August really has it in for me

on 8/28/07 6:39 am - Farmington, NM

OK… let us recap early events, and then fill in the new.  August started off with me having terrible gout, and not eating very well.  I was basically bed ridden and had enough bad experiences with food to make me despise the thought of eating ever again (a sentiment I still hold.  I HATE FOOD!).  Then my wife has our baby 5 weeks early, which is good and bad!  I love my little girl, but the week in the hospital getting her healthy enough to come home was tough.  While in the hospital my wife’s cell phone is stolen.  A week later I buy a new one and go on with life (although I could not afford the phone…  I am poor).  Ok now that we are caught up…


My wife’s old phone showed up, and we are returning the new one (HURRAY).  My uncle died, which happens to be my Dad’s only remaining brother, my best friends Dad dies a couple of days later, I miss the funerals due to my 2 month follow up, where I am told that my hatred of food is normal and to try and tough it out (like I have a choice?).  My wife is sick, and the baby enjoys waking me up every few hours so I can be dreadfully tired every day at work and school.  I am tired of my internship and either want a real career to get started, or to get into graduate school…  Neither looks very promising at the moment.  My wife and I still live with my parents, and have little hope of escape anytime soon.


In a Nut shell, August is out to get me!  I just hope September looks brighter. 


I love being a Dad and when I look at Arwyn my heart melts!  With out my wife and child and dog, I’d be truly lost.


Richard I

A journey of a thousand steps begins with the first one

LAP RNY 06/25/2007

on 8/28/07 7:22 am - Phoenix, AZ
Yep, I'm with you!  August was tough...mainly getting over the surgery and starting to learn how to eat again.  Basically, I'm still in the I hate food mode too.  I know my NUT is going to chew me out because I'm not eating 3 meals/ day, every day, but I do the best I can.  I have to smile when I read postings from a new post-op wishing they could have a hamburger!!!  Get real!  Now, to the second part, I'm glad you are the one with a baby and not me. Been there, got the t-shirt! That up and down all night long can kill you!     You have been through some year, but just remember, a year from now it will have fallen into perspective and you will be in such a better place.  You will be thinner, your wife and baby will be safe and healthy, and hopefully, school will be behind you.  Of course, that leaves grad school, but that's another thing all together!     All the best and keep on keeping on!
M. clarke
on 8/28/07 1:54 pm
Richard, Sounds like you need to take some time for yourself, and take some good care of yourself. Sounds like your at that point where even something small at this point is going to feel like the straw that broke the camels back. I could be wrong, but I've been there many times, and that is the feeling I got from your post. When things get to that point, even small day to day things, that we could normally handle seem to just pile on top of us. Seriously try to do something good for yourself. I understand the broke part. Even if it is taking a walk in the park in the early morning while it is cool outside, or late evening, and escaping into a good novel for a hour. Just something to get your nervous system back in tact. You have a lot going on now. Grief of the loss. Joy and stress of the new baby. Both you and your wife il. Stress of job. Stress of living with in-laws. That is a lot to be going through! Take a lot of deep breaths! Remember little steps, you can't solve or be expected to solve everything today. And take a few minutes, or an hour each day, both you and your wife to relax your mind and restore yourself. Doing what ever it is that relaxes you. Be that a bath, a walk, meditation, whatever. It is crucial to take care of your health and mind, especially during times like these. Your little baby will notice the difference in a calmer mom and dad also :)
on 8/28/07 3:11 pm - mesa, AZ
Richard  Life sucks sometimes , but those are the things your not in control of !!    Hang in there your doing great -  when the rotten stuff happens - just love on that beautiful baby girl and make the world go away for that moment !! now a quick question  -- are you feeling better with the gout - is it under control ? aAnd how much are you down?  I know your world is turning around for the better- it just takes time - dont loose your faith ..  Hugs to all ....   Jeanna  P.S.  Do you come back to see Blackstone at all ?? 
on 8/29/07 1:48 pm - Maricopa, AZ

AWWW, I'm sorry to hear you are having such a tough time Richard.  I definately know what you are going through, I have to of my own (2 and 6).  God bless babies though.  I mean really, who else could get away with waking up a grown man multilple times in the night, and then just flash that cutie pattotie face to get away with it!  If I did that to my husband....ooooh look out!  lol.   Anyway, I agree with Lisa, take some time for yourself.  Even if it is for a half hour or so, just find a quiet spot and just focus on yourself and your healing.  I know you hate food right now, but the first four months are the hardest.  This is our bootcamp.  When you get past this, you are going to really feel great about WLS.   Give the little one a big kiss for me! Take care, dAwn

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