Sleep test
I just got home from my sleep test. I was PRAYING that I would have sleep apnea since that was my list chance on my insurance's co-morbidity list. (No co-morbidity=no pay). I felt like holding my breath all night.
The whole experience was kind of weird. Who can possibly sleep anything close to normal when they hook you up like a home entertainment system. I had more wires than my DVD player!
This morning before I left the tech said "Yes, you have apnea." Of course, my insurance book says I have to have "cardio-pulmonary problems such as: hypoventilation, severe sleep apnea, etc. " Who knows if I am going to be severe enough.
I am just ready to have a plan. I feel like I just need to know if this is going to happen. I don't do well in the land of "maybes". I keep telling myself to be patient and enjoy the journey. UGH!!!!
I had my sleep test two weeks ago, and I agree with your home entertainment comment. After she got me all hooked up. I thought how in the world am I going to sleep? Not only did they have me wired from head to toe, they also had a camera on me all night. I asked the tech, what happens if I can't go to sleep? She said oh you will. So when I was ready for bed she walked to the door, turned out the light and it was pitch black. In that environment, I guess she was right! LOL
Mild sleep apnea here, but in the report they said it could be treated by weightloss. My Dr. is hoping that will help my case. Hang in there and have hope that everything will be fine.
Enjoying my new life!
*Surgery Scheduled for July 8th!! YAY
My wife knew I have it. She had told me for years that I do. The first night at the sleep study I well asleep early in the morning so they never tried the CPAP on me. I had to wait 2 weeks for them to tell me I averaged 88 attacks an hour. Now I know why I am always tired. The Doctor had to now send me back to try the CPAP and figure out what level I would need. This time it took a little while to get to sleep but when they got me up at 5:15am I was doing pretty good. I went home and did not work on my Reef Tank which I have not been doing for a while since I had no energy. My wife said I had a smile and was in a better mood. Man one night! I week later I got my CPAP. Last night was the first night I have used it. WOW. I am doing well today. I can not wait to goto bed and use it! BTW my setting is 13