a new fit!!

M. clarke
on 7/15/07 7:02 pm
My rings fit again!!!!!  I haven't worn them in 7 years and today it occured to me that I should dig them out of my jewelery box and try them on. And they fit!!! Well, all except one that is still a little to small as it was never sized when I got it, but the others fit!!! I also realized just recently that I finally weigh less then what my drivers license says I weigh! Which means I am thinner now then I was when i moved to Arizona 7 years ago. I also dug out a dress that I wore at my cousins wedding and tried it on. I'm wearing a size 22/24 pant still and the dress is a 20 so I didn't think It would fit even though I wore it 6 years ago and was heavier then. It was almost too big! A size 20 dress to big! (which is a little confussing as my pants are still a size 22/24), but still worth a celebration in my book! My perception is still a little off. I had two t-shirts in my closet that looked to "small" to wear so I have had them tucked away until I was closer to goal. I tried them on the other day just to see how small they were (3x's). They are TOO BIG!!!  It is so strange to look at them because when I see them on the hanger I think they could never fit me. I guess that is me still seeing myself as 355 pounds. This is so fun and exciting for me. I can't even imagine how fun it will be once I drop that other 90 some pounds! :smile: Just wanted to share my happy moment. Take care all!
on 7/15/07 8:07 pm - Mesa, AZ
I watched last weeks episode of Big Medicine and it showed a patient who was at her goal weight and looked great...but she still had the inner image of herself as being obese.  She working through it, but struggles with the same picture of the fat girl she has always been.  She had NEVER even gone on a date until a couple months ago. Like you, I can't wait to start cleaning out my closet...or trying on that favorite smaller dress I used to wear.  I also have rings and shoes that don't fit right now.  You may find that your rings are going to start sliding around on you...what a switch???    Most jewelry shops can place a temporary guard inside the band for you until you are ready to have it re-sized. Wow...you must be so excited.  My surgery is this Thursday with Dr. Blackstone.  I worry now and feel nervous, too...but I guess that is normal. Take care and God Bless. Robin
M. clarke
on 7/16/07 3:39 am
Robin. Thanks for the info on the ring guard I didn't know about that! Your surgery is Thursday. How exciting!!!  Yes I think the nerves thing is normal. I used the meditation cd they provide at her office a lot prior to surgery to relax myself. I also listened to it the morning before I went into surgery. I think it helped. Time will fly by for you. I can't believe its been almost 9 months already since my surgery. Seems like I just did it. Those first few months can be torture, but hang in there! It will pass quickly and you will be amazed at how much better you feel once you are detoxed from all those bad foods and drinks we all seem to not be able to live without. I said a little prayer for you and your upcoming surgery. Take good care of yourself and keep us posted as to your progress.
on 7/15/07 11:05 pm - Phoenix, AZ

Hi LissC,

   Isn't that a fantastic feeling!  I have yet to try on my ring.  I gave up wearing it more from when I worked at a Machine shop when in school for Nursing.  There are way too many machinists that have lost their ring finger by having the ring get caught in the cutting machines.  

    I also struggle with a self image problem.  I still think I am the same heavy person I have been for years.  I think this will just take time for us to change our self image.  Trust me, you are looking good.

   I never saved old clothes so I had to go buy items.  I only bought one pant and two shirts in smaller sizes as I lost weight.  I also wore them big for a long time.  I am retired (early) so I had no need to update my clothes often.  I am now just starting to buy extra.  I feel I am close to my goal and do not expect to change a lot or soon.  I am told the last little bit takes a long time.  I went from a size 44 pant to now wearing a 32-33.

Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day. 

M. clarke
on 7/16/07 3:29 am
Thanks Doc! Luckily I did save clothing although they are out of style. I am getting to that point though where I do have much more to shrink into. Soon I will have to start shopping again!
M. clarke
on 7/16/07 3:40 am
I need to learn to proof read before I hit submit. That was supposed to say Do "not" have much left to shrink into.
on 7/16/07 3:32 pm - AZ
Yeah for you!!!  that is fantastic!!!  IT sounds like you need to spend the day digging in our closets and drawers and throwing away all the fat clothes, girl, cause that ain't you!!
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