Any Pre-op Diet Suggestions???
Cassie or any of the other nutritonist at SBC will tell you to cut out white foods completely, do not eat rice, pasta, or enriched foods, like cookies, chips... you know all the good stuff! I cut out all pasta, pizza, fast food, diet coke and snacking after my pre-op appointment. Dr. Blackstone didn't say anything to me about not losing the weight I was supposed to but I lost it in the two weeks before my surgery and she was very happy.
If you haven't had your pre-op class yet, they will say the same thing when you go. Also get your body moving... start walking at least 30 minutes a day.
Good luck to you!
Nicole is right ! Cut out all white foods and hit the protein hard ! cassie will also tell you dime size bites and chew, chew , chew 20x before swallowing.
The last thing you want to do is go in heavier - Dr B will cancel surgery if you gain weight prior to surgery - It shoe your head and heart are not into it ...
Do your best and cant wait to see you on the loosers side .
I have talked to several people who gained weight and she didn't cancel their surgery. She didn't cancel me and I gained weight. She will want to know that you are serious about the surgery, so just be honest with her about what you are doing to make things better.
If you stress yourself out about gaining weight, or scare yourself about your surgery getting canceled your less likely to lose weight and more likely to gain weight.
Just be good to yourself. Take Nicoles advise. You will be fine :) If we were all able to lose and keep off the weight we probably wouldn't need the surgery in the first place, right? It takes time. That is what the surgery does for us. Gives us some time to figure out this whole food relationship while we lose enough weight to get our bodies moving again :)