Preop labs done...appointment next

on 4/22/08 4:34 am - AZ
Well I did all my preop labs at Scottsdale Shea yesterday.  What a breeze!  Took me about an hour and half to get them all completed.  Now I just wait for the appointment with the surgeon.  I know there have been some people trying to decide whether to go with the new guy at Scottsdale Bariatric.  I am still on the cancellation list to try to get a date with Blackstone but am also proceeding with my date with Dr. Sprunger, so I will let you all know my experience with him when I meet with him on the 7th.  I can't believe I have less than a month to go! Rebecca
3  1/2 Marathons down!!! Getting ready to try a marathon!
Day of surgery - 252.5 Highest weight - 269 Goal weight - 134, reached!!


on 4/22/08 4:53 am - Glendale, AZ
Let me know your experience with him I am still debating wether to go with him or Blackstone.. I spoke with Joanne today and she gave me some rough dates.. They are waiting on my sleep study results to determine the timeline for my surgery.. If I have sleep apnea and its bad then I will be going on July 6th with Blackstone or if I dont I go on Aug 12th.  If I decide to go with the new doctor I could be in as early as June 23rd.. I go today to get my results from my sleep study, so as soon as I find this out and get a date I will let you all know..


*Surgery Scheduled for July 8th!! YAY
on 4/22/08 5:56 am
Awesome!  I have to go do mine there next week. Tell me what you had to do and what they did PLEASE!  I am feeling nervous. Thanks! Lyns
on 4/22/08 10:36 am - AZ
Okay, I am probably going to give you too much detail b/c I know what I stress about isn't actually doing something but the logistics of doing something. is my day: First, I must say the elderly volunteer folks at the hospital are FANTASTIC! They are sweet, helpful, and will walk endless hallways directing you to your location. I went in the main entrance, it's easier and there is complimentary valet parking. I got there at 8:00 am. Asked at the front desk where to go and a volunteer walked me to the outpatient laboratory. (Pretty easy...head towards the cafeteria then follow the signs to outpatient lab). Asked at the window and was told to take a number and wait for the registration lady. About 5 minutes later she called me back, took the lab scrip and set up everything in the computer. I was sent back out to the waiting room. 5 minutes later they gave me a cup to go around the corner and give my urine sample. Dropped that off, back to the waiting area. 5 minutes later, the gal called me to take my blood samples. She was fantastic, hardly felt the stick at all and they took 3 quick vials. Then it was off to radiology. She was going to give me directions but a volunteer was bringing somebody over at that moment and so she walked with me to outpatient radiology. I was directed to a changing room and given 2 gowns to put on, one as a gown, one as a robe, put my stuff in a locker and sat down to wait in the dressing room area. Xray tech got me about 5 minutes later, they were doing some contrast xrays which were going to take time so he walked me to the old radiology section, then that machine was being worked on so we walked to xray (all of this in my styling hospital gown outfit, but I figure I'll be doing plenty of gown hall walking after surgery so whatever). Xray took about 5 minutes. You do it standing up, one facing the machine, one from the side. Back to change into my clothes and asked at the radiology info desk and the volunteer walked me over to the cardiology lab. Rang the bell for service, waited 5 minutes, had the EKG which took about 5 minutes. I just had to lift up my shirt, she attached all the eletrodes and cords, that was it. The End! It was very simple, very efficient, everybody was helpful and in total from main entrance back to my car took about an hour and half. Quick and painless! Hope that helps relieve some of the unknown.
3  1/2 Marathons down!!! Getting ready to try a marathon!
Day of surgery - 252.5 Highest weight - 269 Goal weight - 134, reached!!


on 4/22/08 2:08 pm
OMG thanks for the detail, you're awesome.  Now, how did you know that you had to go to all those places.  My script is so vague.  Did they know and tell you?  Also when you had to lift your shirt up for the electrodes...did you get a female?  Bra on or off? Thanks, Lyns
on 4/22/08 2:19 pm - AZ
Once they saw the scrip, they knew where I needed to start. just start in the lab and they'll take it from there. My EKG tech was a female and I got to keep my bra on. I think she would have just reached under my shirt but frankly that's weirder for me so I just lifted it up.
3  1/2 Marathons down!!! Getting ready to try a marathon!
Day of surgery - 252.5 Highest weight - 269 Goal weight - 134, reached!!


on 4/23/08 5:08 am - Glendale, AZ
This is awesome information.. I am saving this post for when I have to do this!! Great detail.. Thanks so much!


*Surgery Scheduled for July 8th!! YAY
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