on 5/22/07 8:36 am

I just joined this forum, i've been trying to find help in Arizona (PHX)  I had lap-band surgery March '03.  My starting weight was 269 lbs. My lowest weight was 176. I was able to maintain my lowest weight for 8 mo.  I started having problems with fills, I would have a fill and then start constantly sliming, pressure in my chest, and jsut unbearable pain in my ches. My Dr. would unfill me and ask me to wait a few days/weeks to re-do it. After 6 moths of trying this fill-unfill we decided to empty my band completely. I did that may 2006. I have gained back weight and i am currently at 210lbs.  MY Dr is in Tijuana Mexico, and since i recently moved from SD to Phoenix (i got married) i cant go back and forth for fills /unfills, and no Doctor will take me here. I have tried to make appointments but as soon as they hear i had my surgery in Mexico no one is willing to help. I AM DESPERATE! i dont know what to do or where to turn, i can see and feel the weight creepeing back up and i dont want to feel depressed. Please can someone suggest a Dr. in Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe, Scotsdale that can help?

Thank You!
on 5/22/07 9:46 am - Austin , TX
I can only suggest you call the band manufacturer to see if they can give you the number to a fill center in the area.   They are all over the usa and take people that were banded out of the country.    Their number is 1-800-766-0171 They have a web site as well but I can't remember what it is...sorry.

Carole M

Maureen O.
on 5/22/07 9:59 am - Glendale, AZ


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M. clarke
on 5/22/07 2:35 pm
I've never heard of such a thing, not helping someone because they don't like where you had the surgery. I am so sorry that is happening to you. I have no advise for you as I am not a lap band. Just wanted to offer my condolences and let you know I will say a prayer that you find someone to help you and that you find some relief. You may consider getting into some counseling or at very least some support groups to help with the eating as you don't want to undo the good work you have done. Don't get yourself down for the weight you have put back on. Keep in mind you are still down considerable from the weight you were at and it is not to late to turn it back around with or with out the fills. 210 is considerable less then 269.  You just need to dig deep and find that inner strength you know is there.  You are no longer an obese person. You are just a little over weight, and you can lose those extra pounds fill or no fills! You will be in my thoughts.
Nicole W.
on 5/22/07 5:39 pm - Cave Creek, AZ
Actually I heard it is pretty common for US Surgeons to turn away out of the country patients for after-care... or they change a good amount of money for fills.  I can see the point of liability reasons and so on.


M. clarke
on 5/22/07 7:02 pm
If they are worried about being liable then they should turn away any other doctors patient, not just those out of country. Sounds like they were fine with it being someone else's patient, just not a patient of someone out of the U.S. Seems strange to me. I guess I don't get it.
Nicole W.
on 5/23/07 4:01 am - Cave Creek, AZ
Ok, I do not like this new forum set up.  This is the 5th time I am retyping this before I get a pop-up that it is closing the window! US surgeons are protected by rules and laws governed over the whole medical field.  When you have surgery outside the US the procedure is not certified under those laws... there is a whole organization, can't think of the name of it, but there is one.  So, it can make sense to me that a US based surgeon would be hesistant of taking care of patient because who knows what they did and that surgeon is not protected under those laws because they didn't perform the surgery. Stepping away from the topic now...


on 5/22/07 6:00 pm - Mesa, AZ
It is very sad when doctors turn people away just because they had surgery done out of the country.  They don't seem to realize that many times this decision is made because of financial reasons.  The lack of insurance or approvability. I would contact Dr. Terry Simpson.  He has done many Lap-band procedures.  You may have something else that is affecting the band and needs to be checked out...not just getting fills and un-fills constantly. The manufacturer can direct you to a fill center as well. Until you can get in to see a doctor...go back to your basic protein forward eating.  3 meals, no snacks...protein, then vegetables and then fruit.  Be sure to take your vitamins and drink 64 oz of water a day.  Also, get back to your 20-30 minutes of exersize daily.  Keep your mind off your weight by keeping busy! Good luck and God bless. Robin
on 5/24/07 7:49 am
I contacted Dr. Terry Simpson. He will not take me. Im trying every lap band Dr i can find in the Phoenix area. Thanks! M
on 5/24/07 11:56 am - Layton, UT
I understand your frustration. Give me a call at my office tomorrow and I may have some help for you......And, it has nothing to do with Plastic surgery!  :) Huggggzzz, Joyce 480 991-6877 North Valley Plastic Surgery
Rny 2/11/03-> ERny 12/26/07-> Duodenal Switch 5/12/2010 , , &


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