Acceptable Foods

on 4/20/07 7:07 am - Phoenix, AZ
Y'know, when I talk to other people who have had WLS, it truly amazes me to hear the significant differences in what people are told they can eat at different stages during weight loss. I'm deathly afraid to try sweets, soda, or carbs for fear I'll get sick and I read messages on the main forum board, not to mention the monthly board matching my surgery date, of people eating all KINDS of those foods. It's so weird! I follow my surgeon's orders, but'd think there would be some agreement across the board as to what is ok and what isn't. Sheesh! Nicole
on 4/20/07 7:31 am - Austin , TX
I know what your talking about. You should see all the different programs for eating with the various surgeons for lap band patients. In reading so many questions from people on other programs, it makes me glad we're on Blackstones program. You have to wonder how these other people are going to be successful with some of the junk they are eating. Do they not understand this is a life changing reality? Do they really think magicaly they will drop a lot of weight and not gain it back when they aren't changing their eating habits???? Makes you wonder, I personally ignore the posts where they ask about what food they can have at the various stages and just feel lucky to be on such a comprehensive program like SBC's. I use to answer some of these people and tell them about the program I'm on. I stopped doing that, people got upset with me when I said certain things were a no,no. Like snacking, or artificial sweetener's. They weren't going for that, so I just decided they need to learn and follow whatever plan their on, the problem is, they dont have a program.....that's why they are asking all the questions! If they don't like the answer they get on the board, they just do whatever they want and hope they don't get themselves into too much trouble. It seems those are the people that have a hard time losing so one would think they would explore other nutrition plans since they apparently do not have one that works!
on 4/20/07 8:03 am - Phoenix, AZ
Seriously! I can't believe people have this surgery and go home with absolutely NO information about what they should and shouldn't eat. It's mind-blowing! You almost have to preface any nutritional advice you give with "Every surgeon is different, BUT..." I feel fortunate to have been given such a comprehensive aftercare program like SBC's, too! We rule!
on 4/20/07 7:49 am - Layton, UT
Nicole, Your amazement in people's differences equals mine! I'm 4 1/2 years post-op and just when I think I've seen it all....along comes another theory on what we should be eating or what we can "get away with"!!!! I had a surgeon who had a pretty great pre-op and post-op program BUT, I had done oodles of my own research prior to my surgery and since I considered myself to be somewhat intelligent, I knew that some of "his" philosphies were archaic!!!! I developed my own good plan based on pieces of many programs. So, it's great to have faith in one's surgeon BUT it's better to be up with the latest news on OUR bodies and OUR type of surgery personally! The American Society of Bariatric Surgeon's meets once a year to present their studies, their theories, their latest information. Those results are what each of us should really be going on. For instance, some programs suggest that 60 protein grams should be our goal for each day. The ASBS recommends 100 plus.... Obesity Help tries to stay up with the latest and greatest findings so that their info is progressive. My babbling has a point! We should never take anyone's (including our very good Bariatric surgeon) word alone. We should be our own advocates for what is best for our bodies. Vitalady will be speaking at the Scottsdale Marriott on Monday June 18th. She'll be straight from this years ASBS conference and will give us the most recent research! You can e-mail me off list if you're interested in the details. All are welcome! She helps thousands of post-ops reach goal, maintain their goals, and teaches the best nutritional route to get there! Joyce [email protected]
on 4/20/07 8:05 am - Phoenix, AZ
I hear you, Joyce. I'm sure I could tolerate more variety than I'm eating, but I'm not willing to take any chances right now. When I get home and can access my personal email, I'll send you a message. I'm very interested in what Vitalady has to say! At the end of the day, I still crave a hamburger but make better choices! For now, anyway.
on 4/20/07 7:53 am
Nicole I hear ya ! Remember Blackstone's success is because of her beliefs and food choice is a big part of it all. Use the food list as a guide - but remember it's only a guide and how you decided to use your new " tool" is up to you , I can tell you I have some regrets with decissions I have made on food choices in the past - I am now back on track and have the list plastered to my fridge. FEAR AT YOU STAGE IS A GOOD THING !!! HANG IN THERE - YOU ONLY HAVE POUNDS TO LOOSE !!
on 4/20/07 8:07 am - Phoenix, AZ
It's funny you should mention a list on the fridge - I may have to try that. On days that I haven't pre-planned all 3 of my meals, I sometimes find myself standing in front of an open fridge going through my mental list of things I can eat. I need to stop doing that!
on 4/20/07 12:21 pm
Hi Nicole and everyone else, I agree with all of you on following the guidelines our doctors give us. What we didn't point out though was that certain people don't want to do what is given to them as a valuable tool. I work with a person who had wls surgery (with the same doctor I did)and I just about fell out of my chair on Wednesday when I saw her eating a piece of chocolate cake! She eats candy at times (M&M's) with the theory that if she takes them one at a time she won't eat as many and it won't hurt her. The sad part of all of this is that I don't think she is taking her vitamins like she should and not eating the protein she needs on a daily basis. I am so sad to see her do this as I believe she is hurting her health for down the road. She has kept her weight down but not in a healthy way. So I guess it is up to each and every one of us to take care of ourselves and not forget to use the tools we have. Hugs, Gina
on 4/20/07 3:53 pm - AZ
I get so jealous that bypass folks lose literally a butt load of weight so quickly BUT we banders do get to eat a wider variety of foods. There are big differences in what foods banders and bypass folks can eat. -Jenn C. in Chandler p.s. Those bites of my friend's Key Lime pie at Bahama Breeze on Ray Rd was Yummy! p.s.s. Again, I'm rubbing in the sweets cuz I'm jealous of your greater weight loss.
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