I hate food.......

on 5/31/07 7:24 am - PHOENIX, AZ
OK, I hate everything I eat and drink.......I've lost 16 lbs in 21 days, so I think I'm doing ok, but even the thought of eating make me want to vomit.  NOTHING!!! taste's good at all!!!  I was so excited to be able to have an egg or some yogurt, but nothing appeals to me anymore.  I can't stand any of the protein drinks I've tried yet, so I know I'm not getting enough protein in.  Water and vitamins and a little bit of food here and there, and that's it.  I should be losing a lot more weight if you ask me.  I feel fine, I'm not too tired at all, but am I going to hate food for the rest of my life?!?!??!?!?  I go back to class on June 4th, and I'm excited to get fruits and vegetables, or will this be a big dissappointment also.  I hate to complain, as I wanted this surgery so bad, and I've had a pretty decent recovery, but I hate trying to gag my food down......HELP?!?!??!?!?!? Alli


M. clarke
on 5/31/07 7:37 am
Ali, I went through the same thing you are. I think a lot do. I can't comment on the fruits and veggies as I as so sick by the point we got those back I didn't start eating them until month 4. Although I did peel and eat grapes as they were moist and they went down well. However YES it will get better. Food will taste good again. Although I have to admit I still haven't went back to eating eggs since I've been able to eat other things LOL. Still no desire for them.  Hang in there girl! I know this part sucks. It will be better.  I PROMISE!!!!!  It will get better. Dr. Blackstone told me the first 4 months would be hell, and she wasn't kidding! They are. But once you get through them you will feel like normal again, except that you eat a little less, and keep shedding weight! Hang in there!
on 5/31/07 10:02 am

 Hey  Alli

                        Your doing great !!  thats a lot of weight in a short period of  time .


 So tell us  what you do like ?  there has to be something that is staying down well !  have you been trying lots of differant things ? or are you stuck in a rut ??  I told you Shrimp and cottage cheese  had become my best fooods.  I know I had  to force myself to eat in the  begining.  it will get better .   the protein drinks you will develope a taste for  - most are too sweet in the begining ! thats why I gave you some samples  - imagine if you had great big canisters staring you in the face evey morning !   yuck ola !


yes the fruit and veggie are a welcome site - even if you have to follow the 4-1 rule !  Hang in and Hold on ! your in for the  ride of your life !

on 5/31/07 1:19 pm - PHOENIX, AZ

Hey there Jeanna, I liked all the protein stuff before surgery, and now can't stomach any of it!!!  I got some great samples from Pam also, and can't even look at them.  I can eat everything on my approved food list, I just can't stand any of it :-(......I try to eat 3 times a day, like they said to do, and I have to force myself to eat.  When I get really busy during the day, I forget to eat sometimes....I haven't gotten sick on anything, I eat like 4 or 5 bites, and then I'm done......I am really excited about getting fruits and veggies back, maybe that will shake my food program up a little bit.....Thanks for always being there for me girl!!! Alli


M. clarke
on 5/31/07 10:13 am
Ali. I forgot to mention.. i also went through a period of a week or two where I couldn't get any of the protein drinks down as they tasted so awful. Same with food it was just awful. Even water tasted bad. Then I tried them again in a week or so and they were okay. I think sometimes our taste buds get all out of wack for some reason. I also had that bad taste in my mouth though, I don't remember what the medical term was for it. Some people get that. Do you have that? The dry mouth and bad taste in your mouth? if so that may be part of your problem. They say drinking lots of water will help it. I personally don't think anything ever did. It will eventually go away even though it doesn't seem it ever will. Shrimp worked well for me also. I sauteed it with a touch of garlic and olive oil and it was actually pretty good. I ate a lot of fish to begin with to. Which is strange because I didn't like fish or shrimp before the surgery, but it tasted good afterwards.
on 5/31/07 1:26 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
Liss, I've got that awful taste in my mouth also!!  I've never had morning breath or anything like that, but now I've got like Dragon breath, it's terrible!!!  Lucky for me, my husband is very understanding.  I love shrimp and have it a couple of times a week, three small shrimp and I'm done, 1/4 cup of cottage cheese and I'm done, 2oz of yogurt and I'm done.........I can eat a whole cheese stick, and that's what taste the best to me, I have at least one a day, but I can't live on cheese sticks alone.  I'm hoping the fruit and veggies will kick start me back up, just an apple slice and cheese stick, sounds so good to me:-)  Wish me luck on Monday with fruits and veggies!!! Alli


M. clarke
on 5/31/07 2:20 pm
I see you keep writing that you feel bad about complaining. Don't feel bad! That bad taste in your mouth is awful!!!!  And nothing helps it. I was miserable from it. The closest thing I could associate it with was feeling like I was walking around with the taste of vomit in my mouth 24 hours a day, and there was nothing, no amount of brushing teeth, or drinking water that would get rid of it. I also got a heightened sense of smell along with it so smells made me really sick too. I haven't heard to many people complain about that on here, but a few have mentioned it here and there in their profiles. Just because you don't have complications, and your surgery went well doesn't mean it is easy for you :) This stuff is hard to go through, even without the extra problems! You shouldn't feel bad about "complaining". It is hard to force yourself to eat when things taste so nasty. I can sympathize. Good luck with your fruits and veggies! I liked the grapes. I bought the big globe ones (hopefully they are in season for you) as you have to peel them. Can't eat the peels until month 4. The smaller grapes are harder to peel LOL.
on 5/31/07 11:14 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Hi Alli: That's one reason I had so many protein packages left. I hated all of them. Now I'm 5 months post op and food is finally beginning to taste good. There were days I literally had to force myself to eat. I could care less if food ever touched my lips again. Now I'm eating plenty of fish, chicken, fruits and vegetables and loving it. It just takes time. I still don't eat any bread, deserts, chips or anything like that. Fruit has become my best friend. It will get better as time goes on. Like Melissa stated the first 4 months are not easy but it does get better. 16lbs in 21 days. WOW Pam
on 5/31/07 1:31 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
Pam, I loved all the protein samples you sent me, I had a couple before surgery and I thought they actually tasted good, and now YUCKO!!!!  I've been very lucky that I don't get sick on anything, nothing just taste good though.  I feel bad complaining as I had such an easy surgery and recovery so far, and maybe the fact that food doesn't appeal to me anymore is a blessing in disquise.  I am so ready for fruits and veggies on Monday, it's getting so hot, and I just want a cool slice of watermelon or cantelope :-).....Thanks again for all the protien samples, and hopefully I will get that taste for them again:-)   Alli


on 5/31/07 1:17 pm - Layton, UT
Hiya Alli! Hang in there!  It sounds like you hit the jackpot!  Can you imagine how bummed you'd be if you were craving food instead!!!!  Some folks go an entire year or longer  having to force themselves to eat and then all of a sudden they're panicking because they want to eat everything. Don't stress.  You will definitely enjoy food again.  Take advantage of this time and just plan healthy food choices.  Set your timer to remind you to eat.  ....And, if it all tastes nasty then you might as well make sure the nutritional intake is healthy protein!!!!  I actually even went thruogh a perioud where the taset of chocolate gagged me!    those were the good 'ol days!  :) Hugggsss to you friend and congrats on your awesome loss!  Crank up the calories so your bod doesn't think it's starving and  you'll probably drop a few!  Our bodies need to be fooled on occasion! 
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010   
     www.dsfacts.com , www.dssurgery.com , & www.duodenalswitch.com


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