
on 7/18/07 1:37 pm - AZ
Hi there. I was wondering if anyone had used Schlesinger in the past or know someone that does. I have met him and he is really nice. Very down to earth! Explains the bypass wonderfully! Im just wanting to talk with anyone that may have used him and such. Thanks guys!

Posted By:
~Fun loving Mormon~
 Husband's Best Friend
  ~ FREEDOM Activist ~
Hard Core Constitutionalist
~ Home Schooling MOMMA~

on 7/19/07 3:42 am - Gilbert, AZ
Dr Schlesinger was my surgeon when he was with Barix Clinics.  He is very experienced and thus far I have had no issues with my RNY mechanics.  He was very fast to call back when I was a new post-op with any serious issues/questions.  My research pre-op showed that he had done a very large number of these surgeries and that is why I chose to go out-of-network and use him at the time.   

Sandra B. View my journal and educational pages at "Trust your own instinct.  Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else’s."  –Billy Wilder  "Know your labs and track your trends."  

on 7/19/07 6:02 am - El Mirage, AZ
I thought he was great!  I had a minor tiny tiny complication that is normal and he came in on the weekend just to check on me.  He's very honest and open about everything and made me feel good about the surgery.  He also never established unrealistic expectations for me, so everything I've done I've felt good about! I'm down 300 lbs now in 1 year and 5 months!  Wooohoooo!
on 7/19/07 4:07 pm - AZ
he came in on the weekend just to check on me. That's what I want in a sergeon.  You cant get with Blackstone or Dr.J. just wont happen. They are great and have sooo many WLS behind them but I dont want to feel like Im in a holding pin, just a number waiting to be seen.  Having said that I want the best sergeon I can get. I think I have found what Im looking for. Wanted to hear from others that have hired him to do their WLS. Also.... did you have a lap or open? And if you dont mind me asking how did you heal and in what time.  Im thinking about doing open, for a safer wls. However I understand it can take a long time to heal.  Again Im so greatful for you guys posting. I need to make my choice here fairly soon as Im a self pay and if I choose him Ill have to cancl. my date with the other asap.

Posted By:
~Fun loving Mormon~
 Husband's Best Friend
  ~ FREEDOM Activist ~
Hard Core Constitutionalist
~ Home Schooling MOMMA~

on 7/19/07 4:00 pm - AZ

My I ask if you had a open or lap? And with either of them how did you heal? Time and what not. I think you very much for responding. I want to make the most EDUCATED choice I can. I have a date set with another well known doctor. But HATE how busy he seems. I like the one on one that Eric is offering with WLS.


Im so thankful to hear from you!

Posted By:
~Fun loving Mormon~
 Husband's Best Friend
  ~ FREEDOM Activist ~
Hard Core Constitutionalist
~ Home Schooling MOMMA~

on 7/20/07 1:10 am - Gilbert, AZ
Dr S is skilled in both lap and open.  He was doing open only at Barix because that was their policy.  I am not sure why, perhaps it was an issue of the expense of the lap equipment. I had open and because I had protein loaded (whey shakes) as a pre-op, I healed easily.  I was doing 3 or 4 - 30 gram whey shakes a day for the month pre-op to help with the healing process.  I had heard this advice on some of the yahoo groups and heeded it, I am glad that I did. I don't think you will regret using Dr. S.  I chose him also because I did not wish to end up in a "cattle call" type of program.   There are many important things to realize about RNY (and other WLS surgeries).  I saw a PBS special called "FAT" and the statistic that they quoted for those of us *****ach our goal weight was 5%.  I never reached mine or got even close to it. Also, most surgeons consider a weight loss of 50% of your excess weight to be a success. Next thing is that the word DIET does not permanently leave your life.  At 2-3 years post-op you will once again have to watch intake and your weight.   With a gastric bypass surgery you will HAVE to take a lot of supplements the rest of your life to remain healthy:  whey protein, vitamins, and minerals.  Plus, you should be monitoring your blood work levels every 6 months to know how your supplementation is working.  The one gripe I have had with all WLS programs is that they are not testing enough stuff.  If your lab work is less than 12 vials of blood, you are likely being undertested.  I do have a list of suggested lab work on my web site at if you are interested.  Just add Copper to that list as it is the newest deficiency that they are finding with our group.

Sandra B. View my journal and educational pages at "Trust your own instinct.  Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else’s."  –Billy Wilder  "Know your labs and track your trends."  

on 7/19/07 2:02 pm - El Mirage, AZ
Hi, Dr. Schlesinger did my surgery May 2005 and I would highly recommend him to you.  My surgery was open RNY and I think he is doing lap now, but he was so wonderful and knowledgeable and as the previous post stated, he has successfully done a lot of these surgeries and I also went out of network just for him! He has also done the surgery for two of my friends and they are just as happy as I am. I often make the joke that I would let him do the surgery on me with his eyes closed, that is how confident I am in his ability as a surgeon.  Best of luck to you! Sheryl
on 7/19/07 3:57 pm - AZ

Im so glad to me hear from you all. Thank you so much. Im yet again looking into changing my surgeon. I did meet with him and WOW what a man. I didnt think he was too robotic as some say. Very likeable. Make I ask how did you heal? I mean OPEN WLS? Im thinking about going that way even though he does LAP now.

Id love to hear what your friends think of him. Do they post here?

Posted By:
~Fun loving Mormon~
 Husband's Best Friend
  ~ FREEDOM Activist ~
Hard Core Constitutionalist
~ Home Schooling MOMMA~

on 7/20/07 4:45 am - mesa, AZ
  I believe its always preferable to do lap procedure , but sometimes the dr has to do  open, either way you should heal ok , lap will heal faster cause of the small holes, open is a much longer incission that requires sutures or stitches to close - so healing time is much longer  plus you may need to wear a binder.  I take it your appt went well !! glad to hear !
on 7/20/07 9:13 am - Layton, UT
Lap is preferable if the person has never had any other surgeries and has a moderate BMI.  The very high BMI's may have fatty livers and open allows the surgeon to see everything better which makes for a safer surgery.  They may have to clean up the liver, repair a hernia or mend an ulcer while they are open and everything is "in view".   If someone has adhesions from previous surgeries, then often an "open" is preferred so there's a cleaner/faster to speak. Some surgeon's will attempt a lap only to find they have to do an open.  That poor person may end up with a vertical incision and a bunch of tiny incisions surrounding it.  .............. Hey!  Enjoy that cool Seattle rainy weather!
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


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