SBC & Dr. Gunsberger

M. clarke
on 11/29/07 9:39 am
You made an observation? Your post states that Dr. Blackstone is very demanding, and she will not put up with anything short of excellence and your wondering if this drove off this woman. And now your saying you observed this and this isn't a rumor. You observed this??? This is not a rumor? Are you sure???? Not an assumption??? Because we all know what happens when we assume right??? And if you observed that she was less then adequate why do you think she will be missed. You are really confussing me. WOW How do I know she left for her own reasons you ask?? LOL. Who's reasons do you think it was??? Yours? LOL. Well obviously, but, yes I do believe they are her own reasons, and none of anyone else's business. Not taking any of this personal. Actually it all cracks me up. I think if anyone has reason to be concerned where and why she is going it would be Nicole seeings the woman performed a surgery on her and she doesn't seem that overly concerned about it.
on 11/29/07 12:50 pm - Layton, UT
Melissa, I am sooooooooooo neutral on this issue but it has been interesting to see how easily people jump on the band wagon with an idea! I LOVE how you get to the bottom line!  LOL!  ..........You have got to be the sweetest poster on this entire site and so to see you frazzled for a second makes me giggle!  Go girlfriend! Merry Chrsitmas to all................Maybe Dr. G fell madly in love with some doctor who lived across the world and though Dr. B begged her to stay, Dr G just couldn't pass up the opportunity for true love!  Dr. B understands of course having found her one and only true love long ago! Everyone will live happily ever after! is everyone doing on their weight loss journey through the Holiday parties?????  I am falling short in the exercise and protein count departments! How many of you Simpson patient's will I see at the Christmas Party Saturday night?????  Dr. S throws a lovely celebration!  Weigh 2 much fun!
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


M. clarke
on 11/29/07 2:49 pm
Joyce. THANK YOU!!! Thank You Thank YOU!!! That is all I wanted :) Just someone to assume something wonderful happened instead of something bad or tragic. Thank so much for seeing something positive instead of negative. I can always count on you to be able to translate my postings  :) ! As far as my weight loss jounreymy mom has made the mixture for the coconut and peanut butter bon bons. and I keep dipping a spoon into the batter. She better make them quick or there won't be any batter left to make the bon bons! I haven't exercised in almost 2 weeks and I go to Disney next week, so I have one week to get back into shape. I was walking 6 miles a day. Yesterday I walked 3 miles and I felt like the walking dead. At one point I was tempted to have my boyfriend go get the car and come back and get me.  Amazing how quickly we can get out of shape. Probably didn't help that I went only a half hour after dinner. Still. I gotta kick it back into gear. I am going to do my best to maintain, and not worry to much about losing until after the new year. :)
on 11/30/07 3:38 am - Queen Creek, AZ
This is the last time I will respond to this as it has been blown way out of proportion. First of all I was told by Dr. Blackstone (as most of us probably have been) that she can be very demanding. I was also told this by some of the nurses at the Hospital during my recovery. Don't get me wrong. I am thankful she is demanding and the nurses were not complaining to me when they said this. I think they a glad she is this way too. I took this info and it only causes me to wonder.  I have no idea (as it appears you don't either) why she left other than to use the broad term "she left on her own". That is just like a politician saying that they are resigning to spend more time with family.  I too liked her and thought she was an excellent addition and I wish her well. I apologize if I made you feel like you had to defend Dr. Blackstone. She needs no defending as her work and practice speaks for itself.  My only cause for wonder is that she was there only about 6 months. I like the suggestion that maybe she fell madly in love.. I am sure in the end she will be fine no matter what happened. As we will too
M. clarke
on 11/30/07 4:45 am
I wasn't defending Dr. Blackstone, and I agree she doesn't require any defending. I was defending Dr. Gunsberger as that was the person everyone was speaking about.  It was her reputation that was at risk by suggesting that she may not have been able to live up to the high standards of Dr. B. Joyce made one of my points for me. Why always assume the worst?? Why not just assume that she left the office and moved on to bigger and better things, why make suggestions or assumptions that it must have been something negative. I know for some people that seeking out or hearing misfortune in others, even strangers, in some way can make there own life feel more fulfilled.  I do try to be thoughtful of people, but I sometimes am blinded by trying to do the right thing, and I forget that even the bully is sometimes the victim.  I am sorry. I bet you are spiritually a beautiful person, and I'm sure you didn't mean to speak ill of Dr. Gunsberger.
on 11/28/07 12:17 am - AZ
 I will be very sorry to hear that Dr. Gunsberger is gone. I thought she was an excellent addition to the staff. I saw her a a couple of time in the hospital and for follow up and found her to have great ability and personable.
Nicole W.
on 11/28/07 7:33 am - Cave Creek, AZ
I did like Dr. Gunsberger, from what I understand her departure was expected.  When I went in for my 1 year appointment her name was off the window and all her business cards were gone too.   She is extremely thorough and explains everything, great bedside manner... but after my gallbladder removal I was in an extreme amount of pain, because my gallbladder pretty much popped when she took it out, which caused my whole abdomen to be irrigated and Dr. Blackstone then took over the surgery.  I was in an unbelieveable amount of pain, my RNY was a piece of cake compared to my gallbladder removal.  I didn't learn about the error and until the next morning, after she came by to see me 2 times that evening because I couldn't pee and my pain level was so high... that pissed me off.  But, oh well. I wish her the best of luck in her journey.


on 11/28/07 11:14 am - Layton, UT
Hey Nicole! Are you going to head up the Cheescake Factory Christmas gathering again?????  Pleeeez! I'd posted randomly a bit ago about doing it  next Thursday but have had people e-mail me that Thrusday doesn't work for them. How bout Friday?  What do ya think?
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


Nicole W.
on 11/28/07 8:09 pm - Cave Creek, AZ
Hi Joyce, Unfortunately, I just do not have the time to plan something right now.  Last few months have been unbelievable busy with work (being molded for a promotion), been traveling alot and just busy.  When I have a free moment, I want to see my boyfriend and family.   If someone else can arrange it, I will try my hardest to be there.  Or maybe do a after New Year's bash? Hope all is well on your end! ~Nicole


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