Need info on a good psychologists that help with Weight Loss/Behavior Modification
Hello everyoney,
I am trying to get names of different psychologists that are in the Phoenix Metropolitan area (preferably on the East sid of town because I live in Chandler) that people know & can recommend as good weight loss counselor to help with Behavior Modification to help someone with weight/food issues. I know I have unresolved issues, not even sure exactly what, where I may self sabotage myself in the goal of losing weight. That is why I am looking for information what weight loss counselors/psychologists that people would recommend as good because they themselves were helped by this person.
Can anyone help me here?
(I am going to support groups, but I believe I also need the personal help a weight loss counselor could help me with my internal issues).
Thanks so much!
I could only tell you who not to go to. Sorry. Your best bet in addition to finding a good councelor is to begin writing/journaling. It seems like self-absorption and you may hate your thoughts or the tone (I whine when I write to myself) but it has always been the best tool to exerorcise my inner being. You sound very honest as you estimate your self in the post so I would think your an excellent canidate for authentic healing. Let the journey begin and good luck!