink more water but for the most part I do okay. I'm not as active as I was in the beginning. My walking is almost none. I want to start going to support meetings. And I need more ways to drink my protein.... Anyone have any ideas? I could use all the help I can get at this point.

Posted By:
~Fun loving Mormon~
 Husband's Best Friend
  ~ FREEDOM Activist ~
Hard Core Constitutionalist
~ Home Schooling MOMMA~

Ann M.
on 8/5/08 9:28 pm - Peoria, AZ
Shannon, I'm sorry you don't feel good.  It's the pits when you get a stomach bug.

Plateaus are very normal.  It's your body catching up to the weight loss.  Check your inches and see if you're still losing there.  Also, you need to eat.  Not just small amounts but at least 950 - 1250 calories a day and less than 30 grams of fat.  Your body is probably used to the small amounts of food you've been giving it and is holding onto everything you put in.  Protein drinks are ok to get 1/2 your protein or so but you have to get the other 1/2 from food.  I do at least 100 grams of protein a day and only get 17 from my protein drink (AnyWhey in a shake).  I know that if I cut my calories way down for more than a few days, my weight would go up but if I vary my calories, the weight loss was pretty steady and now I maintain (except when I don't eat enough).  Try adding more food to your diet.  Use Fit Day or Daily Plate or something to keep up with your calorie, fat and carb count.  There are some great foods out there that give you protein but not a lot of calories.  An example of what I eat:  breakfast - yogurt with AnyWhey, piece of toast, & a piece of fruit; lunch - Lean Cuisine (320 calories & under) and a small salad (I eat at my desk so it takes forever for lunch if I'm on the phone.  Dinner - chicken, salmon, steak, lean pork with a few forkfuls of rice or potatoes and 1/2 cup of vegetables.  I also have healthy snacks that have protein.  Some out there have 15 grams, but they are expensive.

It's really pretty easy to get a lot of protein from food and at 11 months out, most people should be getting a lot of protein from food and supplementing with protein drinks.  You also need to get to a support group.  You will get lots of answers to questions such as plateaus, how much protein, etc.  plus having the camraderie of people who have been there and done that is great.  Start walking more at the mall (leave your debit card or money at home) or do swimming.  It's great if you have a backyard pool because you can do laps. 

Also, don't worry about hitting your goals.  You will get there with some great food and lifestyle management.  Good luck and come on over to Banner Estrella on Saturday morning at 10:30 to check out our support group.
Certified OH Support Group Leader

Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach
Gena L.
on 8/6/08 5:05 am - Sun City, AZ
Ann, I would be interested in what you use for a snack?  I am using small amounts of good cheese or very small amounts of reduced fat peanut butter and 2 multi-grain cracker sqs. Would appreciate suggestions please.  I prefer not to use any kind of protein bar.

Not functioning well today nor is thought process. I am in the grip of fibro pain from toes to tips of what hair I have left...want the monsoons gone! Plus over did with house work....I am not as totally over the surgery as I thought ;-)



on 8/6/08 6:14 am
Don't tell me you still don't feel "over the surgery".  I worked Mon and Tues but scared myself Tues morning.  I got so weak after my shower I thought I would pass out.  I laid down and couldn't even finish a sentence.  I fell asleep and woke up feeling much better about 10:00.  (I NEVER SLEEP IN so that was weird in itself).  I took today off to regain my strength.  I guess 4 weeks isn't enough time either.  UGH!!!
Gena L.
on 8/6/08 7:40 am - Sun City, AZ
Oh...sorry you still having surgery "moments".  I am much better and have wonderful spurts of energy but then if I am not careful....I learn the hard way...I really over do and yesterday was clean the bathrooms day and I scrubbed walls, base boards, bead board and the floors.  Yeah I got carried away....and found muscles I never knew I had about midnight last night. I am sure this weather is not helping. 

You may want to keep an eye on your BP...it could be a little on the low side. I had that problem for a month or two and for some reason it would make me feel the same way after a shower.  Truthfully it was 3.5 months before I began to feel "good" again. Now at 5 months and 3 days I good most days. Only a tough one occasionally ;-)  See you Saturday?


on 8/6/08 5:25 pm - AZ

Thank you for the info. I hit the LA Fitness tonight and goodness did it feel GREAT! I did about 40 minutes of the bike and tredmill. I also did some upper arm work for about 10 min. I will eat a bit more.  Banner Estrella? Where's that at?

Posted By:
~Fun loving Mormon~
 Husband's Best Friend
  ~ FREEDOM Activist ~
Hard Core Constitutionalist
~ Home Schooling MOMMA~

Ann M.
on 8/6/08 9:39 am - Peoria, AZ
Gena, I usually do 1/2 cup of fat free cottage cheese with sugar free fruit cup mixed in.  I buy the ones at Walmart that have Splenda.  They are about 1/2 cup of fruit with 50 calories.  Thi****s the spot about 9 at night (or whenever I wake up out of my recliner).  I don't do peanut butter because of the fat (even reduced).  I suppose I could but then I have to watch my fat really close all day to plan to have it that night and I tend to get upset if I sleep through and don't get my snack that I saved up fat & calories for, lol.  I also have been known to do a bit of soup with some Anywhey.  I'll add a couple of fat free crackers just to thicken it up a bit. 
Certified OH Support Group Leader

Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach
on 8/6/08 5:28 pm - AZ
Hmmm the soup sounds very good. Im gonna try that.

Posted By:
~Fun loving Mormon~
 Husband's Best Friend
  ~ FREEDOM Activist ~
Hard Core Constitutionalist
~ Home Schooling MOMMA~

Ann M.
on 8/6/08 9:07 pm - Peoria, AZ
Shannon, Banner Estrella is in the west valley at Thomas and the 101.  It's a long drive for you but if you feel like taking a ride, come on over.  We'd love to have you.
Certified OH Support Group Leader

Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach
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