The class was on the 26th but you had a special day that day. So you are going to be going in July for your post-op. I will be calling you on Tuesday to firm up everything for surgery day and we can go over everything when I call. ( I will be on vacation until Tuesday). I will email you Monday night so you can have your questions ready.... Have a great holiday, Jen
First and foremost, Jen, you need to get on your vacation and quit worrying about me.
Secondly, I can release a big AH HA! I didn't go to the nutrition meeting. That makes sense now. That is the part that I feel is missing and now I remember why, I DIDN'T GO! UGH!! I will calm down now. PHEW!! I don't have questions as much as I feel like I don't know what to do and what to take after. Now I realize I don't need to worry about that for awhile after surgery, I will calm down. I guess my nervousness for the procedure is manifesting itself in worrying about vitamins and diet post-op. Kind of misplaced.
You need not worry !! Jenn's got ya covered..
Now seeing that she was up all hours of the night posting, packing and getting ready to leave .. I felt compelled to leave her a voicemail.. 5 things I am sure she has already heard
1. Are we there yet ?
2.I'm hungry - can we stop at Mc Donalds?
3. I have to go potty / Bathroom ?
4 Mommy - Sister keep****ting me ?
5. How much Longer ........
of course Jenn and Todd's response is most likely ... close your eyes and sleep !!