Lap Band vs RNY

on 7/13/07 5:25 pm - Maricopa, AZ
When I was on this site late last year, most people were having RNY, now that I've come back I notice that most posters have switched to Lap patients.  Interesting.... I wonder why the shift?  What makes people choose one over the other? Is it cost? They feel it is less invasive? You can always take off the band if you want?  Just curious......

                     laughter is the key to life     

Nicole W.
on 7/13/07 5:30 pm - Cave Creek, AZ
I choose RNY because I knew I could find a work around the LapBand... I went to my seminar wanting the LapBand and after doing my research and speaking with my surgeon, I realized it was not for me.  Also, my insurance company would only cover RNY, not LapBand. From what I understand, the LapBand is not removable unless extremely necessary and that was a misconception I had.  I thought once you lost all your weight it was removed, but its not.  I guess once you are done, you can have it emptied.  But I would think it would be major surgery to have it taken off.


on 7/14/07 3:56 am - Maricopa, AZ
Thank you for sharing. I had a friend that had the surgery and she too felt she would "work around" it.  Knowing she had the band, she felt that deep in her mind, she would always think this was another thing she could 'quit' if she wanted down the line. So she chose RNY so it was a permanent change she had no choice but to change her habits.

                     laughter is the key to life     

on 7/14/07 3:39 am - queen creek, AZ
Like with anything, there is always going to be some new and updated thing to come along.  8 track, cassette, cd and now mp3's.   The lapband is less invasive, adjustable and REMOVABLE, anyone wishing to have the band removed may do so whenever they choose.  I would not since its what keeps me at my goal!  The band is designed to work with food so you should not drink you calories with the band.  Most bandsters can eat all the foods they always have just in smaller amounts. My main reason for choosing the band over RNY was adjustability.  Not every procedure works for everybody.  I was told I would be lucky to loose 50 pounds in a year with the band, well I lost over 100 in 7 months. Insurance companies are starting to cover the band when they did not before.  the band is less cost to the patient and less recovery time.   More doctors are pushing the band and some have stopped doing RNY altogether. Just my thoughts on the shift to the band...
on 7/14/07 3:59 am - Maricopa, AZ
Congratulations! That is awesome how well you are doing! You are right, there is always something new coming down the line, it will be interesting to see what that is in 5 years

                     laughter is the key to life     

M. clarke
on 7/14/07 5:24 am
From what I have been reading the newest thing is to have Both the RNY and the band together. No longer have to choose! I was shocked when I read that, but they are starting to do that now. Best of both surgeries I guess is what they are thinking.
on 7/14/07 12:34 pm - Maricopa, AZ
Now that is serious commitment!   LOL   Or overkill. One of the two. 

                     laughter is the key to life     

on 7/14/07 1:41 pm - queen creek, AZ
This is SOOOOO true.  We have several patients that have had or are scheduled for a band "over" the RNY.  Weird thing is some insurance companies are approving it!  Thats good but scary to think of what you do when you that stops working. My take on any WLS is.... any procedure is only as as effective as YOU make it.  If you want ot eat around your band or drink too much with your RNY you will.  Some people think that WLS is the quick and easy fix they need.  As we all know it is so not easy.  It is hard work and takes lots of support and patience to get to goal.  Its hard to maintain your loss.  I think of my obesity in the same sense of an alcoholic.  To look at me you would never know I was obese.  I am not in the sense that I have a normal healthy BMI but lets face it I could slip up and fall of the wagon any time.  Its one day at a time.   I am blessed to be alive in a time when medical procedures are this advanced that I was able to have this done. I would never knock anyone for the choice of surgery they had.  I applaude anyone that has the courage to fight obesity with all they have!!!  Good luck to all in whatever stage they are in!   Jen
M. clarke
on 7/15/07 10:40 am
I agree with you Jen. I don't think one surgery is better then the other. I think it is individual and based on what that individual needs. And as you said it is just like being an alcoholic. Only difference is an alcoholic doesn't have to face drinking in moderation each day. Whereas we do have to eat, and deal with those issues every single day. I think food addiction is way worse then the other addictions. Just like smoking. Once you quit it's not like you have to have to face smoking three times a day. I have stuck to the counseling even though it was only required prior to surgery. I still see my therapist once a month. She has also been a lifesaver. She has taught me so much in how to deal with addictions, and how to deal with emotions, and situations without turning to food. My doctor required 6 sessions pre-surgery; however for me I needed to continue to see her to help me stay focused. I know if I go to long without touching base with my counselor it is like everything she teaches me goes out the window and I lose all my coping skills and start munching on the chips when I am stressed or upset. I think it will be a long journey both mentally and physically to become truly healthy. The surgery was just a big stepping stone!
David S.
on 7/14/07 9:25 am

I too have seen a shift to an increase in lap band compared to RNY.  I believe that the driving change in this mix is that doctors are pushing the band more than RNY.  The driving factors for this are as follows: Lower mortality rate with Lap Band Completely reversible procedure Self pay is more affordable for lap-band No need to re-arrange anatomy No potential malabsorption issues post surgery. Initial foreign based studies which indicate total weight loss over a 5 year period are similar for both procedures. Reasons why I and my wife had RNY in March of this year: Permanent procedure Longer US based medical history and tracking of procedure and health post-surgery and long term risks and results. Personal good health prior to surgery reduced our personal risk of mortality. Success of friends/family members who had RNY. Reviews by several banders who are not satisfied with their results and wished they had RNY instead. Was advised that generally if insurance pays for the band and you aren't successful, it's very likely they won't pay for RNY afterward Quicker/more immediate results.  (We knew IF we did the surgery, we WOULD lose weight quickly) We did alot of research about both, and ADMIT our bias towards RNY for us.  We also recognize that this is a personal and individualized solution. --Dave

Dave from AZ     
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