What a SCAM! Out of Network Fees.... Weightloss Institute of Arizona
Snl dont be too hard on them, every office here in the valley offers something differant, While I glad you found a better choice for yourself I too was once in your shoes, I checked all the differant surgeons and programs and found one I preferred -& yes I paid a program fee and they have their ups & downs no doubt about it. By the way you have UHC , So do I and my total out of pocket was over 2500 and that did not include the program fee of $1000 ( BY THE WAY MY SURGEONS OFFICE NO LONGER CHARGES - BUT I PAID ) or the Psych eval - also paid out of pocket. So consider the weekly office visits at 30 a pop , the extra dr & test you made need to see to get clearance , not to mention meds when you get out & I also have a monthly copay for a sleep apnea machine. the additional hosp portion you will have to pay .. Just beware that you may encounter some additional exspnse you didnt plan on.. I didnt mind paying for the wonderful care I reveived and continue to receive and would pay 3x as much knowing now what I didnt know then . also - make sure to go to your doctors support group - do not just rely on this board for support - while its great it has folks from all the differant practices and everyone had differant beliefs and you need to learn how to use your surgeons tool he gives to you !! Good Luck on a quick surgery date and keep us up to date on your progress ...
My weight loss blog: www.vickionline.com