What do YOU want?
Obesity Help is coming to
I’m helping their fantastic Event planners come up with the program that will change our lives!!!!! We want YOU to be jazzed up and have the BEST event yet!!!
Have you met anyone who has had WLS that inspires you?
If so, would you mind sending their contact info via private e-mail to Joyce as well as a bit about them? [email protected]
Do you know any big ticket personalities that have had WLS or are planning on having WLS that you would LOVE to hear from?
Are there any specific topics you would love to see addressed at the O.H. event?
If we have a fashion show, would you like to participate in it? (if yes, then send your details to us)
Do you have any specific concerns about this event that we could address to make the event a success for you and others?
Have you attended other events before?
If so, what did you like the best?
What was most memorable at the event?
What do you wish could be improved?
What things would make YOU feel like you wouldn’t want to miss this event?
Make you feel most comfortable?
Thanks so much for taking a second to help us all out!
YipppppppppppEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Fun ahead!