Go Green

on 7/9/07 1:37 pm - Glendale, AZ

This Spring, the report on Global Warming came out from France.  The very next day, I traded in my SUV for a smaller, more economical car.  OK, it's got a V-Tech engine, racing suspension and I can make it to Phoenix from the Grand Canyon in 4 hours with a lunch and gas break, but it still gets three times the gas mileage as the SUV.  I've traded in all my incandescent bulbs for fluorescent , recycle everything that doesn't move and generally try to be a good steward of the planet.  A couple of years ago, I traded in my gas mower for an electric mower and today I swapped the electric mower for a push mower.  Let me tell you, that was a heck of a workout.  I'm in fairly decent shape, but that thing kicked my butt.  OK, granted the grass was up to my knees on the side of the house and I had to make a good 10 passes to get it mowed, but it still whooped me.  I didn't even get to the back yard before it got dark.  I heartily recommend a push mower for a good workout. Connie

(deactivated member)
on 7/9/07 2:15 pm
Kudos Connie! I try to live green as well. Indivivdual responsibility is the key to results. This is the key to everything we'll be successful in, WLS or saving the planet.  I'd suggest the video "Who Killed the Electric Car" if you haven't seen it already. It's got some compelling information. Also, the websites pluginamerica and algore.org have resources for action. Green with pride! heatherh
on 7/9/07 3:49 pm - Maricopa, AZ
I too am a recycle bug.  The only challenges I have faced so far, is the inconsistancies of recycling centers.  Some take all plastices, others just 1 and 4.  Some take all paper, and others just newspaper.  It gets frustrating sometimes and I wish there was one central location that took everything.   Another energy saving tip I can offer is to unplug all appliances that you don't use.  This includes the toaster, the blender, food processers, etc.  When not in use, they still can suck up energy from your home.  Once I pay off my car now, I think I am going to get the Toyota Prius.  I heard that had the best milage, and is very cute!
on 7/13/07 1:47 pm - Scottsdale, AZ
I have a green heart - but I have to admit, I don't do as much as I should/could.  However - I want to recommend that you visit Freecycle.org. You can join the Yahoo Freecycle group in your geographical area. Members offer (via emailed messages) anything they wish to "recycle." I have seen offers of furniture, clothes, toys, books, household items, down to the smallest things - a partially used container of detergent, lotion, etc. Whatever someone does not need or will not use can be claimed by someone who has a need/desire/use for it. Why send it to the landfill if someone can use it?  All are free offers. It's definitely worth checking out. Maxine
on 7/13/07 3:20 pm - Glendale, AZ
Hey Max, Thanks for the website! I hadn't heard of Freecycle.org before.  I'm going to pass it along to my staff.  They're a pretty green group.   I kept meaning to reply to yor e-mail from work about your upcoming surgery, but I've been going Mach 5 with my hair on fire.  Wow!  Your surgery is right around the corner.  I remember when I was getting close to my surgery date, I was so excited I couldn't stand myself.  As the day got closer, I became unbelievably calm and collected.  I wondered if I had lost my mind because I was totally without fear, but I think I was absolutely sure that I was doing the right thing and I still believe it was the best thing I ever did for myself.   Jim showed me the website.  How do you like it? Hugs, Connie
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