No WLS coverage, but this might work??

on 1/5/08 4:46 am - Tempe, AZ
Lisa, You can google it, but the ENT does it.  Which I have a really good one if you need any names.  I had mine done in Louisiana before I moved out here.   I just did a cut and paste that explains it below.  I will tell you that it is the most painful surgery/recovery to go through.  I lost 18 lbs in two weeks because I couldn't even drink water--my throat was so closed off, but if it keep you from sleep apnea and the CPAP, I think it is worth it.  It didn't help me because I am 100 lbs overweight.  After I lose the weight, then I will have to have a new sleep study and will know if I still have SA. When was the last sleep study you had done Lisa?

Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (also known by the abbreviations UPPP and UP3) is a surgical procedure used to remove tissue in the throat. It involves the removal of tissues which may or may not include:

M. clarke
on 1/5/08 11:59 am
Kim, Thanks for the info! I will google that. I had my adnoids and tonsils out as a kid, and I do remember that hurt. The tonsils grew back, but not big enough to cause any obstruction. So they aren't a problem I don't think. I had sinus surgery a few years back, and I know that one sucked! Then again I think pretty much any surgery sucks. LOL. My last study was 2 or 3 years ago. I am trying to wait until I get closer to my weight goal to have another. I do need to get fitted for a different mask though. Since I've lost weight my mask seems a little big. I have a small now, so I probably need to go to an extra small, or a different type. Seems to be working fine at night, but it's possible that I might need a pressure adjustment.
on 1/5/08 12:29 pm - Tempe, AZ
Go ahead and get a new sleep study, you should have them done annualy anyway.  The mask should be replaced every 3 months, so they say, I don't.  But, anyway, when they did mine they took out the tonsils, adnoids, soft tissue on the roof on the mouth.  It is ususally all the tissue from the roof of the mouth that causes the problems. HOWEVER, you may find that your having problems now before your pressue is to HIGH, if you setting is to high or low, it will still cause you problems. I would start out with a titriation study to see what level your machine needs to be set on based on your weight lose.  Let me know if you need any more info. hugs, Kim
M. clarke
on 1/5/08 2:50 pm
Thanks Kim. I always get the new mask when my insurance will pay for it, but don't always switch it out every 3 months. I try to stock pile them for when my insurance won't cover them as I have to pay my deductible first. I tried sleeping without it, thinking that my apnea might be gone and that is when I ran into problems. As far as with the pressure I'm so used to it I haven't noticed any problems wearing the mask other then it's getting to big. But your right it most likely the pressure can be lowered now that I've lost weight. I guess I should just bite the bullet and go do another study. I just hate doing them! The last one I slept in there was just one other person, and the tech. It felt creepy. Like I was sleeping in a strangers house or something. Tissue off the roof of your mouth! Holly cow that has to hurt!!! That hurts just thinking of it.
on 1/6/08 3:44 am - Tempe, AZ
OMG, Lisa, having the roof on my mouth cut was the most painful thing I have ever experienced in my life.  I have also died during childbirth (see profile) and have had cancer twice and tons of test and biopsy, and given birth to 4 boys, I would rather go through everything mixed together in one day before having my roof cut again.  However, if it would take the damn SA away, okay fine, but it didn't for me because of my weight.  Is your SA mainly OSA or do you have some central apnea also? Where do you go for your studies? Kim
M. clarke
on 1/6/08 4:26 am
I had some central apneas also, but mostly obstuctive. I don't remember the name of the place I went for my last study. It was a few years ago. I've had several family members who have both survived and died from cancer. I've not had it myself, but  I know from loved ones it is no fun. To have it twice, and survive it both times. You must feel so both cursed and blessed.
on 1/6/08 7:00 am - Layton, UT
Melissa and Kim, There is a new procedure that has only been in the U.S. a short time.  Dr. Schlesinger flew to Europe for the training and several surgeon's are now performing it successfully in the U.S.; along with Dr. Schlesinger.  It's called Esophyx.  Though I don't know the exacts to give you details; I know it is for Gerd, acide reflux, etc.  It's done in place of the wicked surgery that you have been describing and is done through the mouth endoscopically.  You can read more about it at: www.endogastricsolution or Dr. Schlesinger has a little bit about it on his website The surgery to fix your problems sounds torturous.  If there's an easier answer that's new then you may want to at least check into it. Ouch!  Cutting the roof of your mouth!  Makes me want to crunch some ice to numb myself!  LOL!
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


on 1/6/08 9:09 am - Tempe, AZ

I will have to read up on it.  I will not try anything else until I lose the weight as it doesn't make sense until I lose the weight.  It is good that they have come out with something better, they had me on ICU for the first 24 hours due to the high risk on infection and bleeding. They "gutted" me as I told the doctor.  I still can feel some scar tissue healing up there in the roof, and can't handle the spicy food like I used to be able too, man, I lose like around 20 lbs in 2 weeks, hey that is a way to get to goal faster!  LOL Oh, I have happy news to share.  I haven't been weighting but have really been watching portions and what I eat, getting ready for my new "weight" of life.  Pun intended of course.  I weight his morning, I lost 10 lbs over the holidays.  YEAH!  I am so happy and this is still before my pre-op diet.  I assume that will be a high-carb diet.  So, I am going to start that also. I will meet Dr. Simpson on Tuesday and get the ball rolling.   Doin' the dance~ Kim

on 1/6/08 9:16 am - Tempe, AZ
Joyce, I googled it and it doesn't show that it helps w/ sleep apnea, is this something that they just discovered recently? I know there is a direct connection w/ GERD and sleep apnea, so I could see where it might could be connected someway. Kim
on 1/6/08 12:35 pm - Layton, UT
Kim, It's new so Google may not have all the info linked in yet. Go directly to the Endogastric Solutions website.  I think they have a video vand a lot more details. Don't get it confused with stomaphyx......It is called:  Esophyx Your weight loss may just take care of your issues anyway!  Won't that be awesome! won't be on a high carb diet but most likely a 2 week liquid protein diet as a pre-op.  Dr. Simpson (and all WLS) want patient's to go into surgery as healthy as possible. Congrats on your Holiday weight loss!!
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


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