on 4/16/07 1:54 pm - tucson, AZ
Is it common to lose slower when you have started out at a lower weight than what would be considered norm for surgery. I guess my question is this: I have had a major stall for the last 2 1/2 months. I play around with 2 lbs here and there. I am getting in 90+ grams of protein a day. Only treat myself to carbs on the weekends, and not alot at that. I drink water like it is going out of style. I do walk alot. I logged my calories with and I am still doing wonderful. I only needed to lose 97 lbs total, does this mean that it will take me longer to lose weight then someone who started out a bit heavier?
on 4/16/07 11:25 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Hi Sally, I started at 232 lbs in January. That gives me a total of 82 lbs to make goal. I lost 19 lbs on my own before surgery because Dr. Blackstone said I was a high risk patient. She said if I could drop weight before surgery it would help, needless to say I starved and exercised myself hard that last month pre-op. On Feb. 9th, my surgery day, I was down to 213. At that point I was 63 lbs. to goal. I lose about 2 lbs a week. I am currently 182 lbs, 32 lbs from goal. This last week I lost 1 lb. and I expect from here out I will slow down. I treadmill/eliptical 3 times a week for 30+ minutes. I also lift weights and treadmill another 3 times a week. Sunday is my only "day off". I use to help me with my lifting program. It costs $10 a month, much cheaper than a personal trainer. They have another option where you consult a trainer via email for $50 a month. I did not opt for that as I do have 10 sessions pre-paid with a personal traininer that I will start in May. I believe exercising will help keep the weight coming off. If you have a pedometer try to get 10,000 steps a day. I see many using that for a goal for fitness. I bought a NL-800 (about $45) from from DJ's recomendation. It uses a computer chip to count steps. It is much better than the one the hospital gave me. Make sure you buy the extra strap. It will keep you from having it possible fall off. Good luck, Doc
on 4/17/07 10:57 am - tucson, AZ
Thanks Doc, you are a sweetie. I had surgery in June 2006, so that makes it 10 months now. I have only lost 75lbs. I have stayed this weight now for about 2 months. I sure hope that I am not done losing. I now weigh 139 and my goal weight is 114. I have 25 lbs to go. I also do the treadmill and elliptical, and just general long walks. I have kept up on all my protein, water and watching the carbs thing. But, I am going to look into the pedometer thing, that was great advice. Thanks 214/139/144
on 4/17/07 5:37 am
Hi Sally, I started at 215 and have lost 30 pounds. When I spoke to the doctor before he explained that my weight loss was right where they wanted it. He indicated that it would go slower for me due to the less weight that I have to lose. At first I was frustrated, then I thought to myself... when have I ever lost 30 pounds in 3 months and known there was more to lose and it would stay off! I am proud of my results...why? Because they are mine! Go easy on yourself. I did have someone say that if you stall try and use only the protein drinks for a few days and see if that will help jumpstart you. Best wishes, Gina
on 4/17/07 10:59 am - tucson, AZ
You are sooooooo right.......I should be happy that I have lost 75lbs thus far. Thanks for helping me see the better picture. I can't ever remember losing that much. And, my health is awesome now. Have a great day. 214/139/114
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