Faciliator HELP!!!!
I've lost the facilitator sign-up for Chandler Support Group! Can we recreate the dates????? Pleeeeez sign up! I need help or we'll be shutting down our famous FUN support group!
Jenn, what was your date? Jeanna? Pam? Everyone?
4th Tuesday in May - Gil and guest speaker
June Weds -
June Tues -
July Weds - Jen and Todd
July Tues -
Aug Weds- Gil
Augst Tues -
Sept Weds-
Sept Tues-
Reminders -
Monday June 18th is Vitalady at the Scottsdale Marriott at McDowell Mountains. (10.00 before May 31st via credit card to Joyce at North Valley Plastic Surgery (480) 991-6877 or $15.00 cash at the door)
Note** The $10 fee is non-profit and is just a token to help cover the facility expenses. This event is being hosted by North Valley Plastic Surgery.
Bridges St Luke's Bariataric Wing Grand Opening for Grad - Sat., June 23rd
Stay tuned for DETAILS of this all day FREE event for St Luke's Grads!
I am signed-up to facilitate on July 11th. I will be presenting on "Teaching Healthy Eating Habits to the Kids in Your Life without Nagging or Lecturing". I haven't been able to come to the last group and this week's group due to schedule conflicts. I will be back on board for our next group. See you all soon. -Jenn C. in Chandler