Plastics in One Week!

Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &
Thanks Joyce. Good advice as always. Skin Graft....ouch is right. I'll be thinking of you.
I have been getting together some comfy clothes that I can wear right after surgery (housecoats that snap up the front; sleeveless, button up blouses, pull on bottoms. Will be going grocery shopping this weekend for some soup and stuff I can bring with me to the hotel. I need to make that list of phone numbers for Joe so that he can let everyone know how I am after surgery! I am a scrapbooker so I have that stuff all ready and have been stocking up on some movies to watch while I'm sitting in that recliner. I have been checking out the "plastics" board and looking at some before and after photos. I have complete faith in Dr. Gitt and the man upstairs. I know what I'm feeling is "normal"!!!!
You do know that 20 Sep is also my 2nd re-birthday.