
on 3/15/08 12:57 pm - AZ
I just had the lap band surgery on Wednesday ... and today, I'm SO hungry!  I am supposed to stay on chicken broth, jello, caffeine free herbal tea and water til Monday, but I really don't know that I can make it that long!  It's very frustrating!  I know I can't go for a full on meal, but would soft proteins be ok at this point? Like maybe a little cottage cheese or some fat free refried beans?  I don't want to cause myself any problems and I'm trying to be a 'ruler follower', but I'm hungry! And Jello just isn't cutting it!

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!!

Thank you!!

~ Tiffany
val_xo.jpg picture by TenderheartTiff7

on 3/15/08 1:06 pm - Phoenix, AZ
On March 15, 2008 at 7:57 PM Pacific Time, TooFunnyTiffany wrote:
I just had the lap band surgery on Wednesday ... and today, I'm SO hungry!  I am supposed to stay on chicken broth, jello, caffeine free herbal tea and water til Monday, but I really don't know that I can make it that long!  It's very frustrating!  I know I can't go for a full on meal, but would soft proteins be ok at this point? Like maybe a little cottage cheese or some fat free refried beans?  I don't want to cause myself any problems and I'm trying to be a 'ruler follower', but I'm hungry! And Jello just isn't cutting it!

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!!

Thank you!!
Are you sure you are REALLY hungry, or is it head hunger? I didn't feel hungry for at least 6 months after gastric bypass. Are you thirsty really? Try water, it may fill you up. You may be "missing" food and wanting it... I had soft proteins after about 5 or 6 days, I was supposed to wait one week, but tried tuna and fish and ate SMALL bites and ate slowly and did fine.... Be careful, you really do want to follow the rules according to your doctor... I lost 180 pounds total, I'm 20 pounds below goal... It's very hard, just keep a positive attitude and exercise and drink your water. I never deprived myself of anything. I eat chocolate everyday. but just a small bite, not a kingsize candy bar.. That works for me, I have learned to have self control... good luck and be careful
on 3/15/08 1:17 pm - AZ

I thought it was all in my head, but it's not, my stomach is growling. I've been drinking a ton of water - hoping that will help and it hasn't.   I am totally following the rules, that's why I'm frustrated!  I've never been a rule follower, hence the reason I'm overweight! I'm working through all the behavior modifications too.  But, I don't think this is head hunger....Maybe I'm wrong, but I really don't think it is.  And since chicken broth doesn't seem to be agreeing with me, I'm stuck with just jello.  Thank you for your input and encouragement! It's very much appreciated!

~ Tiffany
val_xo.jpg picture by TenderheartTiff7

on 3/15/08 1:29 pm - Tolleson, AZ
I heard hot flavored herbal tea takes the edge off the hunger urges.   I suck the juice out of cold grapefruit sections and that appears to help me.  I also drink those Lipton package chicken noodle soup minus the noodles.  I don't have  an appetite during the day, but, at night up until bed time I get that head hunger.  I guess because I'm winding down from the day.   Hope you feel better and get through this episode.   Candy
on 3/16/08 4:20 am - Tucson, AZ
If I were you I would call Cassie or one of the other dietitians at Dr. Blackstone's office. They usually respond right away.  Good Luck!
on 3/16/08 7:49 am - AZ
I thought about calling them, but figured I wouldn't get a response over the weekend. So, I figured I would work through it and call tomorrow!  It's a little better today ... and tomorrow I can start eating soft proteins, which I am very much looking forward to! Thank you for the input!

~ Tiffany
val_xo.jpg picture by TenderheartTiff7

Jenn B.
on 3/17/08 2:11 pm - Tempe, AZ
Hey Tiffany! I had my lap-band on Thursday, we must have just missed each other ;-) I've found the following this have helped tremendously! - When I get a BAD craving, I brush my teeth.  Dr. E at Dr. Blackstones office taught me this trick - I got TIVO.  Sitting through food and restaurant commercials was KILLER! - When it got bad, I would have a sugar free 100% fruit popsicle.  This way I was getting a different flavor, and savoring it for a long time. Honestly, I've found the more water I drink, the less hungry I feel.  I've also started to understand the difference between "Satisfied" and "Full". I hope this helps!  Hey when is your post-op class?! Jenn
on 3/17/08 4:08 pm - AZ

Hi Jenn! I never thought about brushing my teeth! I'll have to try it!! I have DVR, the food commercials kill me too - I've been flipping when I am watching something that isn't recorded!! I got popsicles too - they have helped a little! I'm drinking the water, I just don't feel like I am getting enough ... and it doesn't always seem to help, but I'm trying to drink more of it ...  My post-op class is on Thursday - when is yours? Thanks for the input! It's appreciated!! Tiff

~ Tiffany
val_xo.jpg picture by TenderheartTiff7

Jenn B.
on 3/18/08 1:20 am - Tempe, AZ
Mine is on Thursday too!  Yay!  I'm really looking forwad to it, I feel like I've lost like 1/2 the information they gave us at the pre-op class! See you Thursday!!
on 3/23/08 12:06 pm
Try some isopure. It is clear liquid and has lots of protein. 

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