How to cook fish?
I think it depends on the type of fish also. We eat mostly cod which is mild tasting white fish. It only needs to be cooked until flaky, so it does not take long. If I bake it I arrange it in a glass dish....lay lemon slices over it and then sprinkle with parsley. Just bake it in a 350º oven and when the meat begins to flake when checked with a is done. I also cook cod with a coating of crumbled Ritz cracker mixed with a spray or two of I Can't Believe It Is Not Butter Spray. Roll the cod in the crumbs to coat the top and sides and then cover with a few spoonfuls of a good marinara sauce.....and you have cod pizziola! It really is excellent this way and sure keeps it moist.
Like most meats I can only handle a few bites. The price we pay for our new lives
. I am having a hard time learning to cook for basically one person...I always make too much. Hope I get past that one day.