hi again :)

M. clarke
on 5/1/07 6:24 pm
Hi everyone. I haven't been on in a while and I am finding that I need to get back here and surround myself with those going through the same things as myself and get inspired again It is so easy to get off track! I read back a little bit on the posts. Sorry to hear about all the gall bladder and constipation problems that seem to be hot topics right now! I have totally been slacking off on my exercising, partially due to laziness, and much due to back pain. I have also found out (Unfortunatly!) that I have little adverse reaction to sugar or fats. Which means I have to rely a lot on my willpower which could really use a major boost! On a better note! I have reached my first goal of losing 100 pounds! I still have 90 to lose to be at my doctors goal for me, and 120 to be at my goal for me. But I was Extremely excited when i stepped on the scale and saw i had reached 254 pounds from my start weight of 355. I even did a little happy dance around my bedroom. Which shamefully was the most exercise I had done that day. 100 pounds in 6 months is certainly a great loss; however, I know it could be much more then that if I just put a little more effort into it. I hope everyone is doing good, and I look forward to getting back in touch with everything happening here on the forum!
on 5/1/07 10:50 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
Melissa! Hello you! I have missed you on the boards and at support group. 100 pounds in 6 months is SUPER! I am so proud of you. I know from where you speak regarding the "6 month slump." Sugar and fats bother me only a little; if I eat more than a small piece of hard candy or a couple of bites of greasy food. So, yeah, I too am having to use willpower to control my eating. But you know, it seems that willpower is not as hard to muster up when we see the fabulous results right in front of our eyes every day! I am confident that you (and I) will reach our goals and be even prouder of ourselves knowing it took effort on our parts to get there. I will be at support group on Monday. You? Please come over to me as I am sure that I will not even recognize you anymore. Mary
M. clarke
on 5/2/07 9:41 am
Thank you Mary! I don't get out to the support groups much. It is to difficult for me to get there with my back problems. However I do find the board very inspiring and will try to stay more active here. I had my appointment with my doctor today. They gave me a Century Club pin for losing 100 pounds, officially 103 pounds now. All my labs came back great except for my B1 is low so I need to kick that up. I just need to keep away from the sweet and salty snacks! I am doing good I know that, but I could be doing remarkable with a little more effort.
on 5/2/07 8:10 am - GLENDALE, AZ
Hello Melissa, I am new to GB and waiting for the approval from my insurance as of today. I want you to go back in time when you wanted the surgery and were in process of hoping for the dream of being healthy. You can do it. Then collect those feelings of desperation again. Hopefully that will motivate you to get back on track. I hope you can find a way for support in your exercise. I have found a great group of friends that are willing to exercise with me every night. Its been two weeks and we are all doing better than when we started. You CAN do it !!!
M. clarke
on 5/2/07 9:36 am
Thanks for the inspiring words Mitch! And congrats on starting on this path!!
on 5/2/07 10:01 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Melissa, what an amazing job you've done in the last 6 months!!! 100lbs is awesome, you should be very proud of yourself Save me a seat on the loser's bench, 6 days and counting Alli
M. clarke
on 5/2/07 5:44 pm
Alli. Thank you. I am half way there I am proud. I just don't want to let myself down when I know I could do better. How exciting only 6 days! You will be here before you know it. I hope everything goes very smoothly for you! You will be in my thoughts and I just said a prayer for you for your surgery and recovery.
on 5/3/07 5:35 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
Thanks Melissa, I really am starting to get excited. wish me luck!!! Alli
(deactivated member)
on 5/3/07 12:07 am - AZ
Hey Melissa, whatcha doin? I am down almost 75 lbs, right now I am at 201, and my dr goal is 160 so about 40 more lbs, but I would like to get down to 145 personally. Hey 100 lbs is great, I am suprised you don't dump. I still do. Glad to see your back, I get on here when my hectic life allows it. Congrats on the century pin!!! Hugs, Erin
M. clarke
on 5/3/07 6:38 am
Erin. 75 Pounds since your surgery is amazing! And only 40 to go to your doctors goal! Outstanding!!!! You are sooo close you must feel so wonderful. No dumping for me. I just had 2 pieces squares of a Hershey bar for breakfast. Grant it presurgery, would have had 2 full Hershey bars when the monthly chocolate cravings kicked in. However it is all good. Everything in moderation. Congrats again! That is a fantastic weight loss. You will be at goal before you know it.
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