No WLS coverage, but this might work??

on 1/3/08 12:36 pm - Tempe, AZ
Okay, I have been really down and depressed and wanted to eat everything in site, but actually ended up not eating instead all day.  My husband's employeer has an exl. on the policy that waves any kind of wl or wls.  So, I thought it was totally out. But, got back on the internet.  Banner Gateway does the DS or banding.  Anyway, my husband is a doctor on staff w/ the Banner hospitals, so we may be able to get a really good discount.  I am checking into it still and haven't even talked to the husband from this.  But, if we finance it for 3 years, that would be 0% or 5 years, it would be a every low %.  Just think how much money we would end up saving on medical bills.  I have RLS, (which weight will not change) Fibro (ditto), Sleep apena (will take away), heart burn, back problems, pain in knees from all the weight 270 at 5'5.  Anyway, there still is a little home. Thanks for listening.  Any advice? Kim
on 1/3/08 1:10 pm - mesa, AZ
If you finance it your also considered a cash pay and may get a discount !!  you might alos look at a home equity loan to pay and have a tax break on mtg interest. and medical costs .  If your going cash - check around on what the cash pays fee's are - you might find some really good deals with Dr Simpson,  OR  Dr Schlessinger.  ---- JUST AN IDEA !! 
on 1/3/08 3:22 pm - Tempe, AZ
We are going with Dr. Simpson, the Lapband king. Thanks, my husband is a finance wiz on the side, he will find a way out. Thanks for the support. Kim
on 1/3/08 2:06 pm - Layton, UT
Yay!  A ray of light!  Grab it and go for it! It hasn't been my pleasure yet to meet Dr. Pokamini (sp?) and (can't remember the other one) yet but I did go with Mike to a support meeting there and the Behavioral Therapist/psych was fanatastic.  I will definitely return to their support group sometime.  She actually asked what "my" speciric issues were and is preparing a little info for me personally!  Wow!  I'm not even one of their patients! Keep us posted!
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


on 1/3/08 3:21 pm - Tempe, AZ
We are going to go w/ the Lapband and of course have the Lapband King do it.  I will finally meet him in person on the 8th.  He works out of Phx Speciality Hospt. only, so we will just deal.  My husband and I had a long talk (after I posted the prior message).  He left that RNY or DS would do much for me.  I have about 115 to lose, but also have Fibro, which they believe has to do with not absorbing your vitmains like B12, etc, which can be a problem with either surgery.  ANY and all complications would be excluded, so it would be to risky for us to take w/ 4 kids and all.   So, I get to have LAP-Band, which was orginally what I wanted anyway, so I am very happy with.  It will just take longer to lose, but I am okay.  Like you said, I am graping my ray of light!  Thanks for the advice! Hugs, Kim
M. clarke
on 1/3/08 3:40 pm
Kim, Congrats on making your decision! I would be worried about the RNY if you already have problems absorbing you B12 already also. Keep positive. You might find you lose just as fast with the Lap as you would with the RNY. I can't speak for Lap band, but I know I've read here that some have lost just as fast. Just stay committed. Get into a really good exercise program, stay committed to eating healthy and you will do fantastic! The positive to losing slower, is that you will have less saggy skin! Which means less expense for plastic surgery later :) You will notice an amazing difference right away in the way your knees feel also. With in just 20 pounds I bet you will already start to notice your knees hurt less. So don't get discouraged that it will take you a long time to get to goal. You will begin to feel better right away, and really that is what is most important! Great luck to you! LissC
on 1/3/08 4:10 pm - Tempe, AZ
Thanks Lisa, I appreciate the reminder, to keep the eye on the goal! I can't wait.  YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kim
on 1/4/08 4:02 pm - Glendale, AZ

I was 286 pounds and very fortunate that insurance covered my wls because if it hadn't, I probably would not have felt that I should have paid out of pocket and spent all that money on me.   Let me tell you how differently I feel now that I've lost 130 pounds.  Knowing what I know now about how good I feel and how much energy I have now, if I had to do it all over again, I'd sell a kidney if I had to.  I'd refinance, get a second job or do whatever I needed to do to pay for surgery.   To not sleep with a mask, to be able to clean my house without resting every 10 minutes, to not wake up in pain every morning is so worth whatever it costs and whatever you need to do to come up with the money.   You won't regret spending the money to take care of you.  You're too important. Connie

on 1/5/08 3:45 am - Tempe, AZ
Thanks!  We were going to remodel the house this year, instead, we are going to remodel me! We will just go through the finance companies and borrow the money and take care of it.  I will be the Lap-Band.   I agree with all the reason as you stated as I have the Sleep Apnea and hate my damn CPAP and even had he UPPP surgery to help by it didn't help at all due to my excess weight. I have a lot of pains in joints also and I am only 37-- time to remodel----me.  I will have surgery the end of Feb. My husband can take a week off around the 20th. Thanks for the encouragemnt! Kim
M. clarke
on 1/5/08 4:40 am
Kim, What is the UPPP surgery?? I'm just curious as I am not confident that the weight loss is going to help with my sleep apnea. I need to start looking at other alternatives as I really hate that breathing mask too! Not as much as I hate waking and gasping for breath though, LOL.
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