Anyone have Any Good Poultry. Ground Beef and Fish Recipes??

on 4/14/08 10:59 am - Tolleson, AZ
You're eating all the recommended foods on Dr. J's nutritionists list.  And the recommended amount during the liquid and puree stage is 3 tablespoons.  Each of those little med cups is 1 tablespoon.  Your right on track.  You can tell when you have too much your pouch will fill tight.  I would call Jenel the nutritionist and ask her if you can have 1 more little spoon to feel satisfied.  Her staff answers and call back the same day.  Have to maintain or the pouch will stretch.  By the time you get to 6 months post op you should be able to eat a half cup, 4 oz, no problem.  At your stage I couldn't stand creme soups unless they were made at a restaurant.  You're doing good..  ...I was sick the first week I was home with a bad case of dumping and I had to call the nutritionist cause I wasn't familiar with reactions to food yet.  When you introduce new food to your system, do it at home.  Just incase the food doesn't agree with you. How are you feeling otherwise? Candy
Gena L.
on 4/14/08 12:57 pm - Sun City, AZ
Other than the very loose stools every night for the last 3 nights I feel pretty good. Still sore of course.  The loose problem just started after my PCP took me off insulin and put me on 500 mg of Metformin in the AM and Pm. Knowing this could happen I asked what to do and he told me to cut them back to 1/2 tab and watch my sliding scale but I have also added a dicylomine tablet which I used before when having this problem. I hope this passes soon as it is bad enough that I am afraid to leave the house. We went out to eat (cream of potato for me) last night and were headed to a movie but had to come home as pouch was not quite right. It was the correct decision I learned 15 minutes later. Good advice about adding new food. I have not dumped yet as I am paranoid about sugar. I had so much trouble with the Tylenol in the beginning. I cut them in 3 pieces and they would still stick in esophagus so I bought liquid Tylenol....when the cane sugar touched my lips it frightened me. So it is still sitting here and I learned quickly to swallow the whole caplet. Tonight is the first meal I have cooked since coming home. I have severe fibro and almost stopped cooking as the tile floor just doubled me up in pain. by the time I finished a meal.  I am so looking forward to losing about 30 pounds so I can cook again! It will be a different type of cooking as hubby is a cardiac patiet with 6 MI's behind him but healthy is what it is all about these days and with eggface's help we will get there! Gena 


on 4/14/08 3:38 pm - Tolleson, AZ

Please call the nutritionist and let her know.  Are you documenting what you are eating and note the times and affects you encounter.  Per Dr. J, we should be constipated for the most part because of the protein.  I became lactose intolerant after surgery.  I can't drink milk or sugarfree pudding.  Although I do eat it because I crave something sweet in the evening and choc pudding hits the spot. We"ll get through it.  I'm so sorry about your fibro.  I hear it can be so painful.  Do you belong to a fibro support group?  I drink the liquid tylenot without any problems.  I have to crush all my pills excet the vitamins.   Let me know how you are doing tomorrow......Take care.. Candy

Gena L.
on 4/15/08 6:49 am - Sun City, AZ
Yes, I will. I was very good at documenting for the first 5 days then stopped. Guess I better get back to that.   I can see where constipation will play a part and I asked him about that and really got only a nod about what to do. He was not at all talkative that day. Obviously had things on his mind. Will ask him about it again, along with the malabsorptive question..  The med cups are 2 Tablespoons or 30 mls. I think I am still ok with the amount I am eating. I did eat too much last night of the chicken and dumplings and it is not an experience I will forget soon. I was decidedly uncomfortable and verged on nausea. Thought sure I had made myself sick.  So far I am ok with 1-2% milk. I have used skim for years and was fine ith it even now except for my protein drinks...I want 2% for those for some reason. Also finding I am not so partial to the chocolate Unjury now and seem to prefer the vanilla. I am sure you have tried the Lactaid milk?  Has gotten so expensive but I can not tell the difference in taste.   I too love chocolate pudding but much prefer the milk chocolate pudding. I do not think that Jello makes it any more...going to check on that...Kroger has their own brand but again...not in SF...darn it. Fibro is difficult to live with. Always stiffness and pain to deal with on a daily basis. I used to love our summer monsoon storms but the last 3 years they sometimes send me to bed in pain. As the storm front builds so does pain. Once the storm breaks then the pain pretty much disappears. People here are hit hard with fibro because our weather so seldom changes that when it does we are really affected. People back east and NW are more accustomed to the weather changes and roll with the punches better, but no less pain.  I attended a 3 week pain clinic at Del E. Webb hospital about 6 years ago when I was very close to the edge pain wise. I had 2 frozen shoulders and was very sick with pain for several months. The program did wonders for me and I have had a much easier time since.  I do not attend fibro support meetings. Have tried many times Candy. But I seem to have a different outlook on fibro than most and there are some real radicals at the meetings that I have problems with. With fibro you HAVE to help yourself. You can not just lie in bed and cry and beg for pain meds. Most do not see that. I worked in a hospital situation for years. I was diagnosed with many scary things before it was finally properly diagnosed as Fibro. Some of those scary things were fatal illnesses. I am grateful, not because I have fibro of course....but that it is not worse. Fibro may make me miserable at times and it definately has changed my life for the worse...but it will not put me in a wheel chair unless I let it, it will not cripple or kill me.  The MS diagnosis I was  initially given terrified me,  Fibro I can live with and fully expect losing weight to help the fibro greatly. Time will tell, I am waiting to heal to get back to my water exercises and swimming lessons, looking forward to the lessons as I loose weight. I crushed or cut every med in the beginning but had trouble with only the Tylenol or Metformin. Now I still cut the Metformin as I take only 1/2 a tablet, but all others I can swallow with enough liquid. They should make Tylenol in a gel cap...easier to swllow and works faster ;-)  I do not care for the Optisource vitamen like I thought I would. They are so big, so overly sweet and getting 4 a day down is a challange for me. Also have trouble remembering my calcium but wiorking on that.


on 4/15/08 10:38 am - Tolleson, AZ
Hi Gena, I do believe there in an internet forum for fibro support.  Don't have to attend them just chat online with others. You're right, can't just sit around and take meds.  They muscles need to warm up by getting up and walking around.  Bashas had a big sale on those prepared sugarfree puddings a few weeks ago so I bought quite a few for myself and my son to snack on.  I really cannot tolerate them so I only eat half and it'**** and miss if they do affect me.  I usually eat them after a few days of eating lots of protein.  They must have milk in them.  I buy soy milk at Trader Joes.  It's the only one I can drink.   You will get sick of those sweet vitamins, I sure did so it's normal.  When you get to the stage where you can swallow the Walgreen multiple vitamins that were recommended, you will feel better.  I ate Flintstones for that stage and got tired of the sweetness.  Our tastebuds change so much after WLS.  I eat those carmel calcium, Viactiv.  They are no carmel, but, they are easy to get down.  I don't take them regularly either.  Everything else I do because I may miss a meal. I use to take insulin injections and now I am completely off them.  I am so happy not to have to stick myself anylonger.  One thing I do drink a lot of and that is iced tea with sweet n low.  I shouldn't but I love iced tea.   I hear swimming is so good for exercising.  It works out all your muscles.  Wow...that will be nice.  I do a whole lot of cleaning my house just to keep moving and I walk.  I'm not a fanatic about walking just cleaning.  I can't keep up.   Candy
Gena L.
on 4/17/08 11:31 am - Sun City, AZ
Candy I can not find the message in which we discussed the malabsorption issue. I did however ask Dr J. today and he said yes, that over time the intestine can regenerate parts of it's self and that the malabsorption can be reversed to a certain extent. He said a year to 18 months....which is why they give you that time frame for the honeymoon period. Guess that is why we will have to be super cautious when we get there. Gena


on 4/21/08 10:48 am - Tolleson, AZ
Hi Gena, Thanks for asking Dr. J.   The last 4 days I was in Vegas for the Baker 2 Vegas run.  The California police departments  ran a relay of 120 miles.  There was a awful lot of food of which I could only eat soup.  I need some restaurant education on what to order.  Eating out just doesn't appeal to me but sometimes it is necessary.   Honeymoon that is what I heard.  And yes once it is over measuring will really become a part of the daily routine.  My hair is falling out like crazy.  I'm going to have to buy a hat and read that article you recommended. Candy



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