a few more opinions....

on 5/6/07 3:46 am - Layton, UT
Hi all, I'm back from a very "cold" trip to Utah but...fun, fun, fun....filled with lots of family time. ...I always go North with a bit of anxiety since family reunions are the source of "happy moments as well as frustrating moments"! This round went well. My report card on the "weight comments" which unfortunately still rules my mental scale of emotions was positive! Whew! I did a fast "read" of the postings since I've been gone and just have a couple of extra thoughts to add to the mix..... Rny newbies differ from Lapband newbies quite a bit. The surgical sites will be a lot more "invaded" with the Rny and will thus, be a lot more sensitive. So, the nutritional intakes will be very limited for the Rny; which is one of the reasons they are encouraged to have the quick absorption protein drinks. The other reason is of course because they have malabsorption from bypassing the tummy. Calories are not usually an issue with the Rny early on because they are in "ketosis" from their mini protein intake meals. Calorie losing vs. Ketosis losing is a debate that continues amongst the best of scientific, medical and weight loss communities. Calories may not be discussed by a surgeon early on because it's very unlikely that a newbie can ever reach anything over 1,000 calories in any given day (unless they're guzzling high calorie liquids). But, it would be a disservice to that newbie if someone (nutritionist?) did not give them calorie guidelines by 3 months post-op. The danger in assuming that (as has been said of one surgeon's program) calories do not matter is that as we heal, are able to consume more and get about living our lives without minute by minute focus on protein, we often think it's o.k. to have a bunch of crackers because "two" were fine in the beginning. Or we have a piece of the bread brought to the table at the restaurant because we can now tolerate it without feeling like a mac truck is sitting on our chest. In other words, we are no longer in the infant stage of our pouch and progress quickly to the adolescent phase which allows more stuff! Staying with the frame of mind that "calories do NOT matter" will pack the weight back on us or at least put us into a slow losing pattern or plateau. Recommendations: 0 to 3 months - Keep calories under 1,000 and protein over 60 grams daily 3 to 6 months - Keep calories under 1200 and protein grams over 80 daily. 6 to 18 months - Keep calories under 1200 and protein grams over 100 daily. Beyond that - (if still wanting to lose), keep calories under 1200 and protein grams over 100 daily. Maintaining? Do the math to find your calorie intake/out-take ratio and keep that. For those who are working out 3 or more hours aerobically per week and are female....you can usually have between 1200 and 1700 calories per day without gain. Always shoot for 100 protein grams per day or more if you ae working out, sick or "preparing or recovering" from surgery. These are general guidelines collected from the O.H. material, the ASBS guidelines and from the Grad site. Constripation issues? Eat peppercinni's!!!! Protein source? Any type of whey protein that is at about 23 grams of protein to between 90 and 120 calories that you can enjoy! Need to get back on track? Support Groups! Support Groups! Support Groups! = Accountability, information, and warm fuzzies from others! ....so, I'm off to church to get my own Joyce
on 5/6/07 9:23 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Thanks for the info Joyce, I absolutely LOVE peppercinni's and never heard they were good for constipation, oh lucky me!!!! My surgery is on Wednesday, wish me luck Alli 3 days and counting !!!!!!!
on 5/6/07 11:11 am - Layton, UT
Ali, I realized after I posted that I should have let people know I was "just kidding"! ......There are definitely foods that help "move" things along but I'm not sure pepercinni's are for everyone! *winks* Water, walk, Water, Walk and some great fiber are the tried and tested ways for most folks! Huggggzz to you! I'll be thinking happy "skinny" thoughts on your surgery day!!! Joyce
Linda S.
on 5/7/07 8:49 am - PHOENIX, AZ
HUGE Hug to you!!! Much luck, sweet angel
on 5/7/07 1:13 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
Save me a seat on the losers bench sweetie 2 days and counting for me!!! Alli
on 5/7/07 1:40 pm - Layton, UT
Ali! Oh boy! Oh Boy! OH BOY!!! Is it really just over one day away for YOU???!!!! You R going to be an awesome LOSER!!!!! Big Huggggggzzz and Joyce
M. clarke
on 5/7/07 1:50 pm
Alli!! How exciting! You must be so nervous and excited all in one!! I remember how that feels I hope everything goes smoothly and i hope you get over the worst of it and on to the best of it quickly!
Linda S.
on 5/7/07 3:12 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
I am so glad for you. I know you don't toot your own horn, but the help you give to others is amazing. I will call you tomorrow....hugs! Cheering: Go Alli.....its your birthday!
Nicole W.
on 5/6/07 11:04 am - Cave Creek, AZ
Ok... I am one person who said not to count calories and not to let it be my main focus as per my nutrionist, and that was at 4 months post-op visit when I was given a full menu back. So I am not sure if this was directed to me or not. I count my protein, protein first for me... I follow Blackstone's rules. I also rarely ever eat foods that I am not supposed to. Yes, I have tried other foods that are high in calories and carbs, it tasted nasty... for instance Pizza... doesn't do anything for me anymore, wasted calories/carbs in my eyes and it it way too heavy on my pouch. I started snacking and I put a stop to it. Thus, why I think it is extremely important you follow your own sugreon's post-op program. One surgeon will allow you to eat anything you want a few weeks out and then another only allows lean proteins for 4 months. I think that is where alot of people get confused on this site, because I have... being a few weeks post op and reading that people were eating oatmeal and here I was eating my stock of yogurt, tuna fish and chicken, it gets boring... but I stuck with it because I knew it was for my own health I agree with Support Groups... those that are very successful usually attend Support Groups. I also swear by my bran muffin each day... I use Splenda instead of sugar and also put in a scoop of protein powder to at least add something in there. Helps with the backed up plumbing. Everyone is different when it comes to Weight Loss Surgery. I have also learned in the last month or so to stop comparing my weight loss to someone elses, because we are all unique and what works for one person may not work for another. Have a good one! ~Nicole
on 5/6/07 11:26 am - Layton, UT
Hey sweetie! I wasn't directing any bads towards anyone at all! So sorry if you thought I was aiming at anyone. I'd read the posts so quickly it all just jumbled in my brain with a general thought of the subject. You are absolutely right in that everyone should follow their surgeon's programs as newbies. However, I have heartily endorsed the idea that we should all research for ourselves what works best for our own bodies! Be our OWN advocates!!! I would NEVER allow any one indiivdiual to decide my course for the rest of my lfe. (I'm sure everyone takes my babble with a huge grain of salt too!) As you pointed out.....we are all unique and 3 meals or 6 mini meals could be perfect for someone! That's why general guidelines are sent out annually by the ASBS. We can always check to see if our surgeon attends those conferences and adheres to the latest and greatest reseach. But, the bottom line is that if we are having great labs, losing as expected by doc and self and feel great then there's no need to question. But, if it's not working out well, then we may not fit the cookie cutter directions and need to explore options. Thank Heaven's there are many suggestions on this site. Though it may be confusing, it is very very educational! I think you're commitment to staying on track and focused is awesome! You rock! I am having some problems keeping the "protein first" mantra going these days and am looking forward to smoother sailing soon!!!! I'm starting a protein fast tomorrow morning!!!!! Wish me luck! Huggggzzz, Joyce
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