It has been a struggle....
Wow LuAnne: I had to read your story twice. I too have taken care of my granddaughter for periods of time but she's older. You have two very small kids. This is a major life changer. Thank goodness you are there for them. You truly are an angel. I hope you can find some time for yourself. Stress can cause havic on your body.
When I read stories like yours it puts everything back into perspective.
God bless you
Thanks for taking the time to read my story...even twice!!! You are right that this is a huge life change and I am feeling it. I dont think I am an angel...sometimes I wonder why God placed me in this position...but I know that he does not give us what we can not I keep putting one foot in front of the other! Stress has been doing a number on my body...I do believe things are getting better in the fact that I am starting to accept the fact that this will be a long term situation.
Thank you for your thoughts and words...I appreciate them so much!!!