Want to share my happiness
Everyone, I was so shocked today when I got weighed in at Dr. Simpson's office today. I am at 206 lbs!!! I simply could not believe it. I was truly stunned! I though I was somewhere between 210 & 213, because I weigh myself daily to keep myself on track. I was at 240 just before my surgery on 3/28/07. I still just can't believe it & it has truly made me very happy. I do not believe I weigh so little since my daughter was maybe 8 or 9 years old, and she turns 19 this month. And here I thought I wasn't doing that well because I really should been behaving myself better when it come to eating the correct foods and the correct portions. Then there is the fact that I haven't even started exercising regularing.
My birthday is Nov 3, and I'm aiming for 180lbs. The last time I weighed so little so just after my daughter's birth. I am really looking forward to it.
I'm so grateful for the band, and the tool it has given me to enable me to lose weight. It has truly been a God-send & a Dr. Simpson send too!
Well, I just wanted to share my happiness with the group, and let those of us out there that are still struggling (I sure am), that even with the struggles you can do it.
Hopefully, it will be even better now because I got my 2nd fill today. I certainly seem to already feel a difference as far as the restriction, and I really needed that.
Thanks for listening/reading my rambling.