Hi to AZ buds

(deactivated member)
on 8/6/07 7:46 am - AZ
I just wanted to say hello to all my AZ buds, I don't post a whole lot on the az board, but I am pretty active on the dec 2006 board. I am 23 lb from Dr B's goal of 160. From there I would like to lose another 10-15. I put some recent pics of me on my profile. I tried to make the meet and greet at Chuy's but couldn't. My mom has been pretty sick lately because the chemo for her breast cancer, so spending as much time as possible with her.   Really just wanted to give a shout out to fellow Dr. B patients and anyone else on here that knows me!!!  So HELLO to everyone and hope all is well. Hugs, Erin
on 8/6/07 11:39 am - Phoenix, AZ
Dr. B's patients representin'! :) Holy cow, Erin! You are looking amazing! In that last picture - geez! Put some longer hair on you and you'd LOOK like Faith Hill! :) Keep up the awesome work, you really look fabulous! I'm sorry to hear about your Mom. It's good you're able to spend time with her while she's not well. My thoughts will be with her! Nicole
(deactivated member)
on 8/6/07 1:03 pm - AZ
Hey again. you are tooooo kind. THe picture was kinda sexy huh!! I had a freakin blast on Friday. I went last year when I weighed 280 and could barely fit in the seat. This year floor tickets and I danced and shaked my bootie the whole time.  Yeah I can hardly believe that I am actually getting close to goal. I struggle though. I am getting ready to start this new wt lifting program. I have lost alot of muscle and want to be in tip top shape before I go to plastics.  Thanks for the concerns for my mama, she's hanging in there.  Well I'll try and get on the az side more often. On the Dec board we do weekly weigh ins and daily food checks, so it helps alot. I have a lot of good support on the dec board.  Have a wonderful evening!!! Erin PS. I had to cut my hair because of it falling out, but it is growing in pretty good yeah!!!
on 8/6/07 2:53 pm - PHOENIX, AZ

Hello Erin, you are looking fabulous!!!  Sorry to hear about your mom, I will add her to my prayer list.  You are so close to goal and you are doing such a great job, you've been a real inspiration to me.  Keep up the good work, hope to see you at goal soon :-)  Alli


(deactivated member)
on 8/7/07 3:14 am - AZ
Hi Allie!!!! you are losing good too!!! Thanks you so much for the praise and saying I am an inspiration...well that's the icing on the cake so to speak!!!!  I will let you know when I am at goal. Have a wonderful day..Erin
M. clarke
on 8/7/07 4:39 am
Wow Erin. You are getting so tiny!! :)
(deactivated member)
on 8/7/07 5:41 am - AZ
Hey Melissa, how are you doing??? I dont know if I ever will be tiny I am almost 5'8 but I will take long and lean anyday(working on the lean, I still have some flab) but thank you. I have almost hit 100lbs lost and Dec will be my 1 yr. So I want to make it. How are you doing with the wt loss??? Nice to see ya!! Big Hugs, Erin
M. clarke
on 8/8/07 3:56 am
I am maintaining right now Erin. Not losing or gaining. I haven't lost in a month or so. Guess that has to do with all that snacking, bad food choices and minimal exercising! LOL. Just lots of normal life crisis's going on. You know how that goes. I am bouncing between 225 and 230 pounds this month. I would love to get below 200 by my  November surgery date, but not sure if that is possible. However I'm very happy with the weight I've lost so far so I'm not going to stress over it. :) Congrats again! You look fantastic!
(deactivated member)
on 8/8/07 12:59 pm - AZ
Melissa, hey girl. I know it a struggle now taking it off. I really have to watch what I put in my mouth. If I am a little bad one day, I see it and feel it(I feel a kinda bloated and chunky feeling). So I am pretty much good all week and one weekend day I relax a little. But I am really determined to get to goal so have to keep it up. Stay away from all refined carbs or any carbs if you can and sugar. I did this way of eating called the Plateau Buster Diet and it really did bust my plateau. I am going to go on it again next week. Message me if you wish and I will send it to ya!! Keep in touch..Erin
M. clarke
on 8/9/07 8:33 am
Erin. Thanks! Yes I know I need to back off the breads and sugars. I'm not getting depressed about it. I saw my cousin last night. She was so sweet. She litterally almost fell down. She hadn't seen me since post surgery so 130 pound ago. She was so nice. She said she didn't think I needed to lose anymore. Just went on about how beautiful I was looking. She really made me feel good about myself. I do feel pretty good at my size. I do still want to keep losing, but I am not going to stress about it. I know it will come off.
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