MShawn62 is up to bat!
Thanks for the words, but I have bad news. My surgery was cancelled AGAIN. I'm losing count how many times this has been and I'm so very dissappointed. My Doctors office only told me that he is unhappy with the level of care at Banner Goodsams and is looking for another surgery center. They did say they I would be first scheduled when he finds a center. Does anyone know anything else about what is going on with Dr. Villares and Banner Bariatric at Goodsams?
I was logging on to wish you good luck,,and I read the bad news!! I am so sorry. I had my surgery at Banner Goodsam's on McDowell and they took care of me all right. Something must have happened to one of the DR's patients. I hope he gets you rescheduled this month!!
Thanks Sandra. I hope so too. In the mean time I'm looking for a surgeon who takes Tricare Prime. I tried this (looking for another Tricare provider) back in Novermeber when and I could find none.
Thanks for the thought,
Thanks for your words Lynsey. It feels good to have people outraged with me. Unfortunately I'm pretty sure Dr. Villares is the only Doc in the Phoenix that takes Tricare Prime. I've heard a lot of great things about Scottsdale Bariatric and would love to go there if I could.