Tommorow I go in for the Pre-Op testing...

on 11/20/07 10:40 am
I am soooo nervous!  How bad is it?  I have a fear of the unknown.  What is the worst thing they are going to put me through?  What if something happens and they tell me I can't have the surgery?!  AAaaaaargh!  I am making myself crazy!  And I can't remember where I am supposed to go.  I think it is St. Luke's admitting.  Right?
on 11/20/07 11:02 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Go to St.Lukes admitting. They are going to do a upper GI, blood gas test (which did not turn out as bad as I thought), draw blood,  and also I think its called a cat scan.  It will be over before you know it. I made myself sick thinking it was going to be bad and it turned out fine.  Good luck Pam
on 11/20/07 12:23 pm
Thanks so much Pam.  What is a cat scan?  Am I going to have to get naked for any of this?  
on 11/20/07 3:54 pm - AZ
Girl u are too funny. Thye will have u wear a gown! lol Remember the day we met? That was the day I did all my testing. Very easy. Just do it and dont put too much thought into in.  U will be just fine.... How is you back?

Posted By:
~Fun loving Mormon~
 Husband's Best Friend
  ~ FREEDOM Activist ~
Hard Core Constitutionalist
~ Home Schooling MOMMA~

on 11/20/07 10:15 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
I see you had to cancel your pre op. Like Shannon stated you wear a gown. It will be over before you know it. I wouldn't wait to long to reschedule. The new year is fast approaching and many insurance companies may change there criteria for wls. You are already approved so try to get this done asap. Good Luck Pam
on 11/20/07 10:25 pm
I know!  I left a message at Dr. J's office, and at St. Lukes.  I want this done before the end of this year!  I am so frustrated.
Cassi J.
on 11/24/07 11:24 am - AZ
Honestly, it's no big deal.  They draw blood, get a urine sample, do an abdominal ultrasound, chest x-rays, an upper GI test (barium swallow), a spirometer test (breathe into plastic device that measures your lung volume), an EKG (totally painless), and an arterial blood draw (that one hurt because they guy couldn't get the artery to stop rolling--arteries are typically deeper than veins). I didn't like the barium swallow test.  You swallow a chrystalline powder followed by water which creates a gas--and they tell you NOT to burp!  LOL!  Believe me--the impulse to burp is pretty strong! And that's it!  You'll be fine! 
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."

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