From Bad to worse...

on 8/6/07 2:48 am - Farmington, NM

At my last post I was feeling quite good about things.  I was loosing weight and things were going fine.  My food was going down, my pills and supplements made me feel good, and I was working very hard at applying for a new job, or to graduate school.  Then two weeks ago, I began to have some pain in my right foot.  I am used to that being an obese man, and went on living.  It seemed slightly worse each day, but again was not unexpected.  Then that Thursday July 26th I began to have problems keeping food down, in fact, nothing but my meds stayed down that day.  The next day was just as bad, and I was told that my stomach pouch was irritated and to revert to fluids for a few days.  I did and by Sunday I was able to eat a little again.  To this day, I can eat very little and foods I could eat before now bother me and come right back up (eggs for example).  Monday came and my foot hurt so bad I missed work and went to the doctor.  It took me 1 and a half hours to accomplish this task.  He decided it was gout and ordered Celebrex.  I cannot take that, and suffered a few more days waiting for a doctor to give me something I could use.  Finally my PCP contacted me Thursday and we got some meds in me...  My foot feels much better, but the nausea and diarrhea lasted for days.  I still don't feel good, but I am back to work...  Whose idea was it to have this surgery again???  I've got some serious buyers remorse right now...  MY RNY was the worst decision I have ever made in my LIFE! Richard

A journey of a thousand steps begins with the first one

LAP RNY 06/25/2007

on 8/6/07 3:48 am

Richard   Bummer  the gout was caused my the extra protein  no doubt ! , Should get better when you can add more veggies  to your diet, did you call Randy at Blackstones ?? He should have some good suggestions  to help also ...   Buyers remorse !!  I guess so - But we both know in the long run - you are going to be so much better off ,  So  Now I wanna hear the good news   from you !   How much have you dropped ?   how is Marcie  and the Baby doing - getting  close to delivery date .  Hang in and hold on !! the ride is just begining .

on 8/6/07 2:57 pm - Farmington, NM
I have lost 73.5 lbs...  and marcie is doing great...  Due date is in September but we are pretty sure were going to have a baby before then.

A journey of a thousand steps begins with the first one

LAP RNY 06/25/2007

on 8/6/07 4:14 am - Phoenix, AZ
Hey Richard, I'm glad your foot is feeling better! Between weeks 4 and 12 post-op my tolerance for food was all over the place. There were a few times I thought I had a stricture because I wasn't keeping food down, but it all passed. Yours will too! Between the food coming back up and the diarrhea, please be sure you're hydrated - especially in this heat. I know it's difficult, but try to be patient. At 4 weeks out cooked veggies and non-citrus fruit should have been added back in to your diet - that should help balance out the possibility that you were taking in too much protein. Definitely talk to Randy and Cassie to be sure your medications and food choices will work for you during this stage. It really gets better! How much have you lost so far? Are your pants falling down yet? lol Nicole
on 8/6/07 2:59 pm - Farmington, NM
Here I am 6 weeks out from surgery, and I finally had my one month post op...  I did get fruits and vegies added back in.  I've lost 73.5 lbs and my clothes do look big on me....  no indecent exposure yet.

A journey of a thousand steps begins with the first one

LAP RNY 06/25/2007

on 8/7/07 12:37 am - Phoenix, AZ
You're averaging like...12 pounds a week! That's amazing! It took me 4.5 months to hit the 100lbs lost mark and you're gonna get there a helluva lot sooner! Congratulations!! Getting some fruits and veggies helped me enormously. I was getting so burned out! I like to buy packages of frozen veggies (mixed) and  sautee them up before adding an egg or chicken or whatever - it's easier to keep veggies longer that way for me. You'll figure out how you like to use them best. And Cassie is quick to recommend recipes or food ideas if you email her, too.
Jeanne G.
on 8/6/07 9:37 am - Peoria, AZ
I am sure no Dr but I don't know why your Dr would precribe Celebrex for gout. The standard drug of choice for gout to my knowledge is allopurino, you might want to talk to your PCP again.

 Jeanne G

on 8/6/07 2:56 pm - Farmington, NM
No My PCP is not in on mondays,,,  It was some other doc who I never want to see again...My PCP actually perscribed something that seems to have helped alot.

A journey of a thousand steps begins with the first one

LAP RNY 06/25/2007

Nicole W.
on 8/7/07 5:54 pm - Cave Creek, AZ
Richard, Buyer's remorse is normal at this stage... but when you are playing on the floor with your toddler you will realize why you did the surgery.  I think we all go thru it at some point. But, it does sound like you have the starting of a stricture for sure.  If you still have problems with food or even discomfort when you swallow your pills, that is a stricture.  It is an easy fix, an endoscope and they knock you out.  I am sure Blackstone works with some local for you to get it fixed rather than coming to AZ. You are losing a great deal of weight so far... you will start to feel good again.  Trust me. Congrats! ~Nicole


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