My surgery date was canceled... new psychologist?

on 4/15/08 12:32 pm - Albuquerque, NM
On April 14, 2008 at 2:41 PM Pacific Time, lynsmyster wrote:
I am telling and begging you, switch offices!  You WILL not get the support you need.  Its to much bad blood.  If you switch offices if you can avoid it, don't tell them another office denied you.  You want them to look at you openly.  Just ask for a copy of all your medical records.  I would not give them the psych eval I would just get a new one.  I don't know what your BMI is but if you loose 20 pounds you may not qualify for the surgery with your insurance. Double check.  I know the drive sucks and everything but I think you need to look at either a near by city like Prescott or Phoenix/Scottsdale! UGH.  I am soooo frustrated for you.  Keep me posted.  Lyns
lynsmyster, ok, now I'm REALLLLY curious....  what is the bad blood in the Flagstaff office?  I have gone through all kinds of test there and still have a stress test to do.  I have been very happy with everyone except maybe one doc who couldn't remember anything I told him from one moment to the next.  If there are problems in the office/facility that I'm not aware of I would sure like to know.  I what to know ALL the good AND bad of not only the dr's but the facility before I let them operate on me.  Because I have a very messy health history I am not comfortable "settling" for someone or something that is not going to go 110% for me.  Could you please explain and thanks in advance. Katherine

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
Unknown Author
Failure is only a fact when you give up. Everyone gets knocked down, the question is: Will you get back up?

on 4/16/08 4:14 am - Flagstaff, AZ
I really think the surgeons up here in the Flagstaff office are amazing, they are very nice and considerate and they actually put time/effort into you, because it seems like they truly want a better future for you. BUT the only people I had problems with was the nutritionist (Sarah): the first time I went to her she disapproved me, and I was so upset that I balled in her office for like 30 minutes, so embarassing! But I feel now, looking back, that she disapproved me the first time because my eating habits were pretty bad. Then the second time I went to see her it went much much better. And she approved me. But the psychologist I saw (Langsdorf) seemed SO nice in person, I actually felt like I really liked him the first time I met with him. He never hinted to the fact that he was going to deny me for the surgery while I was there with him. Then this next time I went back to see him, I told about all my plans for BEFORE and AFTER and DURING my surgery, that I had a DATE and that my MOM was going to be staying with me... WHY I had chose that particular date, everything!!! And he acted the whole time I was in there like he felt I was doing good and like he was planning on giving me the go ahead for my surgery. BUT then I called my surgeons office a week later, and they said he disapproved me AGAIN! And they were forced to cancel my surgery date. So I don't know, but the only person I really have and issue with is the Psych, but the Flagstaff office has two recommended psychologists listed, so maybe you can go to the OTHER one LOL...
on 4/16/08 1:24 pm - Albuquerque, NM
Thanks for the info, Jaclyn.  I had my "visit" with the Psych last week and I felt like it went really well.  He basically told me I would be a good patient (attitude wise) and that I had a good attitude with no baggage from my childhood (I guess that is a comman thread with us fluffy folks).  I met with Sara yesterday and that also seemed to go really good.  I think I have a somewhat added advantage with what is required...  I had colo-rectal cancer and had to have my entire colon removed.  Because of that I have to chew my food EXTREMELY well and I have to drink tons of water (both big pluses when it comes to WLS)  Because I have no colon it is darn near impossible for me to eat anything with fiber, hence, I fill the void with meats, potatoes and all those other high calorie things.  I will certainly have to make a diet change but the chewing and water drinking won't be a problem.   Wishing you good luck and getting approved again!  I can't imagine the totally sinking feeling that this has caused you.  Keep your chin up and stay positive!  You're in my thoughts. Katherine

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
Unknown Author
Failure is only a fact when you give up. Everyone gets knocked down, the question is: Will you get back up?

Sandra C.
on 4/15/08 8:04 pm - Phoenix, AZ

Your Pschycologist sounds like a control freak. That is sooo mean what he did to you. I would be furious and crying at the same time. I am so sorry for you!! I can really relate to what you are going through. I to, had a bad experience and wasted a year and a half going with a Dr and her cohorts. I finally said "Enough" and quit before I had a nervous breakdown. I felt like a puppet being yanked all over the place. I finally took the advice of a coworker and started all over again with a Dr that she had her surgery through. Before I did though, I collected all my records from the previous Dr's office. That was a good move because it prevented a lot of duplicate testing. I started with the new surgeon in January and had my surgery last Tuesday. No fiddlefarting around at all. So I would really recommend what Lyns is telling you. It would most likely be worth it to come here to a Dr. Best of luck!!

on 4/16/08 4:03 am - Flagstaff, AZ
I love the "fiddlefarting around" lol... that is awesome, I have to use that word now! haha... made me smile! But anyhow, I went to see my PCP and he was upset that the psych didn't approve me because my Doctor really wants me to have this surgery, so he is getting a copy of the psych's evaluations of me, and then we are going to go from there to see what we can do. My doctor said he will see what he can do so that I can get my surgery date back, I was so happy, I meet with him this Thursday (the 17th) to see if he got anywhere. I am hoping that he will call the psych and tell him that the medical reasons for me needing the surgery outweigh his (the psychologist's) biased views/interpretations of weather or not I'm "ready" for the surgery. I am SO ready for the surgery lol. So we will see what happens! I really like my surgeon up here, and most of the people I have had to work with to get this surgery approval, the only thing holding me back is that psychologist. So I think that if my PCP can't pull anything off with him, I will definitely find a different psychologist and get a new eval and then just go with that! I hope that works... haha...
on 4/22/08 3:37 am
Hi Jacyle, As a psychologist I recently wrote an article for OH to prepare folks for the psych exam.  You might want to read it.  You can get a copy from me if you PM me or see it online at OH Hope it helps Dr Mike
Michael L. Sakowitz, Ph.D. is a psychologist (NJ 35SI00148700) and member of ObesityHelp's Mental Health Board.  By posting, he makes no promises, guarantees, representations, or warranties, expressed or implied, and assumes no duty or liability with regard to the information contained herein.  This post is not intended to diagnose or treat any physical or mental condition.  No professional services are being rendered and nothing is intended to provide such services or advice of any kind.  No website or informational post can take the place of seeking professional help.  If you need professional help of any kind, please seek the services of a professional or dial 911.
Rachel B.
on 4/22/08 8:56 am - Tucson, AZ
VSG on 08/11/08 with
I'm so sorry to hear of your problems.  I'm so glad I'm self pay!!!

"...This one a long time have I watched. All his life has he looked away, to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. What he was doing..."

Rachel, PMHNP-BC

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