Virginia Tech Card from AZ

on 4/16/07 11:12 am - AZ
Arizona OH Friends-- I was a mile from the Pentagon in 9-11 and I provided counseling to children with family in the Pentagon. I really feel empathy for those impacted by large scale crisis. Please, reply to this post with comments and encouragement for our OH friends in Virginia who have been impacted from the largest shooting spree in U.S. history. At the time of this post, 33 people are dead and 25 others are injured from the shooting at Virginia Tech. After, I get your repsponses, I will then post all of our comments onto the Virginia OH board as a card from their friends in Arizona. Thanks! -Jenn Carson
on 4/16/07 4:27 pm - UT
My thoughts and prayers go out to all of the families and friends of all of the students and staff that were affected by this tragedy. I am sure I will never know the magnitude of grief that is going on tonight, I can only imagine. I put myself in the shoes of the parents who lost a bright child who was going to become an educated and bright adult in this world; or in the shoes of the spouse of a professor who chose a such a noble profession and dedicated his/her life to improve the lives of so many others...... so very sad and inconceivable.. May God Bless you and ease this burden of pain for you.
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