Weight Loss in 6 month supervised diet.

on 2/20/08 10:26 pm
Thank you for your thoughts.  I am where you were during the 6 months.  I am doing well and am waivering about even needing the surgery. But listen to what I did this weekend!! I went on a road trip this weekend and was great with my eating most of the time I was there.  (Not WLS great, but loose-two-pounds-a-week great.)  But on the drive home, I went crazy.  All the road trip foods (hamburgers, milkshake, candy, THE WORKS!!) I woke up at 2 am with a gallbladder attack.  (I knew I had a stone but I never had it removed for previous insurance reasons.)  What a DOOFUS!!  I realize I will still be tempted to return to old (all be it CRAZY) habits but those habits are still part of  me.  Would you believe while I was splurging, I was thinking "I don't want surgery, I don't want to give this tradition of eating up!!"  Let me tell you I was thinking different that night!  Give up something that not only causes short term pain, but long term health risks.  No milkshake in the world is worth that.  I am so sane on some many levels, but I can't seem to win this eating thing.  I need to remember that this surgery tool is here and will help me with this battle. Thanks for reminding me that.  Between you and my gallbladder, I will be reminded who is going to win this battle!!!!
Lady Lithia
on 2/21/08 7:16 am
You'll do it, I have no doubts.  While I was on my 6-month diet I had a few roadblocks thrown in my way... 1. I had an EGD with a device called Bravo placed in my esophagus ... I had to eat normal so it would register acid reflux or no acid reflux... so I had to eat normal... this was the day before Thanksgiving so I was thinking, GREAT, I can eat a normal T-day meal... only the darn thing caused me agony! I had to eat and it WASN'T fun... bleah!  2. After I got over the pain of my EGD, I had to fly out to California, my mother was doing poorly and father wanted my sister and I to go out and ... well... say our goodbyes. I did, but there wasn't much to eat that was friendly to my diet... so I alternately starved and gorged on cookies... I had protein shakes and cookies for five days. Ick!  3. Once I got home from California, it was time for Christmas vacation, ROAD trip, Christmas at the in-laws in Colorado... I had some diet-friendly foods, and some that weren't. I didn't worry about it too much, and was still in emotional trauma over my visit to California.  4. In the middle of my trip to Colorado, I got a call from California, bad news, mum was deteriorating, so I fly to California, leaving my family in Colorado, where I spent six days in the hospital (not IN it, but AT it)... I had protein shakes and Baconators (when relatives did burger runs).... once again... a wild variety of good and bad foods.... Watching my mum slip away due to Colon cancer was the most traumatic experience of my entire life. I had to leave when my sister arrived, mum so badly wanteed me to get WLS and get healthy and hopefully avoid the cancers she endured, and she knew I would be missing my second surgeon consultation if I stayed. She passed away the same day I met with Dr. Juarez.  5. Returning to home, seeing the surgeon, and dealing with the emotional trauma of mum's passing has been an emotional storm in my life. I didn't eat any Reeses Peanut Butter cups, I didn't have any soda, but I have probably consumed an entire chocolate cake between Thanksgiving and now... resorting to that final comfort food each time I couldn't take the trauma any more.  It's not EASY doing this without some help..... and it won't be easy doing it WITH WLS... but I believe that the surgery will give me MORE help than I can do on my own.  Good luck to you.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 6/10/08 3:52 pm
I lost 6-8 pounds per month on the "supervised diet", and was still approved after one denial.
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