I am still in shock!

Gena L.
on 4/13/08 6:08 am - Sun City, AZ
I will be there, thank you LeAnne!


Ann M.
on 4/16/08 12:50 pm - Peoria, AZ
Way to go Gena.  It won't be long before almost all the meds are gone.  I kind of traded mine around but I'm happy with the ones I do have to take and knew I'd be on the one the rest of my life even though the dosage is about 1/4 of what I used to take.
Certified OH Support Group Leader

Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach
Gena L.
on 4/16/08 1:40 pm - Sun City, AZ
Hi Ann,  Good to hear from you!  I wish they would all go away!  I saw my PCP today for the sliding scale check up.  I have been incredibly tired the last 2-3 days and just did not feel right. Never had high blood pressure before but last 2 visits I was high. And today it was160/86 . We tried to figure out what was happening but it looks like my enalapril and my diuretic (stopped in hospital) were working well together and when they d/c'd the Triampterene/hctz my body could not keep up. So....I am back on the diuretic. I am worried now about dehydration.   Also had to be taken off the Metformin with another med substituted...working to weaning me off the insulin altogether as I still have to use about 3u Reg to go along with the Metformin. Hoping the new med (glyburide/metformin 2.5/500) will allow me to stop insulin altogether, and stop the watery stools from the pure Metformin. The good news is that I lost 7 pounds this week ;-)  I see the surgeon tomorrow for my 2 week check up and hope all is well there and can get diet advanced beyond full liquid. Also can not wait to use up these Optisource vitamens and get back on the prenats. The Optisource is so sweet and 4 a day are about 3 too many. Thanks for the encouragement...I needed it tonight. Can not remember the last time I have been so tired. Did you go to the West Valley support group last Sat?If so did I miss anything special?   I wanted to but truthfully the trip felt beyond me...guess it was by B/P.  Gena


Ann M.
on 4/16/08 9:51 pm - Peoria, AZ
Gena, Triamterene (water pill) is one that I'm on almost forever because of my arthritis pill.  I only take 1/2 pill now but it seems to do the job.  It took a while until I could get down that low and I think that'll happen for you.  Your body is still adjusting and it has a lot of adjusting to do until you hit your "goal" weight (this may or may not be the number you want but what your body likes).  You'll find your meds decreasing as more weight comes off so just be patient and it will happen.  I wouldn't buy 90 day supplies of anything unless you can cut them in half because you might just get stuck with them.  I sure did and I hated to throw them away because I figured it was money in the garbage can but it was good that I didn't have to take that strength anymore.  I'm hoping to get off the Neurontin once I find out if a hand surgeon can do a revision of my carpal tunnel surgery (both hands).  I'm off the percocet at least so that's a good thing.
Certified OH Support Group Leader

Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach
Gena L.
on 4/17/08 1:30 am - Sun City, AZ
Ann....I know, I just hate having to have the meds refilled for 90 days but some of mine are only a dollar or two each so that is not so bad. I woke up this morning with a fasting BS of 85!!!!!!  Talk about excited!  It makes up for yesterday and hopefully I will soon be coming off the triampteren and enalapril. My PCP reminded me that I needed to be patient that my body was changing daily also....he is so excited by the changes that have already taken place. Without him I am not sure I would have had this surgery so it is good to have a cheering section. Any time you can stop Percocet is  good  and hopefully you can get your carpal tunnel surgery redone. I was recently diagnosed with carpal but I don't work and so far it does not bother me much, hope that continues. Hope you have a good day at work...got to go take my calcium...it is the one I have trouble getting in. Wish I could just swallow a pill ;-) Gena


Ann M.
on 4/17/08 2:18 am - Peoria, AZ
Gena, I found a new chewable calcium.  It's fairly inexpensive and got good reviews.  I'll post it when I get home later this afternoon.  It's a good thing too because I keep forgetting to take that darn liquid calcium.  I'm used to having the chewables in my desk and just pop one after breakfast and after lunch.  I can't do that with the liquid.
Certified OH Support Group Leader

Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach
Gena L.
on 4/17/08 3:40 am - Sun City, AZ
Great....I can not remeber the liquid either!


Rebecca (Becky) A.
on 4/17/08 3:51 am - Tucson, AZ
Is it UPCal D????
Example 1   

~~Beckyg~~LBL and Brachioplasty 16 Jul 08

Ann M.
on 4/17/08 4:39 am - Peoria, AZ
No it was from Vitacost.com and it's NSI Calcium Citrate Chewables - 120 tabs (4/day for 1000 mg) $9.99
Certified OH Support Group Leader

Bariatric University - Bariatric Coach
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