Do you ever have days...

on 5/19/07 7:16 am - Phoenix, AZ
...that you miss Pepsi? Like, ice cold sugary sweet Pepsi goodness? Oh man. I'm jonsin'! But I'll get over it. Because I useda weigh 335 and today I weigh 270. Walking the mall and eating edamame are my staples lately. How is everyone faring? Nicole
M. clarke
on 5/19/07 8:11 am
yep..I have days like that too... I actually opened a coke about two weeks ago.. .poured a little into a cup...poured the rest down the sink.. waited until the fizz settled down.. and then took a big swallow... and was sooooo disappointed. It didn't taste good at all. It cured me for my craving. For now at least. I was a big coca cola and mountain dew fan. Drank about 10 a day before surgery. I still see the mountain dew and want one, but at least I know I know longer like the coke. I haven't tested the mountain dew yet. Kinda afraid it might not taste bad, and then what? Of course with coke the goodness of it was to pour it over ice and the fizziness of it.. so without that.. really what is the point. Congrats on your great weight loss!
on 5/19/07 9:06 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Hi Nicole: Just thinking about a diet coke or Mountain Dew makes my mouth water. Yep I miss them a lot. But now down 75 pounds I can live without them (I think). Pam
David S.
on 5/20/07 3:14 am
I'm with you guys, my wife used to think that I was on a Mountain Dew IV, I drank it so much. I cut out soda 100% in my presurgery diet, and haven't looked back. I think Mountain Dew was responsible for most of the weight I've gained in the 9 years before my surgery. Got hooked during college when I had to pull so many all-nighters. Long habits don't break easily. I don't miss the soda, but I know Jodell's mouth waters when she thinks about her soda. Especially when we are on the road.
Nicole W.
on 5/19/07 9:14 am - Cave Creek, AZ
When I was about 4 months post op, I tried some Diet Coke... it was so good and had no problems with it. But realized I could only drink it from a fountain otherwise it was too carbonated. I would probably have one a day... nothing near my old habit of 100oz+ in the past. I also knew I was doing myself a disservice so I gave it up for Lent... tried a little bit a few weeks ago because I was just so tired at work from working 14 or more hour days, Diet Coke used to be my coffee and it did absolutely nothing for me... I ended up ditching it because it tasted nasty. Now... I love iced tea. I make the sun tea with the caffefine free teas and sometimes drink normal iced tea, but I just make sure I double my water intake when I don't drink caffefine free tea. I need to get myself some Edamame, never had it before and heard it is really good! You are doing great! ~Nicole
hope H.
on 5/20/07 12:56 pm - mesa, AZ
I went to the grocery store and had to get theDiet Coke and Diet Dr pepper for my family and was just remembering how nice it was to have when it is so cold out. Now I can't drink cold liquids or I get totally queazy, havent had soda because I don't want to start that and crystal light is too sweet now and nauseates me so I have to dilute it. Anyway I sympathize with ya!!! Hope
M. clarke
on 5/20/07 1:49 pm
Do you get queasy even with ice water, or just cold other drinks? I got queazy but it was never caused from cold water, it was everything in general. Have you tried squeezing lemon into your water? That is what my doctor recommended. We weren't allowed to have citrus until month 4 i think it was however lemon squeezed into water was one of the exception. Also are you taking some form of antacid? My doctor had me take pepcid 2 times a day for the first 90 days. That might help also if you aren't already doing so. Of course double check with your own doctor before doing either. Queazy is normal and most go through it I think. But there are things that can help. Hang in there! We have all been there and understand how you feel. Supposable the first 90 days are the worst and after that it gets much easier. I wasn't a typical case so it's hard for me to say LOL, but I can say for sure that after 6 months it is ALL very very much better and all feels normal again.
M. clarke
on 5/20/07 1:50 pm
p.s. nausea is also a sign of dehydration so you might want to kick up the pure water intake and see if that helps also if possible. I know it is very hard this early on to get enough in.
on 5/20/07 1:58 pm - Glendale, AZ
It will pass, it will pass. Hang in there and don't give in. I haven't had a soda in almost 4 years now and I was as addicted to Diet Coke as you could be. I'd go to sleep with a glass on the night stand and pour a fresh one first thing in the morning. I never think about soda anymore. I have cases and cases of the stuff in my garage and the spare fridge for friends and relatives and I'm not the least bit tempted. I did crave soda for a while, but once I got past the hump, it was all good. I know a lot of people drink soda and do fine, but there are links between carbonation and bone loss and we who have had rny are at enough risk for bone loss without making it worse. Connie
Darlene X
on 5/21/07 12:50 am - Maricopa, AZ
Funnily enough... No.... I don't miss soda one bit... in fact thinking about drinking soda makes me physically gag.... I followed my awful bowel prep phospasoda liquid with some sprite when I took it... it was so disgusting that when I think of soda all I can think of is that nasty liquid, and it makes me want to puke.... So no soda for me ever again... ewwww
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