Why bypass over lap band????

on 6/19/08 3:01 pm - Okotoks, Canada
JUst wondering why people pick the bypass over the lap band when it is so much more invasive.  I am going to do the bypass too but just want some opinions or info.  Thanks Eydie
342/298/280175  highest / surgery  wtNov 19/08/ current/ goal
on 6/20/08 1:54 am - AZ
I had several reasons.  First of all the thought of something foreign being inside my body with a port running right up underneath my skin frankly creeped me out.  Second, I didn't want to have to be constantly going in for fills and unfills.  Third, I wanted the malabsorption that RNY provides, I knew if I went for the band I would be able to eat my way out of it because it does not have the stricter food restrictions of RNY.  After considering all of these things and doing my homework, I felt RNY was going to be a more successful choice for me and I haven't had a day of regret since my surgery. Rebecca
3  1/2 Marathons down!!! Getting ready to try a marathon!
Day of surgery - 252.5 Highest weight - 269 Goal weight - 134, reached!!


on 6/20/08 2:23 am - Glendale, AZ
I initially was going to go for Lap Band. Then, after doing a lot of research and getting feedback from people who have had either Lap Band or bypass, I decided to go for bypass, which I'll have on June 30th! It sounded to me like it would be easier to "cheat" with Lap Band and I felt I needed the more strict guidelines for myself. Good luck!
Sarah V.
on 6/20/08 2:34 am
It's an very personal decision and has to be based on your own medical history and eating history.   Personally, I have never been a big snacker or a sweets eater.  I make healthy food choices BUT I'm a bulk eater.  If an 8oz steak is good, 16 must be better.  Add a giant baked potato, some asparagus and don't forget the salad and appetizer before all of that.   I knew the band would help me control my portions and that was what I really needed.  Also, I can't eat bread, pasta or rice because my band doesn't like them.  As far as food choices, those were my biggest weakness.  They are off the table now. I was also willing to lose weight slowly.  I'm fortunate that hasn't been the case and I've had pretty quick weight loss. Lastly, I did not look at the Lapband as the final choice.  I gave myself the option of revising later if I failed.  For me, it made sense to go with the safer, less invasive procedure first, fully intending that it would be successful, but with the thought in the back of my mind that if it wasn't, there were other options down the road.

Lap Band September 2007 / Slip discovered March 2014 after significant regain / Revised to VSG April 29, 2014


on 6/20/08 4:14 am - Surprise, AZ
I too started thinking the Lap-band is the way I wanted to go.  The thought of changing the way my body works is a really scary idea to me.  I had doing anything that my body should be able to do on its own.  Just taking medications for me is a hard thing.  I do it because I MUST but do not like it.  I have type 2 diabetes and it is getting very hard for me to control it anymore.  After a lot of thinking about this I feel because of my issues the bypass is the best option for me.  I also know someone that is like me that has the lap-band.  He lost weight at the start but now is right back where he started.  I do not want this.  I do not drink soda or eat sweets.  My problem is what and when I eat I eat way more than I should.  I do not know what full feels like anymore.  I see and hear so many people eating around the band that I do not want to be in that position.  I was thinking to myself the other day that if I had control of my eating I would not be where I am today.
on 6/20/08 4:52 am - Tolleson, AZ

If you can exercise and know that the lapband will be best for you I would do that.  If I could do it all over I would do the lapband.  It was after I had RNY that I learned the malabsorption only lasts 18 months then your body heals itself. Of course your pouch is still small and hopefully not stretched.

The only way to keep the weight off is to exercise  and count calories, eat small portions without WLS, with lapband or the RNY.  WLS is a tool to lose weight.  Sure I've lost weight with the RNY.  I'm only 8 months out.  There are people who don't make their goal weight within the 18 months and start to gain.  The only way to beat it is to educate ourselves, exercise, change our food mind sets and control our eating habits.  It should be a way of life.  I am a type I diabetic and I do not have to take injections anylonger. I like that.  Infact, I'm having just the opposite effect now and my glucose levels have been dropping to below 50 in the middle of the night.  I have to see Dr. J next week to see what's up.   I do remember him saying that lapband is for more active people.  Unfortunately no one knows how their bodies react to either surgery until it is done.  There are success stories and issues with the surgery. Go with your gut feeling on whatever your research turns up and you feel is best for you. 

I was similar to you as I loved fine dining.  Before dinner drinks, appetizers, salad, entrees, wine, dessert and after dinner port.  Now it's exercise, protein, veggies and my starch last per the program.   Hopefully a nice tummy tuck which I'm going to ask Dr. J for a referral so my insurance can pick up most of the cost.



on 6/21/08 8:01 am - Okotoks, Canada
Ray , if I didn't know better I would think I had written that post,,,it is exactly how I feel!!     I am not willing to go on this way until I die of diabetic complictions or end up losing a limb or my sight...so I'm doing it.  Keep in touch and good luck.  Eydie
342/298/280175  highest / surgery  wtNov 19/08/ current/ goal
on 6/20/08 9:56 am - AZ

The bottom-line is VERY simple, if you’re not willing to follow the directions of what you place in your mouth and if you do not exercise then either Lap Band or RNY will not work for you. I had a choice to have RNY and my insurance would have covered the surgery provided I did their song and dance routine, but I chose to pay out of pocket and have Lap Band. It was a no brainer for me. I like the idea that my body is going to absorb the nutrients I put into my body of which RNY’s have difficultly because a big junk of their intestines has been bypassed. Getting the proper nutrients is a big deal and keeping the nutrients in your system is even a bigger deal. Also I did not like the idea losing my hair due to a protein deficiency.  In 52 days of being post-op I have dropped 54 pounds while on the Lap Band and I have slacked off on my exercise due to family crises the last few weeks. My goal is to be down 150+ pounds in less than 1 year and I know that I will reach my goal. It’s all about making a lifestyle change. For me Lap Band is less invasive, can be removed, and it works!!!


on 6/20/08 11:28 pm - Mesa, AZ
My decision to pursue the lapband echos Sarah V's above nearly exactly. Less invasive, and more suited to my personal eating and lifestyle issues. My brother got a Bypass, I got a Lapband and hopefully we will both be right in our choices in the long run.  His issues differed from mine and he chose a different course.
on 6/21/08 1:26 am - Okotoks, Canada
Thanks for your input everyone.  I guess we all do what we do for different reasons.  I have had type 2 diabets for 28 years and the neuropathy and retinopathy are getting to be a real problem and I have the beginnings of kidney complications so I feel that I need to get things under control ASAP and it appears that the bypass will do that.  My PCP tells me to just go with Dr. Blackstone's recoommendation as she is the expert.  I guess the fact that I live in Canada and will only see her once on Oct. 8th then have surgery on the 29th kind of scares me because she doesn't really know me at all.  However I understand that she is an excellent surgeon,  Some times surgeons aren't concerned with your lifestyle issues or other disease processes you have , they just want to do the surgery....hope this will not be the case.   Maybe I am just worrying too much and should just get on with it and accept my decision. Anyhow thanks for the input and support.  I will be staying in Mesa until the end of March 09 so at least I can get in some of the followup stuff.   Eydie
342/298/280175  highest / surgery  wtNov 19/08/ current/ goal
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