Clothing Changes

M. clarke
on 5/15/07 7:20 am
I have ran into a problem with thinking I would shrink into my clothes. I'm finding that with losing weight I'm not losing the way I gained and I am turning into a pear shape versus hour glass. I have to admit it is kinda depressing as I am not digging the pear shape. I know it will all work out in the end; however in the mean time all the cloths i thought I was saving to "shrink" into, aren't working out so well. I cleaned out another 3 garbage bags of clothes out of my closet last night that now fit in the waist, but are so baggy in the thigh and legs they look ridiculous. Also.. my tops.. just not fitting right either because of some serious shrinkage there so they have had to go. A bathing suit that used to work at this size, is now way to big on top : FROWN : . Now I realize that I am having just a bad week in the clothing department, and a little plastic surgery when I get to my goal weight will perk my tops back up if you get my meaning.... I am just feeling more self conscious at this weight and shape then I was before... it will pass of course.. hopefully quickly!.. just interesting is all.
on 5/15/07 8:51 am
Melissa I feel your pain, It seems my rear end has dropped more weight and now I have droopy drawers all the time , I did find one good solution thanks to a friend - knit pants & the stretch jeans with layered tops - seem to be working well ! Oh also padded bra's - never thought I would resort to one of em - but they are helping fill out a couple shirts to make me look more balanced, Hang in there and take a friend you trust shopping - try something new - might be better - just like tatse buds change - maybe clothing choices will change ?
M. clarke
on 5/15/07 9:16 am
Jean. Thanks for the reply! Glad I'm not alone. I think I'm going to have to switch over to the padded bra also! Not sure why I have to lose there. Everyone in my family is so full there they all want reductions, even the thin girls. I'm the only one wanting to increase that part, LOL. I had one pair of stretch jeans and your right they did work well, but they are too big now. I didn't want to start buying clothes, but it looks like I might be forced to soon. Maybe I will look at buying some skirts, perhaps those will fit better at this point then the pants. And also be cooler for summer.
on 5/15/07 9:44 am - Layton, UT
Jeanna and Melissa, I remember sitting in my doc's seminar thinking that I would shrink into a Barbie form and live happily ever after! NOT!!!! I totally hated how I melted from top to bottom like some stinking candle! I HATEd the squishies too. I was in small sizes but the rolly pollies totally drove me crazy!!! AND....finally you can hit a decent jean size and the loose skin muffins over the top! Ugh!!!! Good thing I work for the Plastics Master cuz I have a very lonnnnnnng wish list!'s not about looks, it's all about health! *wink, wink* Huggggzz to you 2 LOSER'S!!! Joyce
M. clarke
on 5/15/07 11:33 am
Yes I know it is about the health. My reasoning for having the surgery was to simple be out of pain. I am mostly perplexed by the pear shaped thing. I used to be so thankful that even at a plus size I wasn't a pear. And now that I am losing weight, suddenly.. I am a pear! You said it a candle melting from the top to bottom. However as a single girl still seeking her Mr. Right I gotta say.. looks also matter. Dressing like Ms. Frumpy because you can't find a pair of decent pants to fit on your date isn't going to impress. Frumpy is not sexy. And most guys I know.. like sexy. I myself would not be particularly attracted to a guy who didn't dress well. Now when I date I have a whole new bunch of questions going through my head "will he still find me sexy as I continue to lose weight" "Whats he gonna think of all these floppy parts as I start to lose more weight?" .. and "What's he gonna think when my boobs continue to shrink into...what can only be described as tennis balls in socks" We're not there yet. But i saw a picture at my doctors office of a girl before and after plastic surgery, and it reminded me of tennis balls in a pair socks.. so I fear that is where mine will go as they continue to shrink. And then you have to wait a year after losing weight before you can even have the plastic surgery. It's a whole new dating game. Before it was easy. There were a whole bunch of guys there that were into big girls. But what now? Keep dating the guy who likes the big girls and then he sabotages you when you try to lose weight? Can't find a guy who likes a thin girl because your not there yet, and the in between ones. The ones that just like a girl for who she is. Okay..They are out there and I am finding them, but they are a little harder to find. Still though.. all the concerns still remain.. Whats he gonna think of my dramatically changing body over the next few years. So there it is.. these are some of my fears and single girl woes. Okay.. to any guys reading this.. I am not saying guys are superficial. Please don't think that. But I'm a girl and I like to be sexy.. and this process is far from sexy. YES I am aware that this has nearly 90% to do with self confidence. Just finding that self confidence hard to find at this time. Am i alone or is anyone else going through these dating fears?
M. clarke
on 5/15/07 11:40 am
p.s. was that to honest for this forum?? Sorry if it was.
on 5/15/07 12:29 pm - Layton, UT
No RULES! You Rock!
on 5/15/07 12:28 pm - Layton, UT
Melissa, This journey is indeed a process and you're right in the middle of it all........the amazing finish is yet ahead! The in between when we can't buy nice pricey clothes cuz they'll be too big in a minute and then the loose skin issues all add up to some discouraging moments! Hang in there! Your guy hunt might be turned right around before you know it to a guy hunting girl scenario! The general rule for plastics: Within the weight range YOU are after and stable for at least 3 months. You don't have to wait a year or 2 or 3 but just when your body decides to settle into a range. Folks can lose an amazing amount of "skin weight" with their plastics. As for those tennis balls in tube socks???? That is the average post-op look! Just love it and realize that you're trading UP when you exchange FAT for loose skin....then you can trade up one last time by exchanging loose skin for tight little scars!!!! I KNOW that you can have the single "hot" looks of your dreams with time and a tad bit of tweaking! I am amazed at the transformations of the patients at North Valley Plastic Surgery! I love it when they show me their before WLS pics and then I get to see their after Plastics look! Wow! Til then.....find some inexpensive lovely clothes to hold you over and take Shakespeare's words to heart "What er thou art, act well thy part"!!! In other words.....ACT SEXY at whatever size or shape and you will BE SEXY! I know the gals in our Chandler Support group have an absolute blast at Graham Central Station on Friday nights. It's in Tempe and I guess the men are wonderful!!!! Find some girlfriends and hit the dance scene!!!! .....hang in won't be long before you can have your finished hot bod!!!! Joyce
M. clarke
on 5/15/07 12:38 pm
Joyce, Thank you for the kind words I kept hearing it was a year before a plastic surgeon would work on you. This is a myth then? That makes me feel much better. I was dreading the thought of having to walk around for another year after losing the weight with the extra skin. What does that mean when your body settles? Is it just something you know then? You just notice the skin stops shrinking or something?
on 5/15/07 5:28 pm - Maricopa, AZ
HI JOYCE! When do you all go to Graham? I wanted to go w/ some of my girlfriends over the weekend, but they are into dancing as much as I. I would love to hit the floor w/ some of you gals sometime! OH, can you post that doc's site? Does he do vein treatments? Can I even do that now, since I am only 6 weeks out? Melissa, I have the same problem w/ pants. They are good in the waist, but in the legs and crotch, they are sooooo baggy! I look like I am trying to bring back the genie pants from the 80s! LOL! Dawn
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