on 9/30/07 3:27 am - glendale, AZ

Good news is MRI done, bad news I have 2 bulging discs in my lower back.  I can barely walk most of the time.  I want to start a walking or other exercise program, but I hurt too much.  Doc just says it will work itself out especially as I loose weight, but I can't take it much more!  Anyone else have any back pain they have to work through, if so suggestions?  PLEASE!

on 9/30/07 5:02 am - Layton, UT
Two years ago I had some back injury.  I started walking circles in my back yard pool.  When the weather got cooler I did the same thing at my gym on off class time hours.  I eventually worked into doing some bands to strengthen and then into a full fledged water aerobics. It didn't take me long to gain stength.  I know that chiropractor's and their little electrical therapy is helpful as well. Good luck!  Losing weight is a cure for many many things!
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


on 9/30/07 9:07 am - glendale, AZ
Being a Phoenix native, it is getting a little too cold for me in my own pool.... I have been looking at signing up at a local gym because I think swimming is about the only thing I can do now without crying.  Thanks for the info though.. somethings gotta help.
on 9/30/07 9:47 am - Glendale, AZ
This response may sound like gloom and doom, but it's not.  I'm just telling you my experience and what works for me.  Your actual mileage may vary... A couple of my disks have degenerated themselves into nothingness and another couple are bulging.  I was in horrble pain pre-surgery and was assured by my doctors that it would all go away after I got the weight off.  As the weight came off, the pain didn't go away and in fact, some days it was worse.  My doctor sent me to a really good physical therapist who explained that as the weight comes off, your center of gravity shifts and your weight distribution changes.  Your body tries to compensate and you end up hurting in places you never hurt before.  I worked hard with the PT and got the pain to a tolerable level.  Still not gone, but tolerable.  Then I started seeing a pain specialist, Dr. Ando of Valley Pain Management.  With epidurals, he's been able to keep me moving more days than not.  There are actually days that I forget I have back issues.   As I settled into a normal range of weight, the pain lessened and I was able to do more and more.  Last Spring, I hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, slept on the hard ground a few nights and rode the 10 miles out on horseback.  Any of those things would have had me in tears 3 years ago.  Just got back from Maui where I was able to keep up with my 23 year old son for a week.  I still have bulging disks and degeneration, but that's probably in part because I had an awful lot of damage before I got the weight off.  So here's what I'm trying to say in my less than eloquent way...  Get a Physical Therapist.   Don't be surprised if it gets worse before it gets better, but hang in there.  See a pain specialist if you need to.  Getting the weight off really will help, but it's a long road. Connie
M. clarke
on 9/30/07 10:12 am
So sorry! Back pain just plain sucks! I have to say the pain is right up there with an absessed tooth. So I completely understand about the not being able to do anything without crying. Most back pain does get better with losing weight. I second Joyce's vote on getting into a pool if you can. It takes the weight off you and lets you get those muscles losened up and moving. When my back goes out I do head to the chiropractor to get help. Mine has been a life saver many times. The only problem with a chiropractor is that once you start going they want you to keep coming back, sometimes 3 times a week, and most people can't afford to pay their co-pay that often. So just be prepared to tell him/her you either can't afford it, or be prepared to pay a lot of money if you go that route. It is the same thing with physcial therapy. It is great help, but not really affordable. I find that ice is a real life saver when it comes to back pain. I also have severe tail bone pain, and I use ice on that daily. Ice has worked better then anything for me. Ask your doctor about lidocaine patches. They run around $230.00 for 30 of them, so you want to make sure you insurance covers them first. And you may find you need more then one at at time. Muscle relaxers are okay, but mostly just put me to sleep. Mixed with a pain pill they send you to the moon, and then eventually to sleep. If your in horrible pain that is all good as you want to be sleeping, and that works well for night time. But if your trying to just get through your day without being put to sleep I would recommend the ice, and pain patches if you can get them. Also depending on how good your insurance is you can get the ...oh I don't remember what they are called, but someone here probably knows.. the little electric things they put on your back at the chiropractor. Like little tens unit's. Maybe that is what they are called. Not sure. Anyways. You can get a little portable one that you use on yourself at home. Some insurance companies will pay for them, some won't. Basically it just sends electric pulses through and stimulates the muscles. Another option is getting pain injections. I had 5 sets of them 3 in the back, and 2 in the tailbone, and they didn't work for me. Plus though some of the shots didn't hurt, some of them were very very painful. I have heard people say they got wonderful relief from them though. My boyfriend had them in his neck and got instant relief. Again so sorry for your pain!! Hope you get feeling better quickly!!!
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