A photo of Juarez?
I was reading in a forum........not sure which one (I skip around, trying to learn as much about this surgery as I can) but she was talking about having an appointment with Dr. Juarez. She said that this guys hand (she wasn't saying who the guy was.....a CNA, doctors assistant?) was shaking so bad she got out of there ASAP and never looked back. She saw a different surgeon and had the surgery done there. I'm wondering if there is a photo of Dr. Juarez anywhere. Is he really that old? My husband had an ingrown toe nail taken care of by an elderly doctor and he thought he was gonna die......hell, I thought he was gonna die (I was in the room with him while he was having it taken care of. If anyone can direct me to a photo of the good doctor, I'd appreciate it. I've already decided to have him do my surgery, just a little curious.
Dr Juarez is my surgeon. He is definately NOT old. I would guess he is in his mid to late 40's. He has a few grey hairs but for the most part his hair is still very dark. I don't have, nor have I seen a photo of him. ...nor have I ever seen Dr Juarez hands shake. His partner Dr. Fang is even younger.
that's what I thought. Before I started out on this journey, I had seen, what I thought was a picture of him and Dr. Fang. I didn't think he was old either. But after reading that..........I wish that I could remember where, I kinda got scared. I go to a seminar this weekend for Dr. Juarez. My husband is going with me. I'm very excited.
Two out of three say fifties...well I have never been really good at judging ages LOL! The only thing about Dr Juarez is that at the seminars he is very quiet and soft spoken. I was surprised when I had my first appointment with him and he was much more talkative. I have heard others say the same thing about him. His personality just does not come out at the seminars I guess. I have had a number of issues post-op....nothing that was directly related to my surgery though. He has been wonderful with me everytime I have seen him and I most enjoyed him when he came to talk to me in pre-op holding just before my surgery..lots of smiles and assurances. He has provided me with wonderful after care too and my husband liked him as well. Good luck with planning your surgery
Oops...I forgot to add that he will give you a choice of surgery at St Luke's or at Good Sam. I chose Good Sam for reasons of my own but I hear St Lukes does an awesome job also.